Test 3 Flashcards
The human musculoskeletal system provides what to the human body?
locomotion, support and protection
The human musculoskeletal system consists of what areas of study?
osteology (the study of bones), arthrology (the study of joints), and myology (the study of muscles).
Define Musculoskeletal:
relating to muscles and the skeleton.
The musculoskeletal system involves the:
Muscles-bones-joints, Bursa, Ligaments, and Tendons
Define Muscles-bones-joints
the place of union between two or more bones
Define Bursa
fluid sac between the muscles and bones that forms in areas of friction
Define Ligaments
a tough band of white, fibrous, slightly elastic tissue binding bone ends together to prevent dislocation and excessive movement that might cause breakage
Define Tendons
a fibrous band of tissue connecting muscle with bone
How many bones does the human skeleton consist of and what do they do?
200 individual bones, all fulfilling different tasks. In addition to cartilage tissue, our bodies are supported by bone tissue. Bone tissue provides protection for the soft parts underneath it and serves as a point of insertion for the muscles.
And metabolic activity: Calcium storage and blood formation in red bone marrow.
Why are bones rigid?
Why does the body have so many bones?
Because the body needs strength
To allow the body to move
Why are there so many different types of joints?
What do joints do?
Because they are specially designed for the limb they serve
They allow the body to move, are held together by ligaments, and prevent friction
A synovial Joint consists of:
The synovial membrane, Articular cartilage, fibrous joint capsule, joint cavity filled with synovial fluid, and ligaments
What do ligaments support?
Can ligaments be damaged?
many internal organs; including the uterus, the bladder, the liver, and the diaphragm and helps in shaping and supporting the breasts.
Yes they can be damaged by injury
What are muscles to the body?
They are the active part of the apparatus of locomotion (they move the body) and they comprise 40% of the body’s weight.
The body has 300 individual muscles in different shapes and sizes
What are the bones of the upper body?
The upper extremities are connected to the trunk via the shoulder girdle.
The upper limbs include: the shoulder girdle with shoulder blade and collar bone, the upper arm with humerus, the lower arm with ulna and radius, and the hand with carpus and the metacarpus and fingers.
What are the types of muscles?
Smooth: comprises muscular walls of blood vessels as well as the GI tract, large intestine, and rectum (Involuntary)
Cardiac: located only in the heart, pushes blood through the circulatory system. (Involuntary)
Skeletal: acts to maintain posture, create voluntary movement, manage force transfer, and prevent undesirable body actions.
(Voluntary and Attached to skeleton)
How do muscled contract? What is this theory called?
The Sliding Filament Theory: a signal (the action potential) from the brain to the nervous system travels to the muscle fiber and makes connection called the excitation-couple. AP travels into the T-tubules and stimulates the Sarcoplamsic Reticulum which releases Calcium that “unlocks” the bond between the actin and troponins. The troponin moves, tropomyosin rotates, and actin and myosin are free to bond. ATP split and energy released, fibers contract, force is produces.
Define myofibrils:
Cylindrical structures containing myofilaments actin (thin) and myosin (thick)
What are the components of muscle fibers?
Myofibrils (proteins where the contractile action of the SFT takes place), Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (Calcium storage), T-tubules (transfer nerve signals), mitochondria (produce energy), and sarcolemma (muscle fibers cell membrane) sarcolemma
Factors that Affect Force Production
Type of fiber recruited, Size and number of fibers recruited, Velocity of the contraction, Efficiency of the movement, Energy availability
How do motor units work?
Motor units work as a tag team. Some work while some rest. Results of chronic exercise recruits more fibers, greater numbers of fibers, and increases force production.
What are the Types of Muscle Contractions?
Isotonic: force applied with change in joint angle
Isometric: force applied with no change in joint angle
Isokinetic: force applied at a constant limb velocity
What are the forces under isokinetic?
Concentric: muscle shortens to accelerate a resistance
Eccentric: muscle lengthens to decelerate a resistance
Plyometric: concurrent concentric and eccentric contraction-stretch shortening cycle
Ballistic: force production to accelerate a mass employing angular momentum
What are the Muscle Fiber Types?
