TEST 3: Shock Flashcards
Basic principles of shock
(Lecture, p. 1557)
-Inadequate tissue perfusion—> decreased oxygen and nutrient delivery —> impaired cellular metabolism
-Can have increased oxygen demand and nutrients (hyper metabolic state)
-Can have decreased removal of cellular waste
Cellular changes in shock
(Lecture, p.1558)
Main problem of shock at the cellular level:
-We switch from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism (d/t overconsumption of oxygen)
When anaerobic metabolism starts:
-Increased lactate, metabolic acidosis, increase in the oxy-hgb dissociation
-Next, protein metabolism increases, causing increased muscle wasting( decreased real and cardiac muscle strength) decrease immunoglobulin (will decrease your immune response) and increased cellular edema (inflammatory response that activates the clotting cascade)
-Lastly, decreased ATP, which increase intracellular Na/ water, decreased circulating volume, and can also trigger the clotting cascade
Metabolic changes in shock
- Increased glucose (from catecholamine, cortisol, and growth hormone release; BUT insulin resistance) which causes:
Increased protein breakdown, increased pyruvate, increased lactate (also increases insulin resistance) - Inability to use glucose/increased insulin resistance causes:
Increased gluconeogensis and glycogenolysis (which deplete energy store and increase cell failure), also increase Lipolysis (so you increase the amount of free fatty acids and triglycerides).
INTERESTING: except in the liver, kidneys and muscles, the body’s cells have extremely limited stores of glycogen. The total body stores can fuel the metabolism for only about 10 hours. Though depletion of fat and glycogen stores is not considered organ failure, but contributes considerably to Cellular failure.
General shock management
-Consider patient history, risk factors, clinical situation
-Tx: address under lying cause, improve tissue perfusion, improve oxygen delivery, support metabolic demands and manage hyperglycemia
Stages of shock
- Compensated:
Where the body is still able to compensate for relative or absolute fluid loss (patient is able to maintain adequate BP and cerebral perfusion)
—-vasoconstriction, increased HR & contractility maintain CO, activation of RAAS - Decompensated:
Late phase of shock where body’s compensatory mechanisms are unable to maintain adequate perfusion to the brain and vital organs
—-vascular collapse, decreased CO (all the predictable symptoms) - Irreversible:
Rapid deterioration of the cardiovascular system and the compensatory mechanisms have failed—> MODS–> DEATH
Cardiogenic Shock etiology & characteristics
(Lecture, p. 1567)
Results from the inability of the heart to pump adequate blood to the tissues and organs
3 primary etiologies:
-Decreased contractility (pump failure): from MI, sepsis, contusion, dysrythmia, papillary muscle rupture
-Impaired diastolic filling: arrhythmias
-Obstruction: PE, tamponade, valve disorders, tumors, wall defects
-Caused by extensive myocardial damage and aggravated by inflammatory response
Defining characteristics: hypotension and hypoperfusion despite adequate LV filling pressure & intravascular volume
-Also results in metabolic acidosis and is often fatal
Cardiogenic shock compensatory mechanisms
(Lecture, p. 1567)
2 main mechanisms
- Decreased CO = Activates RAAS and stimulates ADH (which increases volume) —> preload, SV, HR increase—> causes systemic and pulmonary edema (causing dyspnea)
- Decreased CO = activates catecholamine compensatory release—>
Causing increased SVR, preload, SV, HR—>which increases myocardial oxygen requirements (worsening the failure/ shock)—> leading to decreased CO/ EF
—> worsened tissue perfusion, low BP
—> ischemia, impaired cell metabolism, worsening myocardial dysfunction
Cardiogenic shock manifestations/ treatment
(Lecture, p. 1567)
-Caused by inadequate perfusion to the heart and lungs
-CP, dyspnea, faintness, impending doom
-Tachycardia, tachypnea, hypotension, JVD, low CO
-Signs of poor perfusion: mottling, cyanosis, low UO
-Extra heart sounds, pulm edema, hypoxemia
-Elevated end organ lab values (LFT/ BUN/ Creat)
-Treatment: support the pump, remove the obstruction/ PCI to open coronary arteries, IABP, impella, ECMO
Hypovolemic Shock
(Lecture, p. 1568)
-Caused by reduced intravascular volume (preload) from loss of whole blood (hemorrhage), plasma (burns), or interstitial fluids (diaphpresis, DM, emesis, diuretics) in large amounts, which reduces CO.
-Symptoms occur with 15% of intravascular volume loss
-Whole blood: hemorrhage
-Plasma: burns
-Interstitial fluids: diaphoresis, DM, DI, emesis, diarrhea, diuretics
Defining characteristics: compensatory mechanisms up to a certain point and then they fall off a cliff
Hypovolemic shock compensatory mechanisms
(Lecture, p. 1569)
Decreased volume causes decreased CO= interstitial fluid shift into intravascular spaces, aldosterone and ADH to increase fluid reabsorption, and splenic discharge (disgorges stored rbc’s and plasma)
Decreased volume caused decreased CO= catecholamine release—> increase SVR /HR/ contractility (which increases CO)
Note, if loss continues, compensatory mechanisms fail and tissue perfusion is further decreased
Prompt control of hemorrhage is main goal
Hypovolemic shock manifestations/ treatment
(Lecture, p. 1568)
-High SVR: pallor and cool extremities
-Low Preload (RA/ CVP) and tachycardia
Fluid/ blood replacement
Neurogenic shock (aka vasogenic)
(Lecture, p. 1566)
-Widespread, massive vasodilation that results from an imbalance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system stimulation of vascular smooth muscle
-Etiologies (anything that stimulates parasympathetic activity and inhibits sympathetic activity) :
-Trauma: spinal cord or medulla
-Conditions that deprive medulla of oxygen or glucose
-Depressive drugs, anesthetic agents, severe emotional distress, pain
Defining characteristics: hypotension with bounding peripheral pulses and flash cap refill/ bradycardia
GEM hallmark sign of neurogenic shock is very low SVR (hypotension) as well as bradycardia
Neurogenic shock compensatory mechanisms
-Really no body compensatory mechanisms IN the body WE have to do something (Ie vasopressin)
Imbalance between sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation= massive vasodilation—> causing decreased vascular tone—> causing decreased SVR—> leading to inadequate CO and decreased tissue perfusion—> leads to impaired cellular metabolism
Anaphylactic Shock
(Lecture, p. 1565)
-Is the outcome of a widespread inflammatory and vasodilatory reaction to an allergic antigen (usually a protein)
-Etiologies: exposure to allergic antigen
-Anaphylactoid type— cold, exercise, and medication contaminants (not IgE mediated, non immunologic)
Defining characteristics: similar to neurogenic shock with vasodilation, peripheral pooling, and tissue edema/
Histamine, kinins, prostaglandins, complement, leukotrienes, serotonin
Anaphylactic shock compensatory mechanisms
-The second type of shock that doesn’t have internal compensatory mechanisms WE must intervene to treat
Antigen exposure—> trigger inflammatory response—> mild to severe response (usually more extreme)