Test #3 Practice - Weeks 7 - 10 Flashcards
How is the endangered species list managed?
Under the Endangered Species Act of 1973
Who oversees the ESA listing and protection of all terrestrial animals and plants & freshwater fish?
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Who oversees the ESA listing and protection of marine fish and wildlife?
NOAA’S National Marine Fisheries Service
The primary goal of the Endangered Species Act is:
To make species populations viable so they can be removed from the Endangered Species List
The only wildlife forensics lab in the world is located where?
Ashland, OR
A key piece of evidence that was used to trace elephant poaching to a particular region in Africa turned out to be
A red spider and several flies that are only found in a certain area
When an animal is so deformed or mangled that it is unrecognizable, what do the forensic researchers do in order to make an identification?
Have demisted beetles eat away all the flesh and body covering so they can look at a clean skeleton
Which US federal agency runs the world’s only forensic lab for wildlife
US Fish and Wildlife Service
True or False: The Northern Spotted Owl is a success story for the Endangered Species Act
What is CITES?
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (of wild fauna and flora); an international treaty on trade in the endangered species
True or False: An endangered species is a species in danger of becoming extinct throughout all or a substantial portion of their range
Why does the forensics lab spend time and money to track the endangered Brazilian Rosewood trees?
The cutting of those trees takes away critical habitat for many species in the Amazon
The idea behind Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) is to shift the focus from a ___ approach to a ____ approach.
A species approach to an ecosystem approach
What are 3 components that all Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) share?
- Healthy riparian and aquatic systems
- mature forest with structure
- protection of sensitive habitats
In the PNW, what is used as a measure of success for salmon HCPs?
The quality of the habitat
What is critical to the resilience of salmon that is lacking in hatchery raised fish?
Variation because it allows fish to adapt to changing conditions
___ out of every 5 salmon in the Columbia River are wild salmon
What are 4 predators that feed on the PNW Salmon?
Caspian Terns, Pike Minnows, Sea Lions, Cormorants
What do wild salmon provide ecosystems that hatchery raised salmon do not?
Nutrients from their carcasses
Fish like salmon are ___ to recover when their ecosystems are restored
The Columbia River is one of the most _____ river systems in the world
hydroelectrically dammed
What has the the answer to saving salmon during the past century been?
Produce salmon in hatcheries
What is ocean acidification?
Ocean water absorbs 30-40% of CO2, CO2 & H20 bond to create Carbonic Acid, the release of hydrogen ions from Carbonic acid & bicarbonate molecules releases hydrogen ions which add acidity and affects pH of ocean
How is biodiversity affected by increase in ocean acidity?
- Drops in metabolic rate
- drops in immune response
- increase parasites/bacteria
- destruction of coral
What is Calcium Carbonate?
A molecule used by coral, mollusks and crabs to grow and repair their exoskeletons
Why do some scientists believe overall cloud coverage will decrease, thus increasing the rate of global warming?
Phytoplankton populations will be reduced, thus they can’t create the chemical that contributes to the formation of clouds
What is hypercapnia?
Excess of CO2 which can mess with immune response, affect odors used to identify friend or foe, affect echolocation