Type I slow twitch, small motor neuron, high oxidative capacity, aerobic exercise, efficient oxygen use slow to fatigue, fat is the major storage fuel (i.e. Open Water 25K) (increase fiber by cardiovascular exercise) Type IIa fast twitch, large motor neuron, high oxidative capacity, long-term exercise, use aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, intermediate resistance to fatigue, phosphocreatine fuel storage (i.e. 100/200 M Freestyle) (increase by weight training) Type IIb (IIx) very fast twitch, very large motor neuron, low oxidative capacity, anaerobic exercise, Fires quick and low resistance to fatigue, glycogen fuel storage (i.e. 50 M Freestyle) (increase by weight training)
What is special about muscle fiber types?
We are NOT all created equal! Genetics are a powerful factor.
Fiber type is predetermined and can not be manipulated.
Genetics usually determine performance potential
Head and neck muscles:
They are a complicated and integrated system. The neck, weighing less than one pound, is balancing the head, weighing, on average 12 to 16 pounds.
What are the Muscles of the Lower Body?
They are subdivided into groups corresponding with the different regions of the limb including the muscles of the iliac region, the muscles of the leg, the muscles of the thigh and the muscles of the foot.
What is the Spine:
(Or the spinal column, the vertebral column and the backbone) S-shaped allows walking, running, sleeping,
Our arms, legs, chest, and head all attach to the spine.
The spine affects and is affected by every movement we make.
Spinal Anatomy is
Unique, incredibly strong, protecting the highly sensitive nerve roots, yet highly flexible, providing for mobility on many different planes.
Each muscle has its own
nerve, artery, and vein
How do myofibrils form muscles?
Many myofibrils form a muscle fiber (the muscle cell)
Many muscle fibers form fascicles
Many Fascicles form muscles
What are the supporting sheaths of the muscle
Epimysium (surrounding muscle)
Perimysium (surrounding fascicles)
Endomysium (surrounding muscle fibers)
What are the rules of movement?
1) Proteins like to change shape when stuff binds to them
2) Changing shapes can allow proteins two bind or unbind with other stuff
What are myofibrils divided into?
Myofibrils are divides into sarcomeres which contain actin, myosin, troponin, and tropomyosin and are divided by a “z-line” at each end.
What are the Cross Bridge Steps?
1) Formation: activated myosin binds with actin then inorganic phosphate is released making bond stronger
2) Power Stroke: ADP releases and activated myosin head pivots moving actin towards center or sarcomere
3) Detachment: ATP binds to myosin weakening bond causing detachment
4) Reactivation of myosin head: ATP breaks to ADP and P reactivating myosin head placing it in the cocked position.
Define Motor Unit:
Why are some motor units smaller than others?
A group of muscle fibers controlled by one motor neuron.
Smaller because necessary for fine control (< 10 fibers)
Larger in areas that require strength (1000-2000 fibers)
Note muscle fibers of the same muscle unit are not clustered together
What is the strength of a muscle contraction determinant on?
The number of motor neurons activated
What is a resting muscle actually?
A resting muscle actually is in partial contraction called muscle tonus
What is a Neuromuscular junction, what are its components, and what does it do?
It is the junction between the neuron and the muscle.
Between the nerve terminal and the muscle endplate there is there is a synaptic space.
The nerve signal releases acetylcholine into the synaptic space which binds to nicotinic receptors in the end plate. This binding allows channels to open to let sodium in to depolarize the cell membrane. This channel opening leads to other sodium channels which leads to potassium channels.
What does the action potential do?
It spreads across the sarcomeres. It also spreads inside of them via t-tubules. It activates calcium channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
What is acetylcholinesterase and what does it do?
It is another aspect of the neuromuscular junction which binds to not useful acetylcholine so the muscles have time to relax
What causes peralysis?
Things that block aspects of the neuromuscular junction
What is a human’s primary energy system?
The ATP system which provides immediate energy at all times.
This energy lasts for 4-6 seconds
What are the three secondary human energy systems?
And what are they used for?
