Test 4 Flashcards
Quadruple Alliance
Russia, Prussia, Austria, and England.
Louis XVII
King restored to power during bourbon restoration.
Principle of Legitamacy
Monarchs were the only way to keep order.
German Confederacy
39 German States set to replace Holy Roman Empire.
Prince Klemens Won Metternich
Austria in Congress of Vienna. Led congress of Vienna. Strong conservative, anti democracy and nationalism. Hated ideas of French Revolution.
Lord Castelereigh
England in Congress of Vienna. Set on weakening France.
Czar Alexandar I
Russia in Congress of Vienna. Wanted a Holy Alliance system where Christian monarchs fight revolutions. Not realistic, pope and Britain didn’t join in. Wanted free Poland, with himself as King.
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
France in Congress of Vienna. Played mediator between Prussia/Russia and England/Austria.
Karl Bon Hardenberg
Prussia in Congress of Vienna. Wanted Prussia’s territory back that was lost to Napoleon in 1807. Wanted northern German territory of saxony.
England’s Gain in the Congress of Vienna
Naval bases in Malta, Ceylon, and Cape of Good hope.
Austria’s gain in the Congress of Vienna
Lombardy, Venetia, Galicia, Illyrian Province (Adriatic Sea).
Russia’s gain in the Congress of Vienna
Most of Poland, Finland. Alexander I did become constitutional monarch of Poland and stayed autocratic czar of Russia as well.
Prussia’s gain in the Congress of Vienna
The Rhineland, part of Poland.
Sweden’s gain in the Congress of Vienna
Frankfurt Proposals
After defeat at Leipzig, Metternich of Austria offered that Napoleon could remain French emperor and retain Rhine frontier. Proposals rejected and was soon after defeated by quadruple alliance.
Concert of Europe
A doctrine pushing national self-interest. Contributed a common European harmony through collective responsibility and consultations.
Peterloo Massacre
Massacre in Manchester England in 1819 where troops fired on workers who were smashing machinery in a fueled reform. Time of industrial Revolution.
Liberal militant student unions that demanded a unified central government with a liberal constitution. Led to passage of Carlsbad Decree.
Carlsbad Decree
Decree in 1819 that banned and tightened control over university control.
The Greek Revolution
Nationalism rises in Greece and Turks defeat in in 1828 and Greece is independent by 1832. Bavarian prince became king.
Russian Revolution
Poverty and Tyranny cause this in 1825. Enlightened ideas and desire for economic equality with West. Death of Czar Alexander I. Crushed by Nicholas. Results were hundreds killed and exiled to Siberia.
Pavel Pastel
Ideological all leader that was hung in the Russian Revolution of 1825.
Miguel Hidalgo
A Mestizo priest that led poor masses in wars of Liberation in Latin America. From Mexico. Executed in 1811.
Jose Morelos
Mestizo priest after hidalgo continued his work in Mexico during Wars of Liberation in Latin America. Executed in 1815.
Augustine de Iturbide
Another leader of the wars of liberation in Latin America.
Simon Bolivar
Enlightened Venezuelan Creole army officer who fought for Freedom from Spain. Defeated Spanish in Peru, but Gran Columbia failed.
Jose de San Martin
Argentine Creole army officer who defeated Spanish forces in some areas of South America.
Charter of French Liberties
A constitution that created a two house legislature (of select property keepers, made ministers unsure who they were responsible to) and allowed freedom of the press. Restored by Louis XVIII beFore July days of 1830. Caused debate between ultra royalists, liberals, and students.
Louis Philippe
“Hijacker of the Revolution”. King of France after overthrow of last of Bourbon line, Charles V.
Francois Guizot
Louis Philippe’s Chief Minister. “Enrich yourselves” in decades to industrial revolution.
First police force in England created by Robbert Bobby. Seen as social suppression.
