Test 2 Grammar Structures Flashcards
14.1) 呢 structure
呢 can indicate an on-going activity alone, or together with one of the three markers, 正在,正,在 colloquially. 1. 我做功课呢
- 我正在做功课呢
- 我正做功课呢
- 我在做功课呢
14.1) Specifying Clause
The specifying clause functions to pinpoint the particular entity or person that the speaker is talking about Modifier DE Modified Specifying Clause 的 Head Noun + VP 我妈妈做的饭很好吃 我朋友给我的花儿很漂亮
14.1) More Specifying Clause
The specifying clause can modify a subject noun, an object noun, a place noun, or a time noun in a sentence. Subject N: 正在打球的那个人是我朋友 Object N: 我喜欢我朋友给我的礼物 Place N: 我在工作的图书馆借了十本书 Time N: 我吃饭的时候做功课
- 1) Three important things to remember!
- the specifying clause always precedes the head noun
- 了 does not usually occur in the specifying clause
- All the NOUN’s modified by the specifying clause are definite, therefore, 这-MW or 那-MW is understood to be there whether it appears overtly or not
14.2) 是的, being nosy!
The pattern is used whenever the adverbial of time, place, manner, or means is questioned or talked about. In other words, when the speaker knows about the event but has a question/questions as for when/where/with whom/in what way or how the event took place, she must use this pattern.
In order to use 是的 the main event (V O) must have taken place already
14.2) 是的 examples
你是什么时候看的电影? - 我是昨天看的电影 你是在哪儿看的? - 我是在纽约看的 你是从哪儿去的? - 我是从学校去的
- 2) 3 Rules to Remember!
- put the focused elements right after 是
- to negate the sentence, put 不 right before 是
- 了 does not occur in this pattern because the sense of completion is implied here
- If the object is a noun, it goes after 的. However, when the object is a pronoun it must occur before 的 instead of after 的
14.2) What if the subject is the focus?
Put the subject right after 是
是 S V 的 O
14.2) Talking about the LENGTH of an action
Routine Activity:
S V (O V) TimeDuration
Completed Activity:
S V (O V) 了 TimeDuration
Ongoing activity up to now:
S V (O V) 了 TimeDuration 了
15.1) BA- structure
an OBJECT highlighter emphasizing the following two aspects - what happened to the OBJECT? - why is this OBJECT in this state? S (neg) 把 O V Result 他把蛋糕放在冰箱里边了 他把饺子都吃完了 你的功课怎么没有了? - 我的狗把我的功课吃了 你把信用卡放哪儿了? - 我把信用卡放在宿舍了
15.1) started doing or becoming a different state
S V 起来了
S V 起 O 来了
15.1) S time period V time-frequency S each time V quantifier
Non-occurrence of a certain action during a period of time
S time period 不/别 V O
S does not do… for a time period
S time period 没 V O
S didn’t do… for a time period
S time period 没 V O 了
It has been ‘time period’ since S last did
‘you’d better VO’
use it when you give a suggestion
S 赶快 V(O)
S 越来越 ADJ 了,more and more
S VO, 要不然,S [就] 会 VO
就 should be used unless it as a question
S V O (reason 1) 再说/而且, S 也 V O (reason 2)
use this pattern when you try to provide reasons for/against something to justify something
V 起来了
V 起 O 来了