1) Phosphocreatine system
2) Lactic Acid/Glycolysis system
3) Oxidative System
They are used to replenish ATP stores
What are the facts about the Phosphocreatine system?
It is anaerobic It breaks down Creatine phosphate in skeletal muscles.
It provides energy for another 5-10 sec. It is the fastest way to make ATP without oxygen and is used for high intensity, short duration exercises like a 100m dash.
What are the facts about Glycolysis o the Lactic Acid system?
It is anaerobic It breaks down glucose and glycogen and releases lactic acid and hydrogen ions. It provides energy for 1-2 minutes for exercises such as 200m swim or a 400m dash. It breaks down carbohydrates. 1 molecule of glucose or glycogen makes 32-33 ATP molecules. It is the second fastest mode o replenish ATP.
What are the facts about the Oxidative system?
It is aerobic and uses the Krebs cycle and the ETC. It is the slowest way to replenish ATP it is for exercise longer than 3 minutes. It uses carbohydrates, fates and proteins–fat for longer duration. 1 fat molecule translates to 146 ATP. It is for cross country skiing and marathon running.
Anaerobic testing:
Wingate Test was developed in the 1970’s to measure anaerobic power and capacity. It is most commonly used in a laboratory setting and performed on a cycle ergometer. The person is required to cycle at maximal effort for 30 seconds.
Aerobic Testing:
The VO2 Max Test. It is the most valid and reliable way to asses aerobic fitness. There are many different VO2 Max protocols. The Bruce Treadmill is the most commonly used in a laboratory setting. There are 9 stages and as you progress to the next stage speed and incline increases.
Each piece of human skeletal muscle is
Like a bulk of fiber-like cells. We call those cells muscle fibers
What fiber type does each muscle contain?
Each muscle contains all three types of muscle fibers, but composition and number of muscle fibers is determind by genetics.
What is ATP+CP duration, classification, and energy source?
- a 1-4sec
- b 4-29sec
- anaerobic
- a Muscle ATP stores
- b Muscle ATP and CP stores
What is Anaerobic Latic acid duration, classification, and energy source?
- a 20-40sec
- b 40-120sec
- anaerobic
- a Muscle ATP, CP, & glycogen stores
- b Muscle Glycogen & Lactic Acid stores
What is Aerobic duration, classification, and energy source?
- a 120-2400sec
- b 2400-6000sec
- aerobic
- a Muscle Glycogen & Lactic Acid stores
- b Muscle Glycogen & Fatty Acids stores
The heart is:
A striated muscle, stimulated by the nervous system, which triggers contractions, and functions as a syncytium
Describe the steps: Wave of Depolarization:
1) Wave of excitation begins at the sinoatrial (SA) node. It signals the contractile pace to the atria. 2) Travels by way of ephaptic conduction in the atria to the atrioventricular (AV) node. Pathways relay signals to the ventricles and to the AV Bundle. 3) Then through the atrioventricular bundle, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers, which conduct the impulses, with increased speed, throughout the ventricular myocardium. 4) This conduction system allows for a steady flow of blood through the heart and out to the lungs and circulation.
What is myocardium?
It is the muscle tissue of the heart
What ATP is the ideal fuel for the cardiac muscle and why?
ATP produced from lipids as it predominately uses oxidative metabolism to satisfy energy demands
What does the cardiac muscles have to maximize aerobic energy?
It is densely packed with mitochondria and contains an extensive network of capillaries
When does the cardiac use carbohydrates?
to fuel higher-force outputs during heavy exercise
Cardiac Output:
The amount of blood ejected by the heart each minute
Stroke Volume:
Volume of blood expelled (to body tissues) per contraction of the left ventricle
How does endurance training improve the capacity to pump blood to working tissues ?
By increased ventricular contraction strength and increased volume of blood expelled by the aorta
How much blood does the heart pump in a regular person verses a well-trained athlete?
At rest, approximately 5 liters per minute
In well-trained athlete, can increase to over 40 liters per minute
Important limiting factor in athletic performance
Blood pressure (BP):
Blood pressure (BP) – pressure exerted by circulating blood against the walls of blood vessels, especially arteries
What do Blood pressure-regulating mechanisms do?
