Test 1 (Chapters 1-3) Flashcards
The belief in only one God is called…
One who denies the existence of God is…
An atheist
One who asserts the existence of God is unknown and probably unknowable is…
an agnostic
One who equates God with nature and the forces of the universe is
a pantheist
One who believes in more than one god is
a polytheist
The belief in two gods is…
ditheism, a form of polytheism
______ is the belief in three gods and is also a form of polytheism
Three monotheistic religions of the world are…
- Christianity
- Judaism
- Islam
The doctrine of _______ does not classify the Holy Ghost as a separate person, but asserts belief in two persons of the Godhead
Christiandom has 4 basic views of the Godhead…
- Trinitarianism
- Binitarianism
- Monotheism with a denial of the full deity of Jesus
- Monotheism with the affirmation of the full deity of Jesus (oneness)
The classic expression of the doctrine of one God is found in _______
Deuteronomy 6:4
God chose Abraham because of his willingness to forsake the god of his nation and his father and to worship…
the one true God
Today, God still demands a ______of Him
monotheistic worship
The _____ word translated spirit (Ruwach) can mean wind, breath, life, anger, unsubstantiality, religion of the sky or spirit of a rational being
The ______ word translated spirit (Pneuma) can mean current affair, breath, breeze, spirit, soul, vital principle, disposition, Angel, demon or God
God is a spirit, meaning He can be everywhere at the same time-He is the only spirit that is _____
We cannot equate God with nature, substance or forces of the world because He has _______
Individuality, personality and intelligence
The Bible does not record any permanent manifestation of God until _______
Jesus Christ is born
Outside of the temporary manifestations of God, and outside of the NT revelation of God in Christ, scriptural references to the bodily parts of God are examples of __________
anthropomorphisms (figurative language)
In NT times, God chose to reveal Himself fully through _______. There is no possibility of separating God and Jesus. There is no visible God outside of Jesus
Jesus Christ
God is _______, for only one being can have all power
A sensual emotional nature of God is _______
One way God revealed Himself in the OT to humans on their level was through ______
A _______ is a visible manifestation of God
God manifested in the OT: (list 3)
Appeared to Abraham (Genesis 18)
Appeared to Job in the whirlwind (Job 38)
Wrestled with Jacob (Genesis 32)
In Daniel 3, Nebuchadnezzar described the 4th man in the fire as the son of God, but was using _______ and had no knowledge of the future.
heathen terminology
The NT records no theophanies of God in human form outside of _____, because there was no need for them. God is fully expressed in Jesus Christ.
OT people often used _____ to reveal something about the characteristics, history or nature of individuals.
God used names as a means of ______.
progressive self-revelation
God did not make known ______ of His name and its redemptive aspect to OT characters
the full significance
God’s name represents: (list 3)
God’s presence
the revelation of His character
God’s power/authority
________ is used more than any other in the OT to mean God
Eloah (singular)
The Hebrew plural, ________, denotes greatness, majesty and multiple attributes of God.
Elohim (plural)
__________ is the redemptive name of God in the OT and the unique name by which the one true God is distinguished from other gods in the OT.
YHWH (Jehovah)
In using Lord as substitute for _______, the translators were following ancient Jewish tradition of substituting Adonai for YHWH.
Jews wanted to safeguard against taking God’s name in vain, which violates the _______.
third commandment
God used various names and titles to reveal important aspects about His nature, though none of them are a complete revelation of ______.
God’s nature
Jesus means Jehovah’s ________, Jehovah our __________, Jehovah is _________.
savior, salvation, salvation
God reveals Himself fully through _______.
the name Jesus