Test 2 Flashcards
what were the intraelcclesial debates over
matter of the empires support, relationship between god and christ, and different opinions over sabellianism, adoptionism, and arius
what is sabellianism
merged the father and the son
inferior son subordinate to the father
what is arius
logos or son was derived from the father son is a part of the created order
what is the council of nicaea
by constantine to make a decree to define the official faith, first ecumenical council, rejected the teachings of arius, affirming antiochene christology
what is homoousios
one substance
who is eusebius
bishop of nicomedia, baptized constantine, believed homoousios is unbiblical and that merging of father and son is nontrinitarian, against athanasius
defender of nicene creed, homoiousios instead of homoousios, if christ were not truly god his scarifice could not redeem the corruption. against docetism
who were the cappadocian father
basil of caesarea, gregory of nazianzus, gregory of nyssa, homoousios can either be one substance or one person, one substance in 3 persons
what is the council of constantinople
by theodosius (foe of arianism), nicene creed was reaffirmed, clause on the HS was added, new nicene constnatinpolian creed
what is the modern nicene creed
fundamental christian statement on the nature of the godhead
describe alexandrian theology
platonic, metaphysical unity over classification, ideak over reality, soul over material, allegorical reading of bible, union with human nature in the incarnation
describe antiochene theology
aristotelian, observation, material over soul, emphasis on historical narrative in scripture, christ had a divine and human nature
when is the council of chalcedon and what did it focus on
451, focused on mary
what is theotokos
god bearer, mother of god
what did the council of ephesus and when was it
single nature of christ(monophysite) 451
what is the council of chalcedon
condemned monophysites,
name some divisions in the church
church in egypt refused to accept chalcedon, alienation of african churches, resistance of nestorianism (antiochene, syrain, mesopotamian, persian), elevation of power of constantinoplitan bishop
holy scripture wherever it recalls the lords economy
who is augustine of hippo
greatest latin theologian, catholic church held together by the spirit, believed word and sacrament were two means of grace
augustine believed what
sinfulness makes coercion sometimes justifiable
who did augustine oppose
where did the idea of original sin come from
describe church of constantinople
imperial church, byzabtine christianity, later eastern orthodox
which church claimed to be the true chirch
eastern orthodox church
what did the failure of chalcedon lead to
no unified christianity
describe the imperial church
grand, liturgy including processions, chanting and music, emphasis on conciliar tradition
who is emperor justinian what did he want to do
make empire truly christian and truly united, pagan citizens baptized, closed pagan academy in athens, codex justinianus, “ideal christian emperor”
effects of chalcedon
alienation of coptic church, no unity
antioch, syria(west), east syria outside of roman empire which is pro chalcedon
who is gregory the great
expanded role of roman church in civil affairs
who is benedict of nursia
monastic vision based on stability, simple life, corporate prayer
benedictine vows
stability, celibacy, obedience
describe irish monks
discipline, missionary zeal, practice of penance, prayer, fasting, mortification, see selves as exiles