TEST 3 Flashcards
Literature term, provokes emotion
Study meant to improve technique
Song cycle
Group of songs with a common theme.
Symphonic poems
A large work for an orchestra not divided up into movements
Night music
German art song
Through composed
The music changes while the lyrics change
Music stays the same while lyrics change
Total work of art is…
A concept created by Wagner who wanted German opera to be good from its orchestra to its singing, opposed Italian opera who just focused only on singing
A German movement in the arts which sought to express the most extreme of human feeling by divorcing art from everyday literalness
the word that best describes the activities of modernists (20th century) who were dealing with “sound for sound’s sake”
French military term meaning “first into battle”
the absence of a key center in music
the composer who coined the term “total work of art”
Minimalism (post modern)
the term that was used to describe the simple melodies and harmonies of post-modern music
a return to the style and form of pre-Romantic music but using 20th-century rhythms and harmonic style
Character piece
a short romantic piece that portrays some definite mood
The 19th century was the golden age for this genre
a guiding musical motive associated with a person, thing, or idea
a musical style employing all of many of the notes on a keyboard
Musique concrete
music composed with natural sounds recorded electronically
this revolution was one of the many factors contributing to the direction fine art music would make in the 20th century
a French movement in the arts that was considered “non-threatening” and dealt with color and light
the incorporation of national folk music into concert pieces, songs and operas
rhythm handled flexibly in performance
tough, precise absence of emotionality usually associated with driving, irregular beats
Chance music
the type of music in which certain elements much as the order of notes or their pitches are not specified by the composer
The chief aim of the music of the 19th century was to express these
music in the 20th century that dealt with radical experimentation and “sound for sound’s sake”
The name of the composer whose music occupies a unique position between 18th cent. classicism, 19th cent. romanticism
replaces the old “language” of music which was based on harmony and tonality
After Romanticism, fine art splits into…
traditional and modern
What are some characteristics that are modern/post-modern?
Modern- radical experimentation, sound for sounds sake
Post Modern- return to tonality, simple harmonies and melodies
Difference between impressionism and expressionism
Impressionism- (French) color and light
Expressionism- (German) abrasive dissonance, bold and barbarism
Beethoven’s time periods
-First style period, to c. 1803. Still almost entirely within classical conventions; Haydn’s influence dominates, but also other influences: Mozart, and especially Clementi
-Second style period, 1803-1815. Expansion of classical forms, emergence of characteristic language. Creation of the works that have remained most popular and became models the 19th century.
-Third style period, 1815-1827. Often breaks out of traditional forms, becomes “experimental”. Expression becomes very intimate, personal. Not well understood or appreciated during 19th century.
Climate of Opinion of the 19th century
New inventions, industrial revolution(?)
Minimalism painted itself in a corner and after minimalism came totalism meaning you can totally do anything now, electrónica, salsa. It’s a catch all for alternative music at that time