Test 2 Study 2 Flashcards
Orator, polotician, supporter of Pomopey, Enemy of Caesar and Mark Antony.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Proconsul of Gaul 59-49 BCE
Gaius Julius Caesar
Made “public enemy” Jan. 1, 49 BCE, Marched on Rome, was victorius at battle of Pharsalus 48 BCE, appointed Dictator at Rome in 49 BCE
Gaius Julius Caesar
Lover of Cleopatra, assassinated at Rome Ides of March 44 BCE
Gaius Julius Caesar
Daughter of Caesar, wife of Pomoey, died 54 BCE
Proconsul in Asia, fought battle with Parthians at Carrhae 53 BCE, defeated and killed
Defeated at Battle of Pharsalus 48 BCE, escaped to Egypt, where he was assassinated at the order of the boy Pharaoh, Ptolemy XIII
Gaius Pompeius Magnus
Correspondent of Cicero, whose letters tell us a great deal about the last year of peace, 50 BCE
Marcus Caelius Rufus2
Optimate who changed sides to defend Caesar against the machinations of Pompey
Kindess, generosity, mercy
Agreement, peace, cooperation between differing factions at Rome
Politician, optimate, died from suicide in 46 BCE as a martyr for the republic
Marcus Cato
Caesar’s associate, consul 44 BCR heir to Caesar’s army, successor to Caesar’s power.
Marcus Antonius
Caesar’s nephew, heir to Caesar’s wealth and name, successor to Caesar’s power.