Test 3 chapter 8 Flashcards
what is a substance other than food or water that, when taken into the body, alters its functioning in some way and is used for either therapeutic or recreational purposes
What is an excessive or inappropriate use of a drug that results in some impairment?
Drug abuse
what is a psychological and/or physiological need for a drug to maintain a sense of well-being or avoid withdrawal symptoms?
Drug addiction
what occurs when larger doses of a drug are required over time to produce the same physical or psychological effect that was originally achieved by a smaller dose.
what is a variety of physical and/or psychological symptoms that habitual drug users experience when they discontinue drug use?
Which type of alcoholics is this, cannot control drinking and tend to engage in compulsive behaviour such as hiding liquor bottles and sneaking drinks
chronic alcoholics
Which type of alcoholics is this, having trouble controlling their use of alcohol and planning their schedule around drinking
Acute Alcoholic
what is a psychoactive drug, a depressant which lowers the activity level of the central nervous system? Affecting mood and behaviour
Which type of alcoholics is this: the low-risk drinking guideline is 10 drinks per for women and 15 drinks for men (18.7% exceed this standard)
Chronic alcoholic
Which type of alcoholics is this: the low-risk drinking guide is 3 drinks occasionally for women and 4 drinks occasionally for men (13.1% exceed this standard)
Acute alcoholic
what is as legal as diet and pep aids, but can if abused produce psychotic symptoms
___ Amphetamine abuse can result in amphetamine psychosis, characterized by paranoia, hallucinations, and violent tendencies that may persist for weeks after the use of the drug has been discontinued.
Chronic amphetamine
Which perspective is this: drug behaviour is learned and influenced by families, peers, and others spending time with members of a drug subculture increases attitudes and behaviours. labelling a person “alcoholic” or “drug addict, they’ll have difficulty discontinuing use
Which perspective is this: all societies use drugs of some kind, as part of rituals, and social institutions of control (family, education, and religion) become disorganized. illicit drug activities serve important societal functions (government jobs) addictions of all kinds undermine individuals and society
Which perspective is this: Restricting the drugs that members of subordinate racialized/ethnic groups use is one method of suppressing the group and limiting its ability to threaten dominant group members or gain upward mobility in society. those who control politics and laws decide if drugs are legal or illegal
Which perspective is this: Part of the explanation of drug abuse by women has to do with women’s vulnerability and disadvantaged position, Men are socialized to take more risks than women