Reform bill of 1832
Introduced by lord Greg and Lord John Russell. Took 1.5 years to pass. Attempts to fix inequalities in British Parliamentary system, made voting more equal.
February Days
A brief cooperation between radicals and liberals after declaring the 2nd French Republic in 1848.
Luxembourg commission
National workshop that’s et wages and hours in 1848 after being declared 2nd French Republic. Dissolved.
A de Toqueville
“One part of the population against the other” during time of class warfare in France after 1848.
Party of order
Alliance of conservative monarchists and moderate liberals during time of Class warfare after 1848. Leader became Louis Napoleon Bonaparte.
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
Nephew. Man of people, “extinction of poverty”. Crowned self emperor and history repeated.
Bloody Italy
1848x radicals revolts gains Pope Pius IX after nationalism grows in Italy. Roman Republic created with Giuseppe Mazzini as 1st Triumvir and a military Oligarchy rules Rome.
Charles Albert
Leads independence against Austria during time of Bloody Italy of 1848. Forces Austria to flee. Soon taken back.
German Revolutions
- Successful revolts I. Germany. Caused by unemployment and famine anger. Seize noble rights and demand rights, got them.
Frederick William IV
Responded to German revolution violence in Berlin March of 1848 by announcing reforms. Also created Frankfurt assembly to pass constitutions.
Vienna March
1848, those in Vienna, Prague, Budapest. Student, intellectuals, and unemployed called for freedom and constitution. Metternich flees in disguise. Later students and intellectuals have to flee as Austria reasserts power.
People’s Charter movement
British response to radicalism. Chartists that’s supported manhood suffrage, annual elections, and salaries for members of parliament. Became more popular in 1848.
Nicholas I
Not well loved ruler of Russia, who crushed Decembrists. Created the Cheka.
Secret police in Russia that cracked down intellectual discussion groups in 1848 and exiled hundreds.
Vienna March
1848, those in Vienna, Prague, Budapest. Student, intellectuals, and unemployed called for freedom and constitution. Metternich flees in disguise. Later students and intellectuals have to flee as Austria reasserts power.
People’s Charter movement
British response to radicalism. Chartists that’s supported manhood suffrage, annual elections, and salaries for members of parliament. Became more popular in 1848.
Nicholas I
Not well loved ruler of Russia, who crushed Decembrists. Created the Cheka.
Secret police in Russia that cracked down intellectual discussion groups in 1848 and exiled hundreds.
Public health act of 1875
Pave roads and clean town streets of England during Industrial Revolution. Inspectors assigned to advise local issues.
Althorp’s act of 1833
Banned employment of children under 9 years, limited work day hours for certain ages.
Factory Acts (Along with Reform act of 1832).
Mine workers couldn’t employ women or boys younger than 10, for mine work. Hours limited further. Mandated attendance at school. Safer fencing on machines.
Trade Union Congress
Congress formed in 1868 by 5 larger unions. Won right to strike and developed new unions.
Karl Marx
Outraged by grossly unequal distribution of wealth and the exploitation of workers by the industrial capitalists. Writes communist manifesto. Revolution leads to “classless” society. Became leader of Socialist movement.
Robert Owen
Welsh businessman, textile mill owner. Says people shaped by surroundings. Makes model textile mills, saying different conditions would change workers. Created community of 2000 people.
Those unpleased with new technology in Industrial Revolution.
Edward Jenner
Invented the injection of diseases called vaccines in 1796.
Alexander Graham Bell
Invented the telephone in 1876.
Thomas Edison
Created light bulb that spread use of electricity in 1879.
William Rontgen
Made the x-Ray used for better surgeries in 1895. Use of corpses to train better surgeons.
Neoclassical art
Paintings based on Classical Greek and Roman art and culture that show heroic science from ancient history.
Romantic Art
Shoes scenes of family, nature, heroism, religious, and emotional subjects. Made to look better.
Realist Art
Based on details of daily life, common people. Not idealized, only truth.