Test 2 Flashcards
Cell Fractionation
Takes cells apart and separates major organelles and other subcellular structures from one another.
a semifluid, jellylike substance, which subcellular components are suspended.
Prokaryotic Cells
The DNA is concentrated in a region that is not membrane enclosed called nucleoid.
The inner part of the cell.
Plasma Membrane
Functions as a selective barrier that allows passage of enough oxygen, nutrients, and waste to service the entire cell.
Nuclear Envelope
encloses the nocuous, separating its contents from the cytoplasm.
Nuclear Lamina
A netlike array of protein filaments that maintains the shape of nucleus by mechanically supporting the nuclear envelope.
The complex of DNA and proteins making up chrisoms is called chromatin.
Contains DNA
made of ribosomal DNA and protein, they are the cellular components that carry out protein synthesis.
Smooth ER
It carries out synthesis of lipid, metabolism of carbohydrates, detoxification of drugs poisons and storage of calcium ions.
Rough ER
synthesizes Proteins
Proteins with carbohydrates covalently bonded to them
Transport Vesical
Vesicles in transit from one part of the cell to another part of the cell.
Golgi Apparatus
Here products of the ER such as proteins are modified and stored and then sent to other destinations.
a membranous sac of hydrolytic enzymes that many eukaryotic cells use to digest (hydrolyze) macromolecules
when a cell eats a smaller organism or food particle by engulfing it.
storage for the cell
Central Vacuole
found in plant cells, it develops by the coalescence of smaller vacuoles.
Sites of cellular respiration
found it plants and algae and is the site of photosynthesis
Endosymbiont theory
States that mitochondria used not to be in plant and animals cells until a long tome ago.
The inner membrane of the of mitochondria that divides the mitochondria into two internal compartments.
Mitochondrial Matrix
Is the space enclosed in the inner membrane.
interconnected sacs where photosynthesis takes place.
A stack of thylakoids
Fluid inside chloroplast.
a specialized metabolic compartment bounded to a single membrane.
hollow rods constructed from a globular proteins called tubulin.
microtubules grow out from a centrosome, a regions that is often near the nucleus .
Each composed of nine sets of triplet microtubules arranged into a ring.
Motion of flagella
A flagellum usually undulates, its snakes like motion driving a cell in the same direction as the axis of the flagellum
Motion of Cilia
Back and forth motion.
basal body
the microtubule assembly of a cilium or flagellum is structurally very similar to a centriole, w/ microtubule tripulets in a 9+0
Bending involves these, that are attached ailing each outer microtubule doublet.
aha actin filaments, are solid rods
the semisolid consistency of a gel in contrast with the more fluid state of the interior cytoplasm.
interact to cause contractions of muscle cells
the cell crawling along a surface by extending cellular extensions called pesudopodia
Cytoplasmic streaming
a circular flow of cytoplasm within a cell
Intermediate filaments
a diverse class of cytoskeletion
Cell wall
an extracellular structure of plant cells
Secondary Cell wall
Between plasma membrane and primary cell wall
extra cellular matrix
things ouside the cell
forms srong fibers outside the cell, woven in between proteoglycnas
bind to cell surface receptors called integrins that are built into the plasma membrain
Tight junctions
“sticky note”
Gap Junction
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