They ensure that an appropriate level of blood flow to tissues is maintained
detect BP; can send messages to the central nervous system (CNS) to increase or decrease total peripheral resistance and CO.
They manage blood pressure and are located in the aorta and the carotid arteries
What happens to the blood vessels of a part of the body that experiences a change in blood need?
Vasodilation for more blood
vasoconstriction for less blood
What can make it harder for blood to pass?
Constricted or compressed vessels, or those that have plaque built up along the walls
Plaque is common among smokers, or those who are obese or consume a high-fat diet
What increases during exercise or high-stress situations?
Heart rate and consequently Cardiac Output–a client’s blood pressure response should be considered when choosing an activity.
As we age:
the elastic properties of arteries suffer degenerative changes causing increases in Blood pressure via loss of pliability, loss of compliance, hardening of vessel
chronic condition characterized by the thickening and hardening of the arteries and the build-up of plaque on the arterial walls
Obesity, smoking, high cholesterol, physical inactivity and hypertension all increase risk
stage of arteriosclerosis in which arteries become clogged by the build-up of fatty substances that eventually reduces blood flow to tissues
Orthostatic hypotension
A form of low BP caused by rapid changes in body position, particularly from a supine to upright posture.
What does the nervous system do during activity?
It interprets metabolic messages, then signals less metabolically-active tissues to vasoconstrict, resulting in shunting and redirection of blood flow
What does the Sympathetic nervous system do?
Stimulation of the heart increases HR and SV, resulting in greater CO and increased BP
What exercise increases peripheral resistance?
Activities that require greater intra-abdominal pressure for spinal stability will cause contracting musculature to compress arteries (increasing peripheral resistance)
Valsalva maneuver
A strain against a closed airway combined with muscle tightening; occurs when a person holds his or her breath and tries to move a heavy object; contraindicated for those with hypertension
What improves BP responses both at rest and immediately post-exercise?
Routine aerobic training?
What increases ventilation rates?
Increased myocardial vigor results–necessary to meet oxygen demand
(Improvements in oxygen extraction occur in response to endurance training)
What controls ventilation at rest?
It is largely controlled by factors that affect the chemical state of the blood
How does ventilation change as a result of continuous steady-state exercise, intense exercise, or heavy resistance performed in short bouts?
continuous steady-state exercise: ventilation is linear to oxygen uptake
intense exercise: ventilation increases disproportionately to oxygen uptake
heavy resistance performed in short bouts: HR and ventilation rates increase dramatically due to blood lactate accumulation
How often does the heart beat?
100,000 times a day and about 2.5 billion times in an average lifetime
Heart disease:
Is the number one cause of death in the United States, resulting in more than 700,000 (or 801,000) deaths annually (2,200/day, 1/40s) CAD-narrowing of the arteries supplying blood to the heart is the most common form of heart disease.
Risk factors: Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Family History, Hypertension, Smoking, Hypercholesterolemia, Obesity, Diabetes, Sedentary
Stages of typical heart rate response to exercise:
At the beginning of exercise, the heart rate rises rapidly.
At the end of exercise, the heart rate rapidly declines within the first two or three minutes.
After the initial rapid decline, the rate decreases more slowly.
How training affects the heart?
Decreases resting heart rate and heart rate during exercise, Increases stroke volume, Increases cardiac reserve capacity-The work that the heart is able to perform beyond that required of it under ordinary circumstances.
What training for the heart?
