Test #3 Flashcards
Employees who accept an assignment are responsible for the outcome
Centralized Organization
Authority is concentrated at the top and low-level managers have little decision-making authority
A permanent group that performs a task
Customer Departmentalization
Arrangement of jobs around different types of customers
Decentralized Organization
Decision-making authority is delegated as far down the command chain as possible
Delegation of Authority
Allowing employees to make commitments, use resources, and take necessary action
Grouping jobs into working units (departments, units, groups)
Functional Departmentalization
Grouping of jobs that perform similar activities (finance, manufacturing, marketing, HR)
Geographical Departmentalization
Grouping jobs according to location (state, region, country)
Informal channel of communication that is separate from management’s formal communication channels
Two or more people who communicate with each other and have a common goal
Line Structure
Simplest organizational structure where direct lines of authority extend from top manager to lowest level
Line-and-Staff Structure
Has a traditional line relationship between superiors, subordinates, and specialized managers
Matrix Strucutre
Sets up teams from different departments to create multiple lines of authority
Multidivisional Structure
Organizes departments into larger groups (divisions)
Organizational Chart
Visual display of the organizational structure and chain of command
Organizational Culture
Firm’s shared values, beliefs, traditions, rules, and role models for behaviour
Organizational Layers
The levels of management in an organization
Product Departmentalization
Organizing jobs in relation to the products of the firm
Product-Development Team
A project team formed to design and implement new products
Project Teams
Similar to task forces, normally run their operational and have full control over a project
Quality-Assurance Teams
Small groups of workers brought together to solve problems
The obligation on employees to perform tasks
Self-Directed Work Team (SDWT)
A group of employees responsible for an entire work process
Span of Management
Number of people who respond to a certain manager
Division of labour into small tasks and assigning employees to do one task
Relationship of positions within an organization
Task Force
Temporary group of employees responsible for creating a change
A small group whose members have the same skills, a common goal, and hold themselves accountable
Behaviour Modification
Changing behaviour and encouraging good actions
Classical Theory of Motivation
Suggests money is the sole motivator for workers
Compressed Workweek
40 hours are worked in 4-days or less
Equity Theory
Assumption that what employees are willing to contribute depends on the fairness of the reward they will receive in exchange
Esteem Needs
The needs for respect (self-respect and respect from others)
Expectancy Theory
Assumption that motivation depends on how much a person wants something AND how likely they are to get it