Test 3 Flashcards
Needlessly postponing task until some future time
Time we can use any way we want
Discretionary time
The way that people are aware of the passage of time
Time perception
Internal “clock” that operates in 24-hour cycles
Circadian rhythms
The study of the vital statistics of human populations
Rates are dropping
Infant mortality
Both parents are working outside of the home
Dual income
Both parents work outside of the home and both have made long term commitments to their careers
Dual careers
2 people taking 1 position and sharing the job and wages
Job sharing
When children come back to live with their parents
The middle aged people balancing taking care of their children and their older parents
Sandwich generation
- can’t stop thinking about work, doing work
- work is always the most pleasurable part of life
- have trouble sleeping, relaxing, being alone or with family
- not organized or productive
- adversely affects relationships
A job expands to fill the time available to accomplish the task
Parkinson’s law
- also known as the 80-20 rule
- 20% of the time allotted to a task usually produces 80% of the results
Pareto principle
- the non-specific response of the body to demands made upon it
- is subjective
- not all is bad
-“father” of stress research
Hans Selye
Involves things like fear and anxiety
New experiences, challenge, competition
Situations or events that cause stress
Cumulative effect of many stresses building up at one time
Stress overload
- the balance or level of stress that one is comfortable with
- combination of habit and everyday expectations, and an appropriate amount of adventure and newness
Comfort zone
-stresses and expectations that we place upon ourselves. Demands and standards that we set for ourselves.
Internal stress
3 types
- acute major stress like a car accident
- ongoing, role-related stress like a policeman or Doctor
- lifetime trauma like the tornadoes
External stress
One that is predictable
Normative stressor events
One that you can not anticipate
Non-normative stressor events
- describes people who are able to cope well with stress
- one who has a sense of control over his life, realizes that change is part of life and that they have what it takes to cope with change
Psychological hardiness
Time urgency, impatient, tense, restless, hostile, negative, suspicious, distrustful, cynical, aggressive, competitive
Type a personality
Not overwhelmed by sense of time urgency, not impatient, can relax, cooperative rather than competitive. Goal-oriented and ambitious, and confident.
Type b personality
- list your short-term goals
- make a daily to-do list
- allow time for sleep, rest and relaxation
- avoid procrastination
- if you need to gain control, try to change only a little at a time
6 steps to effective time management
Make a to-do list
Time management tools
- relieves stress
- saves time
- properly kept, eliminates need to evaluate what needs to be done next
- avoids the major inefficiency of forgetting something
- allows you to use unexpected free time to fullest advantage
Advantages of keeping a daily to-do list
- prioritize
- line through a task as you complete it
- anything not lined through at the end of the day, put on the next day’s list
- update list daily
- include as much detail as possible
- keep your list handy
How to organize your to-do list
- task may seem overwhelming
- don’t know where to start
- Fear of failure
- Other reasons that you can identify?
Reasons that people procrastinate
- Having fun
- being too busy
- not being busy enough
Factors that influence time perception
- liners-separable
- very optimistic
- procedural-traditional
- completing the task is more important than the time it takes
- circular-traditional
- pessimistic view
3 models of time perception and characteristics of each
- the us population is growing older
- the number of households is increasing, but the number of people in household is decreasing
- the divorce rate is declining
- families in the US have become increasingly mobile
Various population statistics highlighted in class
- fertility rate
- mortality rate
- immigration
3 factors which affect population numbers
- women are bearing children later in life
- teen pregnancies declining
- better health care
- by 2019, US increases in population will be higher from immigration than from birth rates
Various trends with regard to births and death rates and immigration
Households are more mobile now
Trends regarding population age, households, divorce, mobility, ect.
- one parent stay at home and not work outside the home
- extended-family or neighborhood support
- day care centers
- company day care offerings
Various ways to manage child care
- differences in values
- differences in perception
- role perceptions
- difference in methods
Sources of conflict regarding balancing work and family
- on-site day care and elder care
- time off for family responsibilities (FMLA-type leave, sick leave,flextime)
- other types of onsite services (wellness, educational,seminars, ect.)
Family supportive workplace policies
Where do we learn our work ethic?
- tends to be more polite, responsible, conservative
- strong sense of discipline and order
- tends to resist social change
- embraces change in the workplace
Characteristics of one with strong work ethic
- can’t stop thinking about work, doing work
- work is the Mose pleasurable part of life
- having trouble sleeping, relaxing, being alone or with with family
- not organized or productive
- adversely affects relationships
Characteristics of a workaholic
- seldom finish a task, un dependable
- often lets down co-workers or employees
- is a way of resisting growing up and accepting responsibility
Characteristics of a procrastinator
- alarm reaction (fight or flight)
- resistance (the action taken)
- exhaustion (the rest after the event)
Physical pattern of response to emergency-related stress
- Children worry most about their parents rather than themselves
- Signals of child stress
- crying often
- Appetite changes
- Can’t sleep
- Complaining of physical ailment that keeps them form going to school
- Parents figure it out and reassure a child that we had a fight but no divorce and we are sick but not going to die
- Don’t force a child to be around adults that they feel uncomfortable around during this time
- Be flexible in their schedule
Children and stress
The conscious control of our time to fulfill our needs
Time management