Frequency-3-5 times per week
Intensity-in your training zone
Time-20-60 minutes
Type-anything using large dynamic movements
Most Common Types of cardiovascular disease:
Coronary artery disease, Peripheral artery disease, Stroke
Non-modifiable/modifiable risk factors:
Non-modifiable: Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Family History,
Modifiable: Hypertension, Smoking, Hypercholesterolemia, Obesity, Diabetes, Sedentary
Leading cardiovascular risk factor:
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (HYPERTENSION): 13 % of deaths globally
Definition: Chronic elevation of blood pressure
Stage 1 hypertension: 130/80 mm HG
Stage 2 hypertension: >140/90 mm HG
Largest preventable cause of disease and death:
Smoking: You have twice the risk of a heart attack if you are a current smoker, quit within 6 months, or are exposed to environmental tobacco smoke
Third cardiovascular disease risk factor:
Diabetes: 29 million people in the U.S. have diabetes
Definition: Elevated blood glucose
Lack of insulin secretion (Type 1)
Inability to use insulin (Type 2)
Fasting blood glucose (FBG): > 126 mg · dL
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT): > 200 mg · dL
Fourth cardiovascular disease risk factor:
Physical inactivity: At least 1.9 million people die as a result of physical inactivity Definition: Not engaging in: > 30 minutes of moderate intensity At least 3 days per week > 3 months
Fifth cardiovascular disease risk factor:
39.6 % of Americans are classified as obese Definitions: BMI: > 30 kg · m² Waist circumference Men: > 102 cm Women: > 88 cm
Sixth cardiovascular disease risk factor:
High blood cholesterol (dyslipidemia) 30 % of people in the U.S. have dyslipidemia
Definition: Abnormal amount of cholesterol
Involves: LDL, HDL, Total cholesterol, and Atherosclerosis
Seventh cardiovascular disease risk factor:
Age: Men > 45 years old
Women > 55 years old
because of Wear and tear
Eighth cardiovascular disease risk factor:
Gender: Men are 5 times more likely to have cardiovascular disease
Male fat pattern-more visceral fat
Female fat pattern-visceral fat
Ninth cardiovascular disease risk factor:
Genetic factors: Heart attack, coronary revascularization, or sudden death before:
55 years of age in male first-degree relative
65 years of age in female first-degree relative
Tenth cardiovascular disease risk factor:
Race & Ethnicity: African American men and women are 30% more likely to die from heart disease. Due to Different cultures Customs Food
Prevention and treatment for cardiovascular disease:
Knowledge of one’s health history and Yearly Physicals
Lifestyle Changes, Medications, Revascularization to help re-establish blood flow through
Angioplasty or stenting
What happens when we are exposed to extreme temperatures during exercise?
we may place high demands on the body to lose or gain body heat, in order to maintain core body temperature.
What must a sports medicine practitioner know about outdoor activities?
Because sporting activity may occur in hot conditions, they must be well versed in both prevention, and management, of heat-associated illness.
**What is the normal human core temperatures and what increases in temperature are dangerous?
37 C: Normal
>40C physiological function is inhibited
>41C (106F) humans can only survive at this temperature for short periods of time.
**What does exercise often cause and what is the physiological response?
Increase in core body temperature. Response is sweating to cool the body and maintain homeostasis–relies on evaporation.
**What is the effect of a humid day and why?
Extremely dangerous in high humidity. Because less evaporation is possible–sweating will continue with no relief.
What results from core temperature rising and cooling capacity decreasing?
loss of water, salt and other important chemicals.
Overheating is possible or heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke.
Heat Cramps:
Least serious of heat illnesses
**Symptoms: Severe, painful cramping in the large muscles and flushed, moist skin
Triggered by Na+ (salt) losses, dehydration
Common in wearing heavy sweaters
Prevented by replenishing Na+, water intake
Heat Exhaustion:
**Symptoms: fatigue; dizziness; nausea; vomiting; fainting; weak, rapid pulse
Caused by severe dehydration from sweating
Blood flow needs of the working muscles and skin are not met due to low blood volume
Thermoregulation is still functioning but overwhelmed
Heat Stroke:
**Life threatening, most dangerous of the three
Thermoregulatory mechanism is no longer functioning
Core temperature has exceeded 40*C
**Symptoms: confusion, disorientation, and unconsciousness
If untreated, result will be coma and death
Body must be cooled ASAP (ice bath)
Heat Illness Prevention:
Note temperature and humidity, schedule activities in early morning or evening, have fluids available and have drink breaks 15-30min, limit clothing.
