Test 4 study Flashcards
Son of Livia (2nd wife of Augustus) adopted as Augustus’
heir. Succeeds Augustus 14 C.E., bitter & resentful. Retires to
Capri to escape assassins and petitioners. No living children,
so adopted as his heirs, grandson Caligula and
grandnephew Tiberius Gemellus. Died 37 C.E. Possibly
assassinated by Caligula.
. “Little Boots.” Possibly smothered Tiberius in order to
become emperor, probably had his co-heir Tiberius
Gemellus killed. Probably insane. Assassinated by
conspiracy of Praetorian guards 41 C.E
Nephew of Tiberius, handicapped (lolling tongue, speech
impediment, severe limp). Spent quiet life writing and
studying. Passed over for the succession until Caligula
assassinated. He was the only Julio-Claudian left. Good
administrator, but ruthless and poor in choice of wives.
Married Agrippina (Caligula’s sister) and was compelled to
adopt her son Nero over his own son Britannicus. Probably
poisoned by Agrippina, 54 C.E
Son of Agrippina, adopted son of emperor Claudius, student
of Seneca, friend of Lucan, emperor (5-year “golden age”),
killed 68 C.E., after revolt of armies led by Galba.
Comparatively impoverished aristocrat, politician, a
Popularis, who worked with Crassus and Pompey,
eventually driven to become leader against Pompey’s
Gaius Julius Caesar
Instituted reign of terror, introduced proscriptions, made
himself dictator, made drastic reforms to secure the power
of, the Optimates.
Lucius Cornelius Sulla
The leader of the Optimate forces against Caesar. Died 48
B.C.E. in Egypt, assassinated by Ptolemy XIII.
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Extremely wealthy politician who destroyed the forces of
Spartacus. Killed in the war against the Parthians in 53 B.C.E.
Thracian slave/gladiator, leader of slave revolt in Campania.
Advocate and politician, Consul in 62, attempted to
reconcile Optimates and Populares
Daughter of Caesar, wife of Pompey, died in child-birth.
Wife of Pompey, accompanied him to Egypt.
Self-appointed moral opponent of the populares, and
particularly of their leader Caesar. Died in Africa, of a self inflicted wound, because he refused to live under Caesar’s
Wife of Cato the Younger. At Cato’s request she divorced him and married his friend Hortensius. At Hortensius’
death, she remarried Cato.
Descendant of Ptolemy I, general to Alexander. Married her
brother, Ptolemy XIII, was exiled, gained Caesar’s favor and
was installed first as her brother’s co-ruler and then, when
he was killed, as sole ruler of Egypt. She had one child by
Caesar, named Caesarion