Test 3 Immune System Flashcards
What are the two components of Adaptive/Specific Immunity?
- Cell-Mediated Immune system
- Humoral Immune System
What Ab is a large pentamer produced by B lymphocytes & is first Ab to appear in response to initial exposure to Ag?
This Ab serves as a marker for recent infection?
What is defined by the formation of blood cellular components?
All cellular blood components are derived from?
Haematopoietic stem cells
In a healthy adult approx. how many new blood cells are produced daily in order to maintain steady state levels in the peripheral circulation?
10^11 – 10^12
What is the only Lymphocyte that participates in Class Switching?
B Lymphocytes
What does Class Switching mean?
B Lymphocytes switch the kind of Ab molecules they produce from larger, less efficient IgM forms to smaller, more efficient IgG forms