Test 2 Christianity Flashcards
Apacoloptic (book of revelation)
Past is what will happen future is what will happen, cosmic world
The great divorce
Splitting of rabbinic Judaism and Christianity 70-90 CE after second temple destruction
Pope crowned him king of Holy Roman Empire
Original sin
We are born guilty because of the original sin the punishment is mortality
Augustine of hippo
Encouraged chastity thought sex was a sin basically
Ruler of western half of the Holy Roman Empire, meets with eastern ruler in 313 CE and decriminalized Christianity
Western church
Priests can’t get married or be married
Unleavened bread
Only Latin in churches
Eastern church:
Priests can’t get married but they can be married and then become a priest
Leavened bread is ok
Local languages
The understanding of revealed truths by the use or application of human reason
Holy Roman Empire
The second Roman Empire neither holy nor Roman nor an empire
Relied on rationalism, Benjamin franklin saw Jesus as a moral teacher but not Devine
Martin Luther
Ascetic piety, became priest because he didn’t think he was holy enough, he said you do not earn your salvation god gives it to you, 95 theses nailed to the cathedral door, all you need to be Christian is baptism and faith
Personal faith Lutheran movement
Henry VII
Wanted divorce, made monarch head of church in England instead of the pope, wanted church to serve needs of state
John Calvin
Ultimate revelation of god is Jesus