Test 3 Flashcards
What is the Bible?
the written record of god’s action in history, as fully manifest in christ
what is the ultimate living word?
Word of God
historical self-manifestation of God
2 components of Written Word
- Witness to self-manifestation of God.
2. Interpretation of Self-manifestation of God.
How general revelation and special revelation relate to the bible
general revelation would be enough, but humanity’s vision has been distorted by sin (calvin). so general revelation is now a PREPARATORY thing… Special revelation was necessary, and scripture documents special revelation. Therefore, scripture further clarifies general revelation completing our perception.
Word of God in Human Words
when God reveals himself, it is so experienced that it causes the recipient to formulate its content in words and phrases. the experience is limited by human words and by the writer.
“Image of the word.” sscripture is an image of the word (jesus).
Bible idolatry. it is the worshipping of the book. Bible is a MEDIATED AUTHORITY.
Progressive Revelation (calvin)
recognition that in scripture, many preparations came before the people were ready for Jesus. there was a gradual revelation.
something God does for those who have received the REVELATION to write and share ACCURATELY with others. Relaying of truth from the first person.
Theopneustos (2 Tim 3:16)
only occurs once in the bible. “All Scripture is INSPIRED by God”. literally, “GOD BREATHED”. .. related to the spirit of god outbreathing upon the writers–enabling them.
Mode of inspiration
uncertain as to how, “They were moved by HS…”
But we know that the personality of the writer was never set aside. the writing was never mechanical. Human research was done.
Plenary Inspiration
“fully inspired” view.. that all scripture is fully divinely inspired but all books have a different PURPOSE.
Inspiration is not necessarily equal to _______ or ________.
right or true
Books of hte bible differ in their ________ and __________.
application and purpose.
Scripture is both _____ and ______.
human and divine. it is a BLENDING of these elements
if D<H, scripture =
great world literature
if D>H, scripture =
mechanical dictation of god
H–><—D . dynamic interaction
Dynamic theory of inspiration
dynamic theory of inspiration holds that
inspiration is the quickening and stimulating of the natural powers of the HS to enable the writer. this rules out deification.
authority of Scripture is found in its _______ rather than its mode or manner of writing.
“authority of scripture is shorthand for god’s authority mediated through scripture.”
NT Wright
Bible gives church ____________ witness to church (3 things)
Essential— necessary
Sole– only source
sufficient— enough for its purpose to lead people into a relationship with god.
Historical positions on Authority of scripture (4)
+early church- scripture is authoritative as interpreted by the church
+RC trad - living, ongiong tradition is supplemented by tradition of hte church as an additional authority (DUAL authority)
+PRotestantism - luther strips away catholic idea and gets back to authority of scriipture
+Anglican - england saw scripture as authoritative as inteprpreted by R and T. (and later wesley adds E)
Inerrancy of scripture
every word of scripture is without error. it consists of scientific data.
Absolute innerancy view
the original manuscripts are without error, but this view allows some room for copying errors.
Limited Inerrancy view
scripture is entirely trustworthy for the purposes of which god inspired it. this allows for imprecision in text but not enough to undermine trustworthiness of its message
related to trustworthiness of scripture in relation to its purpose
“When Bible speaks within its intended purview, it does so with infallible authority” – ___________ view
infallibilitist view
“To instruct you for salvation through the salvation through savior jesus christ” (purpose of scripture)
Timothy 3:15… this is the purpose of scripture
All scripture is inspired by God
Timothy 3:16…. the doctrine of inerrancy draws from this verse.
Biblical interpretation.
Sola Scriptura
Scripture alone is authoritative for Christian Life. reformation and gutenburg back the importance of scripture and availability.
Reformers emphasize the ________ meaning of the bible text
meaning is derived out of the text and context
you bring your preconceived baggage into the text through outside meaning and agendas
Exegesis emphasizes CIE
Context is everything
Bullinger’s Five Rules ~ The Decades… these fall under the Natural view of scripture in reformation.
1 scripture should interpret scripture (analogy of faith)–you best understand the dark passage by looking at it in light of hte light scripture.
2 interpretation must pay attention to hte historical cultural and linguistic context of the author as well as the author’s intention.
3 interpretation should take into consideration the church’s understanding of scripture (tradition).
4 authentic interpretation should increase our LOVE for god and humanity (almost isogesical).
5 Scripture can only be rightly interpreted by those who love god and seek to do his will.
Canon of Scripture
a list of books that have been determined to meet a particular Standard: authoritative books inspired by god.
Canon, literally
“REED. ruler, measuring rod”
OT Canon’s origin
early church adopted OT canon from their parent Judaism. exact history is unclear.
3 categories of books in OT
Law - Torah (pentateuch-1st five)
Prophets - major; minor; plus historical writings.
writings - poetry; wisdom, all else.
Hierarchy of importance of OT books
Law; prophets; writings ; apocryphal books
“hidden things.” non canonical books. they come between OT and NT. They are still viewed as edifying.
We did not have an agreed upon NT canon until…
end of 4th century
Reasons for a NT Canon
1 once hte apostles died, the apostolic witness nedded to be maintained.
2 Heresies needed to be ratted out.
The best people to make the standards for the NT Canon….
those in apostolic succession to the apostles.
NT Apocrypha
“hidden things.” noncanonical NT books. they have problems. perhaps outright FALSE. suspect origin. We just have fragments.
Earliest account of a NT Canon
Irenaeus of Lyons in 200 AD. a listing was comprised in his church from his book, “Against Heresies”… at the same time, the church of rome comprised a list.
Muratorian Canon
Roman church Canon. discovered by archaeologist muratori. From 200 AD.
First canon Identical to modern day
Athanasius of Alexandria in 367 AD.
In 382 AD, ____________ the bishop of Rome, called a worldwide council of bishops representing churches at large. They reach consensus on NT Canon.
Damasus-bishop of Rome
The church maintains that _____ helped to put together the NT Canon
Holy Spirit
Canonical Criteria for NT Canon (AALR)
1) Apostolicity (was it written by an apostle/one closely associated?)
2) Antiquity (is the document old enough to be apostolic?)
3) Liturgical Use (does document have a history of use in the context of worship?)
4) Rule of Faith (does it agree with the creedal statements based upon the oral apostolic tradition?)
Oral ____________ helped us to determine what books should be in the canon
apostolic tradition
Salvation is a DOUBLE CURE
from Guilt (forgiveness) and Power (we don’t have to keep sinning)
Dimensions of Grace
Double Cure
Guilt ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Power
Justification ; ; ; ; Sanctification
What god has done for us ; what god desires to do in us
2 dimensions of grace
unmerited favor of forgiveness
the power to live a life that is pleasing to him.