Test 3 Flashcards
What are communal friendships?
Close friends/emotional support
What are agentic friendships?
Helping friends
What are friends with benefits?
Friends who do sexual things without a relationship
What are the friendship rules?
- Show support
- Seek Support
- Respect privacy
- Keep confidence
- Defend eachother
- Avoid public criticism
- Make happy
- Manage Jealousy
- Share Humor
- Maintain equity
What are workplace relationships?
any relationship you have with a professional peer, supervisor, subordinate, or mentor
What is a organizational culture?
the distinctive set of beliefs and practices existing whthin an organization
What are organizational networks?
Systems of communication linkages within the workplace
7 Relational Maintenance patterns
Positivity Assurances Sharing Tasks acceptance Self-disclosure relationship talks social networks
What is the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
4 key terms couples are doomed to break up Criticism Defensiveness Contempt Stonewalling
What are the 4 dark sides of romance
What is conversation orientation?
communication about a wide or narrow range of topics
What is conformity orientation?
communication emphasizes similarity or diversity
Consensual Families
High, High
Pluralistic Family
High, Low
Protective family
low, high