TEST 4: Obesity Flashcards
Obesity overview
(Lecture, p. 723)
-A metabolic disorder that develops when calorie intake exceeds energy expenditure over time in genetically susceptible individuals
-In adults, obesity= BMI > 30
-Class 1: BMI 30 to 34
-Class 2: BMI 35 to 39
-Class 3: BMI > 40 “severe”
-In kids:
-BMI > 95th percentile for age and gender
—120% of 95% peregrine or greater OR 35 kg/m2 or greater
Adipose tissue
What is it?
What are the types (4)
(P. 723)
-Provides insulation and mechanical support
-Body’s major energy reserve to fuel other tissues
4 types:
-Bone marrow
GEM- MOST fat in the body is white
White adipose tissue (WAT)
What is it?
Where is it?
What does it do?
(P. 723, AO)
-Comprises the majority of adipose tissue in the body
-Located in visceral (central) and subcutaneous (peripheral) stores
-Contributes to the regulation of energy homeostasis:
-Crucial for storing excess energy in the form of triglycerides and releasing that energy when needed
-in excess, contributes to obesity and metabolic disorders (increases insulin resistance and inflammation)
Adipokines deregulated vs.
Adipocytes regulated
Leptin, adiponectin, resistin, RBP-4 when deregulated:
-HTN, CVA. Obesity, DM, Arthritis, metabolic syndrome, NASH
Adipocytes when regulated (a million types listed):
-Appetite, satiety, insulin sensitivity, fat distribution, energy, blood pressure, metabolic health
White adipose tissue
Contribution in times of excess
When the energy balance is positive, excess fat is stored in white Adipocytes:
-Cells hypertrophy and become hyperplastic
-Causes dysregulation of adipokines—> pro inflammatory state and altered lipid metabolism—> contributes to obesity comorbidities
Altered Adipocytes—> insulin resistance (lipolysis and release Of FFA)—> macrophage infiltration (TNF-alpha and IL-6)
Appetite and satiety control
Where in the brain?
Neuron types?
(AO, slides)
-Controlled by arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus (responsible for balancing metabolism)
-Arcuate nucleus has 2 types of cells:
1. Orexogenic neurons: stimulate appetite decrease metabolism
2. Anorexic neurons: suppress appetite and increase metabolism
Orexins= neuro peptides that stimulate appetite
Anorexins = neuro peptides that inhibit appetite
(P. 727)
-Produced in the stomach in response to hunger
-Ghrelin receptors in hypothalamus—> growth hormone that—> release gastric acid, increases GI motility, pancreatic secretion of insulin
-Lean people: elevate with hunger and fall after eating
-In obesity: levels remain elevated after eating (increased body weight and fat mass)
-Produced in the brain and peripheral nerves
-Increases appetite, nutrient absorption and lipogenesis
-Increases peripheral and central adipose tissue accumulation
-Produced by Adipocytes, acts on hypothalamus
-Decreases appetite and energy expenditure
-As Adipocytes increase, Leptin secretion increases
High levels of Leptin lose effectiveness (Leptin resistance) —> disrupts hypothalamus signals of satiety—> overeat—> increased weight
Glucagon-like Peptide-I :
-Stimulates pancreatic glucose dependent insulin secretion
-Decreases gastric emptying—> decreased appetite and increased satiety
(P. 726)
-An Anorexin, increases energy expenditure
-Has insulin sensitizing and anti inflammatory properties
-Levels will decrease in obesity—> increased insulin resistance, increased CAD risk, and increased inflammatory markers.
Shifts in obesity from normal
Ghrelin and endocannabinoid—> does NOT decrease after eating, so you lose the feedback loop to stop hunger (increases appetite)
Leptin, GLP-I, adiponectin—> levels are high but there is resistance, so you lose the signal to stop eating, lose the satiety sensor, and lose protective properties
Apple vs pear shape obesity
-VISCERAL obesity: accelerated lipolysis, increased inflammation and metabolic syndromes
-Associated with HIGHER risks of obesity related health issues (of more concern)
-PERIPHERAL obesity: fat is less metabolically active, releases fewer adipocytokines—> risk of obesity is less severe
-Associated with lower obesity related health complications (of less concern)
Obesity as multi-system syndrome
-Chronic complications are associated with > 200 health conditions
-Underlying etiologies: chronic inflammation, metabolic disorders, increased free fatty acids
Cardiovascular: Atherosclerosis, HTN, CAD, HF, renal disease, CVA
Cancer: Breast, colon, renal, stomach, pancreatic, liver, ovarian/ endometrial
GI: GERD, gallstones, fatty liver
Pulmonary: Sleep apnea, asthma exercise intolerance
Musculoskeletal: osteoarthritis, back pain, plantar fasciitis
Endocrine: insulin resistance, type 2 DM,
Obesity treatment
-Is a chronic, relapsing disease
Treatment focus areas:
-Address metabolic abnormalities
-Lifestyle change
-CBT/ support groups
-GLP-I and GIP receptors agonists
-Bariatric surgery (Gastric bypass, roux-en-Y, gastric banding, gastric sleeve)
-Hormone Produced by adipose tissue
-Signals the hypothalamus to suppress appetite and stimulate energy expenditure
-In obesity, elevated leptin levels can lead to leptin resistance so its effectiveness is reduced and hunger is not suppressed (ie you always feel hungry)
-Hormone secreted by the stomach
-Known as “hunger hormone”
-Stimulates appetite and promotes food intake
-Ghrelin levels rise before meals and fall after
-In obesity, patterns are altered and Ghrelin’s suppressive effect on hunger is reduced