Test #3- Just one stars Flashcards
Wu Pi Yin (Five Peel Drink) *
Actions: promotes urination
Indications: mild & generalized edema, esp. when superficial or interstitial, a broad acting diuretic patent
Zhen Wu Tang Wan (True Warrior Pills) *
Actions: Warms the KD & SP mobilizes yang, activates fluid metabolism, promotes urination
Indications: KD (& SP & HT) yang def., pitting edema, worse in the lower extremities, swollen ankles, cold extremities, palpation, abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, dizziness
Bi Xie Fen Qing Wan (Dioscorea bypoglanca Pills to Separate and Clear) *
Actions: promotes urination, leaches out dampness, warms the KD, separates the turbid from the clear
Indications: turbid lin syndrome: KD qi/yang def. w/damp accumulation in the lower jiao, cloudy/milky urine, urinary sediment, watery/ white leukorrhea
Ba Zheng San Wan (Eight Correct Pills) *
Actions: clears damp heat from Urinary Bladder
Indications: damp heat in lin syndrome: damp heat in the Urinary Bladder, acute burning pain during urination (acute urinary tract infection, cystitis, urethritis)
Tao Chi Pian (Guide out the Red Pills) *
Actions: clears heat, promotes urination, eases Lin syndrome
Indications: heat/damp heat lin syndrome, esp. HT fire transmitting to the SI, acute urinary tract infection, dark, scanty, strong smelling urine w/burning/irritation, cystitis, urethritis
Shi Lin Tong (Open Stone Painful Urination) *
Actions: clears damp heat, promotes urination, and dissolves stone and small calculi
Indications: KD & BL calculi d/t damp heat. Effective in dissolving & easing the passage of small stone, not effective for large stone & staghorn calculi. Both urinary and gallstone.
Ba Ji Yin Yang Wan (Morinda Pills to Balance Yin and Yang) *
Actions: warms & supplement KD yang, strengthen SP, benefits fluid metabolism, secures jing, astringes leakage of fluids
Indications: 1. KD yang qi def., leakage of fluids
2. KD & LU axis def., respiratory weak and hypersensitivity
Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan (Golden Lock Pills to Contain the Essence) *
Actions: consolidates the KD, secures Jing, prevents leakage of fluids
Indications: chronic leakage of fluids associated w/KD/SP qi def., urinary freq., nocturia, incontinence of urine, premature ejaculation, leucorrhea, excessive sweats, and diarrhea
*astringent & thermally neutral formula that simply restrains fluids, and usually combined w/a constitutional formula to deal w/underlying cause
Sang Piao Xiao Wan (Mantis Egg Case Pills) *
Actions: regulates & supplements HT & KD qi, astringents leakages of fluids, retrains urine, secures jing
Indications: HT & KD qi def., bed wetting in children, enuresis w/fearfulness/fright, freq. urination, nocturia, may fluctuate w/anxiety level
Dan Shen Pill (Salvia Compound Pills) *
Actions: Invigorates blood circulation in the chest, disperses stagnant blood & phlegm, fragrantly opens the vessels, regulates qi, stops pain
Indications: blood stagnation in the chest (cardiovascular disease, angina)
Dan Shen Yin Wan (Salvia Pills) *
Actions: Invigorates the circulation of qi & blood in chest & ST, disperses stagnant blood, stops pain
Indications: qi & blood stagnation in the HT/ST (coronary heart disease, gastritis)
Dang Gui Si Ni Wan (Dang Gui Pills for Frigid Extremities) *
Actions: warms & opens the channels, dispel cold, nourishes blood, unblocks blood vessels
Indications: cold accumulation in the channels & vessels causing chronic cold hand/feet
Da Chai Hu Wan (Major Bupleurum Pills) *
Actions: Harmonizes Shao Yang, purges heat and stagnation from Yang Ming
Indications: Shao Yang/ Yang Ming overlap syndrome
Yi Guan Jian Wan (Linking Decoction Pills) *
Actions: supplements LV yin, nourishes LV blood, regulates LV qi
Indications: LV yin & blood def. w/LV qi stagnation
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Wan (Remove Stagnant Blood from Beneath the Diaphragm Pills) *
Actions: invigorates the circulation of qi & blood
Indications: masses and swelling in the upper abdomen as a result of LV qi & blood stagnation
Zuo Gui Wan (Left Returning Pills) *
Actions: supplements KD yin, nourishes jing
Indications: KD yin and jing deficiency
Da Bu Yin Wan (Great Tonify the Yin Pills) *
Actions: deeply enriches and supplements KD, clears def. heat, coold the blood
Indications: LV & KD yin def. w/ def. heat, bone streaming, night sweats
Gu Ben Wan (Strengthen the Root Pills) *
Actions: nourishes KD, LU and ST yin, generates body fluid
Indications: dryness or yin def. of the LU, ST & KD
Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan (Seven Treasure Special Pill for Beautiful Whiskers) *
Actions: supplements and nourishes KD yin and LV blood, promotes hair growth
Indications: LV blood and KD yin def. w/hair loss, premature graying of the hair
Fu Gui Ba Wei Wan (Eight Flavored Rehmannia Pills w/Aconite and Cinnamon) *
Actions: supplements and warms KD yang
Indications: KD yang deficiency
You Gui Wan (Right Returning Pills) *
Actions: warms and supplements KD yang, nourish jing, supplements blood
Indications: KD yang and jing deficiency
Yang Ying Wan (Nutritive Pills) *
Actions: warms and supplements qi and blood, supports yang, strengthens wei qi, calms the shen
Indications: Qi and blood def. w/shen disturbances, insomnia, palpitations
Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan (Biota Pills to Nourish the Heart) *
Actions: supplements HT blood and yin, clears heat, calms shen
Indications: HT blood and yin def. causing shen disturbances, esp anxiety
An Shen Ding Zhi Wan (Calm the Shen and Settle the Zhi Pills) *
Actions: supplements yin, qi and blood, calms the shen, transforms phlegm
Indications: a neutral and general shen calming formula for qi, blood and yin def.
An Shen Bu Xin Wan (Calm the Shen and Supplement the HT Pills) *
Actions: subdues yang, calms the shen, supplements yin and blood
Indications: HT and LV yin and blood def. w/rising yang and relatively severe shen disturbance
Suan Zao Ren Tang Pian (Zizyphus Spinoza Pills) *
Actions: nourishes LV blood, calms the shen
Indications: LV blood def., shen and sleep disturbances
Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li Wan (Bupleurum, Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Pills) *
Actions: harmonizes Shao Yang, clears heat from LV and Intestines, transforms phlegm, clears phlegm heat, calms shen
Indications: LV qi stagnation, phlegm heat, LV yang rising and LV and HT fire, a very useful shen calming formula
Gan Mai Da Zao Wan (Licorice, Wheat and Chinese Date Pills) *
Actions: nourishes the HT, calms shen, and strengthens the SP
Indications: Zang Zao Syndrome