Test 3 Flashcards
Split brain experiments
“Split brain” occurs when the connection from the left and right hemisphere (the Corpus Callosum) is cut and the two hemispheres are unable to communicate.
Procedure of severing corpus callosum in split brain patients
Results of split brain
EX: If the word “spoon” was on the left side of a patient’s visual field, and the word “apple” was on the right side of their visual field, they would be able to say “apple”, but not “spoon” because the language processing center of their brain is on the left, and what they see with their right eye goes to your left side of the brain
arcuate fasciculus
The connection between Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area
Broca’s aphasia
Speech: nonfluent Comprehension: intact Repetition: impaired Naming: poor R and W: impaired Paraphasia: rare Aware of disorder damage to left inferior, posterior frontal
Wernicke’s aphasia
Speech: fluent (talk fast and don’t make sense) Comprehension: impaired Repetition: impaired Naming: poor R and W: impaired unaware of disorder Paraphasia: common/ mixed damage to left posterior/superior temporal
Production of unintended syllables, words, or phrases during effort to speak (table to cup)
Phonemic paraphasia
syllables are produced in wrong order or words are distorted with unintended sounds (pipe to pike)
unaware of ones deficit
Make up words, could be words that dont exist
Conduction aphasia
Speech: fluent (umm, whats it called) Comprehension: intact Repetition: impaired Naming: poor R and W: good/ impaired Paraphasia: common-literal damage to acruate fasciculus (connection), and left parietal region
Semantic paraphasia
when an unintended word is inadvertently used in place of another (ex: patient says “my mother” instead of “my wife”)
ventral processing stream
“What is it?” recognition
V1 (Striate/Primary Visual Cortex), V4, inferior temporal cortex
dorsal processing stream
“Where is it?” location
V5 (MT)- motion , Parietal cortex
where are faces processed?
fusiform gyrus
What is prosopagnosia?
cant recognize faces or read facial expression.
Is there some evidence that patients with prosopagnosia recognize faces on an unconscious level?
There is some evidence that on an unconscious level they can recognize people. When hooked up to a heart rate monitor you can see an increase in heart rate when they see someone they know as well as an increase in breathing
blindspot in visual field, typically seen in patients who have had a stroke
condition where one whole side of the visual field is blinded, an entire side of the visual field is blinded because there is bilateral damage (damage above and below the calcarine fissure)
calcarine fissure
seperates upper and lower occipital hemisphere
low vision or blindness in one quarter of the visual field (type of hemianopia; damage occurs in the optic tract to visual cortex
What is the role of V4 in vision?
color vision
Damage to V4
loss of color vision, usually after a stroke
some colors dull, some turn black and white
AKA tactile agnosia.
It is having difficulty identifying an object through the sense of touch.
EX: say a water bottle is on a desk, when you pick up the bottle with your hand, you cant identify it as a water bottle. But when you are not touching it and just looking at it you can identify it as a water bottle.
What is visual agnosia?
the inability to recognize visual objects, once you touch it you know
Who was the first person to use the term “agnosia” to describe the neuropsychological disorder
Apperceptive agnosia
cannot perceive the object in front of them at all
so they cant copy it,
but they can draw it from memory
cannot recognize objects at irregular angles
damage to posterior occipital lobe
Associative agnosia
cannot associate the object with their past memories of it so they cant draw from memory,
but they can copy whats in front of them
damage to anterior occipital lobe
category-specific visual agnosia
Patients can identify living objects, but not non-living objects and vice versa