TEST 3 Flashcards
George is rear-ended by a Hispanic woman. Although George usually does not express his prejudice, he gets out of the car and yells several racist and sexist remarks at the driver. This behavior is best explained by what theoretical model?
Justification Suppression Model
-as soon as he has an excuse he no longer has to suppress his feelings of prejudice
Consider the following examples of prejudice: anti-Chinese prejudice in the United States after the transcontinental railroad was completed; anti-Mexican prejudice in the United States when agricultural jobs are scarce; anti-Turkish prejudice in Germany after reunification; anti-Arab and anti-Jew prejudice in the Middle East; and anti-immigrant prejudice during times of high unemployment. These examples best illustrate the:
-Realistic conflict theory
Despite the fact that normative and informational conformity pressures often convince dissenting jurors to adopt the majority point of view, unanimous verdicts are desirable because this requirement encourages jurors to
- consider the evidence more carefully
- she was not sure about the answer
A cashier at the store assumes that because his next customer is elderly, she will take a long time to pay. The cashier is using his stereotypes about the elderly and not taking the time or energy to carefully consider
- cognitive miser:The theory suggests that humans, valuing their mental processing resources, find different ways to save time and effort when negotiating the social world.
- taking a shortcut and don’t want to think
- principle of least effort :The user will use the tools that are most familiar and easy to use that find results
- Stereotyping
- on the final
In the past, journalists would routinely report the race of an alleged criminal when he or she was black, but not when he or she was white. This media practice was likely to confirm in so me reader’s minds the tendency of African Americans to commit criminal behavior. This phenomenon illustrates….
illusory correlation
-The relationship of the two does not go together
Recall that when they where given a choice between white or black doll, African American children as young as three years old often rejected the black doll. These findings by Kenneth and Mamie Clark suggest that?
Prejudice does harm to the self-esteem of minority children
Recall that in a study by Baron et al. (1996), participants in one condition were asked to select perpetrators after a lineup in conditions of low ambiguity, so that participants in the control condition made very few mistakes. Recall also that some participants were told that the task was one that was being normed for use by the police department and were offered $20 if they were the most accurate, while others were told that it was just a laboratory task under development. This condition of the study found that
the more important it was to participants to be correct when it was easy, the less they conformed to other group members’ answers.
-Low Ambiguity is important deciding factor
Which of the following explanations for social facilitation applies to humans but not to cockroaches? Animals are
Aroused at the prospect of evaluation
Adel is initially the only member of the jury who believes the defender is innocent after hearing invading Adel’s argument the juror finds the defendant not guilty
- Private acceptance
- Important
The Impact of Mothers’ Gender-Role Stereotypic Beliefs on Mothers’ and Children’s Ability Perceptions
-When mothers had stereotypical beliefs about gender their daughters where also likely to think they cant do math?
. As predicted, path analyses revealed that mothers’ gender stereotypic beliefs interact with the sex of their child to influence their perceptions of the child’s abilities. Mothers’ perceptions, in turn, mediate the influence of past performance on children’s self-perceptions in each domain.
- daughter also accepts it
- Expectations imposed on daughter and daughter believes it. self-fulfilling prophecy
Informational attempts to “re-educate” prejudiced people have proved ineffective in large part because
there is a powerful emotional component to prejudice.
Recall blank and blank tested self-fulfilling prophecy about job interview…
- By behaving in an uncomfortable way, the interviewee is uncomfortable, and making the interviewee less desirable candidate.
- self-fulfilling prophecy
- On final
Solomon Asch (1951, 1956) embarked on a series of studies in which participants were asked to estimate the lengths of lines that are clearly differed in length alone or with a group of confederate, when alone 99% of the time they where accurate. With a group who are giving wrong answer, they gave wrong estimate as well. -Low ambiguity test
-normative social influence
He believed the attack on September 11 occurred because the united states is too gay friendly. United states deserved it..
- Belief in a just world
- Get what you deserve
Recall that Robert Zajonc and his colleagues (1969) employed the lowly cockroach in their studies of social facilitation. In the presence of other cockroaches, roaches would run faster down a straight-away to escape a bright light than they would alone, but took longer in the presence of a cockroach audience when the escape route was more complicated (i.e., when they had to run a maze). These findings support the idea that
the presence of other members of a species elicits the most dominant response.
-you will be aroused in the presence of other species and what is easy to you, you get better at it.