Test 4 (Chapters 10-13) Flashcards
Early Christian leaders in the days immediately following the apostolic age held ____________.
Oneness beliefs
Even after the emergence of the Trinitarian doctrine in the latter part of the second century, it did not replace Oneness as the dominant belief until around AD _________ and it did not become universally established until late in the fourth century.
________ was the most significant belief in the early second century with regard to the Godhead.
One of the most important doctrines in the first few centuries of Christianity was _____________, which affirmed both the absolute oneness of the Godhead and the deity of Jesus Christ
modalistic monarchianism
The effect of ____________ is to reaffirm the OT concept of one indivisible God who can and does manifest Himself and His power in many different ways. Furthermore, Jesus is identified as that one God who has manifested Himself through incarnation in a human body
modalistic monarchianism
Modalistic _________ can be defined as the belief that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are manifestations of the one God with no distinctions of person being possible. Furthermore, the one God is expressed fully in the person of Jesus Christ
Oneness believers believe Jesus was not subordinate or limited, but that the man Christ was subordinate to the ______________.
divine nature of Jesus
The Bible nowhere uses the word __________. The word three does not appear in relation to God in any translation of the Bible except the KJV, and only once in that translation (1 John 5:7)
The bible never uses the _______ word persons to describe God
The scriptures do not teach the doctrine of the trinity, but trinitarianism has its roots in __________.
__________ can be considered the true father of modern trinitarianism
The first ecumenical council of the church took place at Nicea in AD ________.
The doctrine of the trinity is nonbiblical in both terminology and in __________.
historical origins
The Bible does not mention the word _______ nor does it mention the word persons in reference to God
The word __________ connotes a human being with a human personality–an individual with body, soul and spirit. Thus, we limit our conception of God if we describe Him as a person.
God has manifested Himself in _________ ways, and we cannot even limit His ways to three.
Despite the protests of Trinitarians, their doctrine inevitably leads to a practical form of ___________.
A mystery in scripture is a divine truth previously unknown but now ___________.
revealed to man
Trinitarianism affirms the deity of Christ. However, it detracts from the ________ of Christ’s deity as described in the Bible
The basic problem is that trinitarianism is a ________ doctrine that contradicts a number of biblical teachings and many specific verses of scripture
The NT often describes the one God as the Father. This title emphasizes His role as _______ of all, as Father of the born-again believers, and as Father of the only begotten Son
The Bible uses the term Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit to refer to the one God. This describes what God is, and emphasizes God in ________
The Bible also uses the term ______ to refer to the one God, particularly to the mind, thought, plan or expression of God
Thus the word, Son never denotes deity alone but always describes God as manifested in the flesh, in Christ and sometimes focuses on Christ’s _______ alone
We cannot separate the Son from the _________. Therefore, the Son did not pre-exist the Incarnation except as the plan in the mind of God.