Test 4 (H&N, RCC, and Testicular) Flashcards
3% of all new cancers
Includes all areas of the head and neck: lips, oral cavity, etc.
17: 49670 new cases, 9700 deaths
Treatment depends on disease site
Sarcomas rare; carotid rupture rare but can be caused by RT or chemo and can be fixed by surgery and pressure
Head and neck (H&N) cancers
Occurs in younger age group more than other H&N disease, 20% under 30 years old
More common in Chinese than caucasians
Nasopharynx disease
3 parts of the pharynx
Upper part of pharynx connecting with nasal cavity above soft palate
Part of pharynx between soft palate and hyoid bone
Laryngeal part of pharynx extending from hyoid to lower margin of cricoid cartilage
5 risk factors of H&N cancer depending on site
Tobacco use and alcohol most important risk factor for disease site, smokeless tobacco
Advancing age over 50, older people
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
Occupational: asbestos, wood dust, leather, and metal breathed in nasal conchae turbinates, and sun exposure
Males, about 3:1 ratio
___% of lip cancer patients have outdoor occupation
No known cause of salivary or thyroid, but risk factor for thyroid
Radiation exposure
Histology that makes up the majority of all H&N cancers, comes in direct contact with carcinogen
Squamous cell carcinomas
4 early symptoms of H&N cancers
Changes in facial appearance
Sight and smell
Swallowing and speech
Ulceration and pain at primary site
5 H&N diagnostic tests
History and physical (H&P)
CT, MRI, and PET (recurrence and unknown primary): diagnostic information, lymph node (LN) involvement, etc.
Thyroid scans for thyroid cancer: thyroid tissue swelling and growth versus (vs) nodules
Lab studies
Biopsy for diagnosis, histology to determine treatment method
5 types of H&N skin cancer
Basal cell: common Squamous: common Merkel: more lethal than melanoma, consider LN involvement Skin appendage: consider LN involvement Melanoma: consider LN involvement
H&N skin cancer treatment
Mohs wide excision surgery
7 indications for thyroid cancer
History of low dose radiation exposure New nodule in patients over 40 years old Nodule fixation if thyroiditis is excluded Rapid growth Onset of hoarseness Palpable LN in neck Solitary nodule in any age male
Must have thyroid diagnosis before _______ or _______ done
Thyroidectomy or Iodine-131 (I-131)
Thyroid cancer treatment and treatment for advanced disease/mets
Radical surgery (thyroidectomy) and RT Chemo for advanced disease/mets
3 lips cancers and sites
Squamous cell most common on lower lip because sun directly hits it
Basal cell most common on upper lip and overall
Minor salivary gland cancers usually advanced or high grade
Treatment of squamous and basal cell cancer of lip and minor salivary gland cancer
Squamous and basal cell: surgery or RT, most concerned with cosmesis
Minor salivary gland: wide exision
3 major glands and number of minor glands
About 600 minor glands
2 types of oral and pharyngeal cancers
95% squamous cell if on mucosal surfaces
Minor salivary glands remainder
Treatment and treatment of advanced cases of oral and pharyngeal cancers
Tx: RT or surgery have same cure rate
Advanced: combination of surgery, RT, and chemo
H&N cancer mets usually by way of what and why?
LNs because 1/2 of body’s LNs in H&N area
Most common mets site of H&N cancer
3 treatments for speech production affected by a laryngectomy
Artificial larynx
Esophageal speech
Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP)
Learn to burp sounds, can take up to 6 months
Esophageal speech
Surgically created hole between esophagus and trachea with voice prosthesis inserted
Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP)
6 H&N radiation side effects
Watch for malnutrition: sore throat, hardest treatment for patients to tolerate
Radionecrosis and mandibular bone loss if in treated site
Redness of skin
Xerostomia: watch parotids
Inflammation and ulceration of mucous membranes, smoking and drinking make it worse
Softer toothbrush, swish and swallow, antiseptic mouthwash, etc.
Difficulty swallowing
3 xerostomia treatments
Sodium bicarbonate/baking soda helps fight infection and moistens mouth
Artificial saliva
Water bottle
Go to treatment for H&N cancer and mets treatment
Go-to: surgery and RT
Mets: chemo
4 factors of H&N cancer prognosis
Extent of LN involvement
Future lifestyle: quit smoking and drinking
5 year disease free survival of H&N cancer
Ratio of males to females for renal cell carcinoma (RCC)/kidney cancer
Males 2 to 1 over females
Median age of RCC
64 (older)
7 risk factors for RCC
Exposure to asbestos: main filtration
Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL)
Renal cystic disease while on hemodialysis
Genetic predisposition
Increasing age, rare under 45 years old
Obesity, cadmium and uranium exposure, and use of prescription diuretics (association)
Compared to non-smokers, risk of RCC increases ___% in males and ___% in female smokers
Angiomatosis in retina leads to angiomas in blood and lymph vessels
Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL)
Obesity especially in women accounts for ___% of kidney cancer in general
6 RCC histopathology subtypes and percentages
Clear cell: 75-80% Papillary: 10-15% Chromophobe: 5-10% Medullary: less than 1% Collecting duct: less than 1% Oncocytoma: uncommon