Final Exam Flashcards
How in relating to each other, they create bold new forms of each other that Ladd even more to their value
Bring the maximum long-term beneficial results possible
Taking the initiative to be responsible for your own life
The ability to choose your response
Focused on results instead of methods, makes the people responsible for the results, involves clear up front mutual understanding and commitment regarding expectations in 5 areas: desired results, guidelines, resources, accountability, and consequences
Stewardship delegation
Driven by feelings, by circumstances, by conditions, and by their environment
The intersection of knowledge, skill, and desire
The balance between courage and consideration
Renewing the four dimensions of your nature— physical, spiritual, mental, and social/emotional
Sharpening the saw
Move progressively from dependence to independence to interdependence
Maturity continuum
The balance of focus on the product and what is producing the product. The goose and golden egg story. The product (P) is the golden eggs and the production capability (PC) or the ability or asset is the goose.
P/PC balance
Genetic determinism- basically says your grandparents did it to you
Psychic determinism- basically says your parents did it to you
Environmental determinism- basically says your boss is doing it to you– or your spouse, or that bratty teenager, or your economic situation, or notional policies
Theories of determination
Management is the efficiency in climbing the ladder of success and leadership is determining whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall
Management v leadership
Recognizing the ineffective scripts, the incorrect or incomplete paradigms within us, we can proactively begin to restrict ourselves
Writing your own script
The things you can do something about
Circle of influence
A metaphor that describes the amount of trust that’s been built up in a relationship
Emotional bank account
Win/win: there is plenty for everybody, that one person’s success is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of the success of others (both benefit)
Win/lose: I get my way and you don’t get yours
Lose/win: I’m a loser always have been, go ahead and do whatever you want
Lose/lose: both lose and will want to get back or get even with one another
Win: to take care of yourself and win for you and let others take care of themselves and win for them
Paradigms of human interaction
Involves patience, openness, and the desire to understand–highly developed qualities of character. Empathic seek first to understand before you can be understood.
Principle regarding listening
Move us from seeing the world one way to another way of seeing it
Paradigm shifting
Character ethic is the foundation of success; integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, and the Golden Rule.
Personality ethic is newer after WW1, success became more a function of personality, of public image, of attitudes and behaviors, skills and techniques, that lubricate the processes of human interaction.
Character ethic v. Personality ethic
Urgent and important.
Activities: crisis, pressing problems, deadline driven projects
Results: stress, burnout, crisis management, always putting out fires
Quadrant 1
Not urgent but important.
Activities: prevention, PC activities, relationship building, recognizing new opportunities, planning, recreation
Results: vision, perspective, balance, discipline, control, few crisis
Quadrant 2
Urgent but not important
Activities: interruptions, some calls, some mail, some reports, some meetings, proximate, pressing matters, popular activities
Results: short-term focus, crisis management, reputation-chameleon character, see goals plans as worthless, feel victimized, out of control, shallow or broken relationships
Quadrant 3
Not important and not urgent
Activities: trivia, busywork, some mail, some phone calls, time wasters, pleasant activities
Results: total irresponsibility, fired from jobs, dependent on others or institutions for basis
Quadrant 4
Habit 1: physical- eat well, be healthy
Habit 2: spiritual- prayer, great music, and literature
Habit 3: mental- good literature, keep a journal, limit television
Habit 4,5,6,7: social/emotional- deeply understand people, make contributions, abundance mentality
Dimensions of nature
The 10 commandments, real but not tangible things like honesty
Nature of correct principles
Being understood is just as important as air
Psychological air
Being proactive
Habit 1
Begin with the end in mind
Habit 2
Put first things first
Habit 3
Think win/win
Habit 4
Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Habit 5
Habit 6
Sharpen the saw
Habit 7
Understanding the individual Attending to the little things Keeping commitments Clarifying expectations Showing personal integrity Apologizing sincerely when you make a withdrawal The laws of love and the laws of life
Six deposits
Walk the walk and talk the talk
A model, theory, perception, assumption, or frame of reference. In a general sense the way we “see” things; perceiving, understanding, and interpreting