test 2.2 Flashcards
critical thinking- arguments
presentation of facts and opinions to support a position
how to identify a conclusion
hence, thus, therefore,so
statement that is expected to be true without proof and from which a conclusion can be drawn
key marketing metrics
brand, share, sales, margin & profits
owned digital media
managed by the company.
eg) websites, blogs, social media
paid digital media
company pays for media exposure
eg) display, ads, promotions
earned digital media
communication/exposure that’s not initiated by the company
eg) customer reviews, social media shares
audience analytics
-qauntity of impressions or visitors
-users geographics, psychographics, demographics, behavioural characteristics
acquisition analytics
traffic sources, campaigns
behaviour analytics
page views, frequency engagement, site search
conversion analytics
-conversion rate, conversion by traffic source, cost per conversion
how to measure market performance
conversion rate, website traffic, email rates,
tips to improve critical thinking
-formulate your question
-gather your info
-apply the info
-consider the implications
-explore other point of views