Test 5 Flashcards
BMI > or = 30
> 95th percentile
BMI between 85th-95th percentile
Nutrient deficit with vegan diets
- Protein
- Vitamin B12
- Iron
- Calcium
- Zinc
- Riboflavin
- Vitamin D.
- Essential fatty acids.
how much vitamin D should be supplemented
400 IUs daily once discharged from hospital
OTC or prescribed medication that decreases fat absorption
Orlistat age requirements
For children 12 years and older.
OTC prep for >18 years
Orlistat contraindications
gallbladder disease, malabsorption syndromes, pregnancy, and sensitivity to the drug
Bariatric surgery only for children with these requirements
- Extreme obesity persists despite participation in a formal weight management program
- Have attained a Sexual Maturity Rating or Tanner 4 or 5 pubertal development and final or near-final adult height
- Have a BMI of greater than 40 or a BMI greater than 35 with significant comorbidities
- Have no underlying untreated psychiatric disorder
- Demonstrate ability to adhere to lifestyle changes such as healthy dietary and physical activity habits
- Have access to a Pediatric Bariatric Surgery Center that provides long-term follow-up
calcium supplements
Breastfed infants/formula fed infants receive sufficient calcium and should not be given a supplement
iron supplements
Iron supplementation is recommended at 1mg/kg/day starting at 4 months for breastfed infants
infant benefits from breastfeeding
decreased risk of:
- asthma
- obesity
- DM2
- ear and respiratory infections
- GI infections (diarrhea, vom)
- NEC for preterm infants
mother benefits from breastfeeding
decrease risk of:
- hypertension
- DM2
- ovarian cancer
- breast cancer
- mother loses weight
- delays menstrual cycle
Most benefits if breastfeeding lasts at least ____ months
6 months
breastmilk jaundice
elevated serum indirect bilirubin concentration
breastfeeding frequency
infant should be going to the breast 8 to 12 times (or every 2 to 3 hours) in 24 hours for approximately 20 to 45 minutes at each feeding.
switching to solids
exclusive breastfeeding until approximately 6 months old and continued breastfeeding, supplemented with appropriate foods for infants for the first year or longer as mutually desired for mother and infant
storage of breast milk
- Unfinished bottle good for 1-2 hours at room temp
- Fresh pumped breast milk can be immediately stored in the fridge for up to 8
- Breast milk can be in refrigerator freezer for 3 months
- Breast milk in a freezer which maintains a temp of 0 degrees for 12 months.
breast budding
Thelarche timing
8 and 13 years old, with the average onset at 10.3 years.
Most girls (85%) experience the development of breast buds approximately 6 months before the appearance of pubic hair.
pubic hair development
due to adrenal development
Adrenache timing
Starts at about 11.5 years old
First menstrual period
Menarche timing
Occurs, on average, at 12.5 years but age of onset ranges from 9 to 15 years.
Menarche occurs approximately 2.5 years after thelarche
HEADSS assessment
H—home and environment E—education and employment A—activities D—drugs S—sexuality S—suicide/depression