Test 3 Flashcards
In a survey every person surveyed is exposed to the same set of questions, same wording, phrasing, no variation
(exposed to standard stimulus) True/false
what is a probability sample
a random sample from a larger population
surveys are what? they have no manipulation of any variable
surveys can test knowledge of individual on a certain subject T/F
Surveys do what in disease, health, behavior in the larger population, may suggest causal links that cannot be done in experiment
track trends
a survey at a single point in time, but emphasis on past behavior
cross sectional survey
multiple cross sectional surveys over time are called
trend study
Longitudinal studies are done how
over time
Follow subjects into future for specified
period of time (social science research) is what kind of survey
panel survey
Follow subjects into future until a condition develops (epidemiological research) is what type of survey
cohort study
study looks at the exact same people at two different times is what
panel study
identifying subjects with a clinical condition and is retrospective study is called
case controlled study
Trend studies equal or dont equal panel study
dont equal
in surveys it is difficult to prove causes of the effect, not sure if there are other variable to the effect, hard to make strong causal inference
is true or false problems with surveys
people tend to do what when reporting effects
under report negative, over report positive
surveys can have poor external validity true or false
is a convience sample representative of overall population
what type of sample is representative of overall population
probability sample
what are four probability sample types
simple random sample, multicluster sample, stratified sample, random digit dialing
what type of probability sample used when you take table of random numbers or randomly selected using computer
simple random sample
taking random samples of multiple level (cities to counties to towns to households)
multicluster sampling
what is an advantage to multicluster sampling
easily obtainable sampling frames
what is a disadvantage to multicluster sampling
complex sampling design