Test 2 Flashcards
Cronenberg release dates
Why was Cronenberg in demand?
Who made up Vision 4?
What is the background of the sensitives?
What are the details of Cronenberg’s divorce?
What did Cronenberg’s wife join?
What is the inspiration behind the Brood?
Pitch of the brood to Solnicki
Who were the main cast of the Brood?
What is the scientific monster in the brood?
How does the brood relate to Kramer vs Kramer?
What si the brood’s premise?
What does Dr. Ragen teach?
What is the mother’s name in the brood?
How is Nola’s rage expresseD?
Who do the mutant children resemble?
Whose mother do the mutants attack?
How is Nola’s mother killed?
What does the autopsy reveal about the mutants?
How does Cronenberg’s direction become more complex in The Brood?
How does Cronenberg’s direction become more complex in The Brood for the stage?
How does Cronenberg’s direction become more complex in The Brood the therapy session?
How is Cronenberg’s better direction shown at the conclusion?
Why did Frank strangle Nola?
How is Candy’s rage expressed?
How did Corman distribute The Brood?
Why did Vision 4 dissolve?
What was Filmplan’s budget for The Brood?
What was the pre pro like for Scanners
What was the pressure like in the Tax Shelter era?
How did Cronenberg open the consec conference in Scanners?
When was Scanners released?
What was Filmplan’s Scanners release plan?
How was Scanners a breakthrough for Cronenberg?
How did Scanners help Cronenberg?
What did Pierre David say to Cronenberg?
What was Cronenberg’s last tax shelter pic?
What is Videodrome concerned with?
What is the videodrome signal?
What does Oblivion think the Videodrome mutation is?
What is Oblivion’s thesis?
What did Oblivion realize?
Whoa re Oblivions nefarious partners?
What is Videodrome’s narrative?
What did Cronenberg think about censorship?
Why do people support censorship?
Why are Cronenberg’s pics easy targets for censorship boards?
What did Cronenberg want to do with Videodrome?
What did Cronenberg think about for those of us who are “normal?”
Cronenberg on mistrust of humans.
When was Videodrome released?
What was the purpose of Video Drome for Pierre David?
How was Videodrome a weird success?
What happened at the Videodrome test screening?
What was Videodrome’s theatrical run like?
How did Videodrome do at the Genie’s?
What was Leonard Maltin’s review of Videodrome?
What was Eberts review of Videodrome?
What was Videodrome’s budget?
What are the details re: Cronenberg’s agent?
When was The Dead Zone released?
Which Stephen King adaptation was Cronenberg approached to direct?
How did they heaviness of Videodrome compare to The Dead Zone?
How did Cronenberg’s success with Videodrome affect his status?
Why did Cronenberg say yes to The Dead Zone?