Test 4 Flashcards
top 5 variables associated with 30-day mortality age > 80
- ASA status
- preop albumin
- emergency
- preop functional status
- preop renal impairment
frailty domains
- unintentional weight loss > 4kg past year
- exhausting (effort and motivation assessed)
- grip
- walking speed
- low physical activity
include in PACU handoff
- surgical/anesthetic course
- preop conditions warrant/influenced outcomes
- treatment plan
most common cause of airway obstruction immediately post op
loss of pharyngeal tone in the sedated/obtunded
cause of most upper AW obst
laryngospasm succs doses: IM/IV
IM: 2-4 mg/kg
IV: 0.1 - 0.2 mg/kg
PaO2/SaO2 value of hypoxemia
PaO2 < 50
SaO2 < 90
most common cause of post op hypoxemia
hypoxemia + hypoventilation =
give O2
This describes binding of O2 to Hg reducing Hg CO2 affinity.
Haldane effect
This describes process where inc concentrations of CO2 will decrease O2 affinity to Hg
Bohr effect
what is P50 on Hg Dis Curve
normal value
PaO2 value at which Hg is 50% saturated with O2
normal P50: PaO2 of 26-7 results in 50% of Hg saturation
derrangement of K+ and Mag in which directions will potential NMBAs
Dec K+
Inc Mag
(also hypothermia and acidosis.. ur welcome)
alveolar gas equation
lets hear it
room air
0.21 (BP - PH20) - (CO2/ 0.8)
FiO2 25% (1L O2)
0.25 (760 - PH2O) - (CO2/0.8)
MV increases ___ L for every ___ increase in PaCO2
MV increases 2 L for every 1 mmHg increase in PaCO2
why give narcan slow
what doses
pulm edema
40-80 mcg per dose give slow
overall, the most common cause of pulm edema perioperatively
TRALI: menifestation time, signs/sx/dx/tx
menifestation: 1-2 hr post transfusion (can be 6 hrs)
fever, hypotension (noncardiogenic pulm edema)
leukopenia (dec WBC) sequestered in lungs
dx: bilat pulm infiltrates, inc A-a gradient
tx: O2 and diuresis
virchow’s triad
lets hear it
- venous stasis
- hypercoagulability
- endothelial injury
post op PE related to
surgical trauma
liberation of Tissue Factor (TF) from subendothelial tissue into blood
stimulates thrombin=> clots
surgical induced hemostatic changes: mostly everything increased in chart except endogenous anticoags which are what?
all these decrease causing risk for clots:
- antithrombin III
- heparin cofactor II
- tissue factor pathway inhibitor
- protein C
- protein S
normal aPTT
minor blood aspiration removed by
at risk for gastric aspiration
- obese
- prego
- hiatal hernia
- trauma
chemical pneumonitis occuring during anesthesia as a result of gastric aspiration
Mendelson’s syndrome
bronchospasm associated drugs
- morphine
- demerol
- succs
- atracurium
- thiopental
- mivacurium
histamine related (caution w/ asthma/copd)
late cariac signs of inadequate oxygenation
most common cause of CV complication after non-cardiac sx
most common underlying cause of sudden cardiac arrest: 2 things
LV dysfunction
In PACU: hypotension is most commonly caused by
Hypotension slides
- myocaridal dysfunction treated with
- secondary dysfunction treated with
coronary vasodilators
afterload reduction agents
stop med causing issue
lab confirming allergic reaction
no differentiation btw anaphhylactoid (no prior exposure required) and anaphylactic (prior sensitization necessary)
____ is leading cause of HTN and tachycardia in PACU and produces pressor response called _________ ____.
pain is leading cause of HTN and tachycardia in PACU and produces pressor response called somatosympathetic reflex
relationship btw cooling and catecholamine system
hypothermia causes endocrine induced CATs
as cooling occurs vessels are more responsive to CATs
hypothermia effect on cardiac cycle
prolongs refractory period
(brady, afib)
pharyngeal funcition returns to adductor pollicis at what TOF ratio
ability to bite down tongue blade/ett corresponds to TOF of
alcohold withdrawal can result in ___ ____ - hallucinations, extreme combativeness, and confusion
delirium tremens
four categories of emergence delirium
circulation/resp (consider before others)
most common electrolyte disorders contributing to delayed awakening
post op pain more severe in
altered CYP2D6
Most common SE of opiods
bowel dysfunction