Test 3 Headaches (CNS, Brain) Flashcards
What are the 2 types of headaches?
Migraine headaches
Cluster headaches
What are the risk factors for headaches in general?
- Alcohol
- Environmental allergies
- Medication
- Intense odors, bright lights
- Fatigue, sleep deprivation
- Depression
- Emotional/physical stress, anxiety
- Menstrual cycle, oral contraceptive use
What are the Foods (triggers or risks for headaches)?
(Triggers or risk factors for heachaches)
Food containing tyramine: (nuts, pickles, caffeine, beer, wine, aged cheese, artificial sweeteners, sugar-free beverages)
caffeine, monosodium glutimate (MSG), nitrites, milk products
What is the pathology is migraines?
Migraines are Multifaceted:
- Vascular
- Genetic
- Neurological
- Hormonal
- Environmental
What are the symptoms of migraines?
Migraine symptoms:
- Intense pain, UNILATERAL (often behind one ear or eye)
- Descriptor –> Throbbing
- Worsens with movement
- Photophobia or phonophobia (sensitive to sound)
What are the 3 categories of migraine?
Migraines have 3 categories:
- Aura (Classical migraine)
- No aura (Common migraine)
- Atypical
What are the stages or phases of the Aura category?
Aura category:
-Prodromal stage
-Aura stage
-Second stage
-Third stage
Sense of migraine coming on
Migraine: With Aura
What is the prodromal stage?
Include awareness of findings for hours to days before onset: irritability, depression, food cravings, diarrhea/constipation, and frequent urination
Migraine: With Aura
What is the Aura stage?
Develops over minutes to an hour and includes: numbness/tingling of mouth, lips, face, or hands; visual disturbances (lights flashes, bright spots)
Migraine: With Aura
What is the Second stage?
Severe, incapacitating, throbbing headache that intensifies over several hours and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and vertigo (dizzy spells)
Migraine: With Aura
What is the Third stage?
(4 to 72 hours)
Headache dull
Older adults may continue with aura, and pain subsides (visual migraine)
What are the characteristics of the No Aura (common migraine) category?
No aura:
- 4 to 72 hours duration
- Pain aggravated by physical activity
- One or more of these present: photophobia, phonophobia, nuasea, and/or vomiting
- Unilateral, pulsating pain
What are the characteristics of the Atypical category?
- Headache lasting longer than 72 hours
- Ischemic infarction may be found on neuroimaging
- Neuro manifestations persist for 7 days
- Do not fit other criteria (unclassified)
Migraine (Patient Education):
What is the migraine “Three R” approach with a patient?
Migraine (Patient Education):
“Three R” approach:
“R”ecognize migraine symptoms
“R”espond and seek health care provider
“R”elieve pain and associated symptoms
What are nursing care considerations during a headache?
Nursing care during a headache:
- Maintain a cool, dark, quiet environment
- Elevate HOB to 30 degrees
- Administer medications as prescribed