test 2 Flashcards
After imposed retirement from Roman politics, Cicero took up writing
philosophical treates
Among the dangerous military innovations of Marius threatening the Republic was his
Recruitment of destitute volunteers who swore an oath of allegiance only to him.
As Rome expanded, it became Roman policy to govern the provinces with officials known as
proconsuls and propraetors.
For the Romans, Italy’s geography
made Rome a natural crossroads and an area easy to defend.
In Roman household cults, Janus was
the spirit of the doorway.
In Rome, the male family head could
arrange the marriages of all offspring.
sell his children.
divorce his wife.
put his children to death.
In their struggle with the patricians, Roman plebeians employed which of the following tactics:
assassination of political opponents
the formation of popular assemblies to lobby for more political reforms
It can best be said that Roman imperial expansion was
highly opportunistic, responding to unanticipated military threats and possibilities for glory.
Roman legend identifies twin brothers Romulus and Remus as the founders of Rome.
Roman traditionally associated the rape of Lucretia and its alleged consequences with
the establishment of the era of the Republic.
the model of Roman womanhood and virtue.
the end of Rome’s control by monarchs.
the end of the Etruscan domination of Rome.
Sulla’s legacy and importance was that he
employed his personal army in political disputes, paving the way toward Roman civil war.
The head of the Roman religious observances was
the pontifex maximus.
The Latin alphabet was a modification of the Etruscan alphabet.
The main achievement of the Hortensian law in Roman constitutional history was its
ruling that all plebiscita passed by the plebeian assembly had the force of law and were binding even upon the patricians.
The people to the north of Rome who apparently ruled Rome for a century and heavily influenced Roman urban culture were the
The Roman senator who led the movement for the complete destruction of Carthage was
Which of the following statements about marriage best captures the realities for Roman women by the first century B.C.E.?
they remained legally the property of their fathers
Which of the following statements best applies to Roman education:
The wealthy classes wanted training in Greek and mastery of rhetoric, or persuasive public speaking, for their children.
The Etruscan alphabet was derived from the
All of the following occurred during the reigns of the five “good emperors” except for
the halting of imperial bureaucratic growth.
Among Augustus’s key innovations in Roman provincial rule was his
division of Roman provinces into those ruled directly by the princeps and the senatorial provinces administered by the Senate
Among Augustus’s most important actions in the area of Roman religion was his
creation of an imperial cult
Augustus added more territory to the Roman Empire than any other single Roman in its history.
Augustus’s social legislation
made adultery a criminal offense and outlawed wasteful expenditures for feasts
Christianity spread very slowly and remained a minority religion in the Roman Empire by the end of the first century C.E.
Concerning social classes during early Roman Empire,
the power of the equestrian class was expanded.
During the Early Empire (14-180 C.E.), the Roman army
was increased to 400,000 men
Imperial Rome’s gladiatorial shows
were government-backed spectacles used to content the masses
In the city of Rome, the poor were housed in massive apartment blocks known as “villas.”
One of the famous jurists of the Early Empire responsible for completing the basic natural rights principles vital to the Western world was
The absolute monarchical powers of Augustus as princeps led to
is great popularity, as he followed proper legal forms for his power.
led to the perception that he co-ruled with the senate
the decline of popular participation in elections.
the usual victory of his candidates in official elections.
The early values of Christianity, as exemplified in Jesus’ “sermon on the mount,”
emphasized devotion to the values of humility, charity, and true brotherly love
The event that curtailed Augustus’s expansionist policies was
the defeat by Varus in the Teutoburg Forest.
The first of the Flavian emperors was
The largest area of Roman innovation in architecture was
the use of concrete on a massive scale.
The last great persecution of Christians was ordered by
The most important figure in early Christianity after Jesus was
The praetorian guard came to play an important role in making and deposing emperors.
The Roman praetorian guards were
elite troops given the task of protecting the emperor
The Senate granted Octavian the titles Augustus and imperator (emperor), but he preferred to be addressed as
When Augustus died, who chose his successor?
Augustus himself
Which of the following argued that women should be subservient to men?
Which of the following trends developed during the reigns of the Julio-Claudian emperors?
Emperors took more and more actual ruling power away from the old Senate
After Constantine’s death, the Roman Empire began to divide into western and eastern parts and by the end of the fourth century had become virtually two independent states.