Test 2 Flashcards
Goal of social control
To maintain conformity in society
Two basic processes of social control
- the internalization of group norms
2. External pressures in the form of sanctions
Manifest functions of institutions
What is intended- what the institution is supposed to do (learn at a university)
Latent functions of institutions
Consequences of the institutions (student debt)
The Functionalist Perspective
Deviance is viewed as strengthening the bonds of social order- prompts social change
state of normlessness due to rapid social change
Institutional anomie
major institutions in the US have exaggeration on success, leads to deviance
Strain Theory
lack of opportunities for conventional success leads to strain (anger, frustration, deviance)
Accept goals and means (going to college)
Reject goals but accept means (will work but don’t care about moving up in the world)
Accepts the goals but rejects means (make money but do it illegally- drug dealing)
Reject goals and means (into the wild)
New means and new goals- always have an agenda to push new goals
structural functionalism
for a society to be functional, it must have all of the institutions working at the same time
Differential opportunity theory
more than one way to get rich, cannot assume that everyone has equal opportunities and means
Types of differential opportunity theory
criminal (boys in sketchy neighborhood w no sources), conflict (no opportunity for success because of limited means), retreatist (so angry that they gave up)
General Strain Theory
pressured into deviance by negative stimuli that leads to anger/frustration (no possibility of rewards)
What happens when there’s strain?
Strain leads to anger which leads to deviance
Institutional Anomie Theory
Suggests that the American dream leads to crime and deviance because of its emphasis on artificial success
Aspects of the American dream
winning, wealth, economy (banking, stocks)
Criticisms of anomie and strain theories
look at notes
Examples of abuse for Abu Gharaib
state of anomie and confusion at the camp produced deviance with inmates and the army, such as torture on prison inmates