Who is at a greater risk of heat illnesses?
obese, unfit, very young, very old, those unacclimated to the heat.
Who is at a lesser risk of heat illness and why?
People who are more conditioned have a better cooling capacity.
Their sweat is less concentrated (don’t loss as much salt and are able to reabsorb/conserve more efficiently)
This is gotten by repeated exercise in the heat. Heat acclimation can occur within 9-14 days.
What does winter weather mean for exercise?
taking special precautions when you exercise outside. Can cause Cold stress: any environmental condition that causes the loss of body heat.
Cold stress can cause discomfort or may be dangerous. It decreases muscle function–dec fiber recruitment, muscle contractile force, power, velocity. Outer (superficial) muscles are affected while deep muscles are spared.
How does someone’s body composition affect their heat loss?
Increased subcutaneous fat = increases insulation
Decreased body surface area: mass ratio= decreased heat loss
Someone who is tall and heavy will hold on to heat better than someone who is tall and lanky
What causes heat loss?
Not cold air temp alone. Windchill-air movement-increases heat loss and increases the risk of freezing body tissues.
**Heat loss is 4x faster in cold water than cold air.
**What is the body’s first response to over exposure of cold weather?
What is hypothermia and what are its symptoms?
A health risks associated with cold stress
(core temp falls to 34.5-29.5C (94.1-85.1F) (below 29.5 loss of thermoregulation))
**Symptoms: shivering, lack of coordination, difficulty speaking, vision issues, unconsciousness
(Treatment: Mild- get out of cold, dry clothing, blankets and warm beverages
Severe-Gentle handling to avoid heart arrhythmias, Gradual rewarming, and possibly Medical attention)
What is frostbite and what are its symptoms?
**A health risks associated with cold stress
[Tissue freezing due to prolonged exposure to temp below 29.5*C–lack O2 leads to tissue death if untreated leads to gangrene and tissue loss (amputation)]
**Symptoms: pain, burning, numbness, tingling, skin turns hard and white, starts to peel or get blisters, starts to itch, gets firm shiny and grayish-yellow
[Treatment: warm dry place, remove constrictive clothing, raise effected areas & apply warm moist compresses, do not rub or directly apply heat]
How to prevent issues with the cold?
Dress appropriately, proper nutrition, and hydration. Other risk factors include alcohol consumptions, certain medications, and health conditions such as diaetes and heart disease.
Improve comfort and safety in cold:
Layer clothing–several thin layers, minimize sweating avoid shivering
Cover head–heat loss from head and neck may be 50% of lost by body
Cover mouth-to warm air especially if cold air causes angina (chest pain) or individual is prone to upper respiratory problems
Stay Dry–wet increases body-heat loss
Keep feet dry
Stay hydrated–help heat regulation (avoid alcohol or caffeine which dehydrate) (alcohol also dilates blood vessels increasing heat loss. and impair judgement
What happens at higher altitudes?
% O2 same, but our partial pressure of O2 decreases (blood oxygen)
Increase likelihood of acute mountain sickness **adverse health reaction to altitude
**symptoms: 6-48 hrs post arrival, headache nausea/vomiting, dyspnea and insomnia, or more lethal conditions
Dehydration occurs faster sweating and urination
Decrease in appetite–metabolism increases–eating requires education
Aerobic exercise affected b/c rely O2
Anaerobic exercise unaffected b/c X require much O2: **ATP-PCr and glycolytic metabolism
What are the different effects of different altitudes?
Sea level (< 500m) no effects
Low Altitude (500-2,000 m) no effect on well being- performance may be slightly altered
Moderate altitude (2,000-3,000 m) effects well-being if not acclimated, performance and aerobic capacity decreased, performance may or may not be improved by acclimation.
High altitude (3,000-5,000 m)
Acute mountain sickness
Performance is decreased and cannot be restored by acclimation
Extreme high altitude (>5,500 m)
Severe hypoxic effects (condition where an area of the body is deprived of sufficient oxygen supply
Highest settlements: 5,200 to 5,800 m
**What is the best way to optimize altitude training?
Live high, train low, compete high