Test 2 Flashcards
What are the first 4 steps before building a golf course?
- Identify the need for a course or renovation
- Identify materials (estimater cost)
- Hire an architect (shade awareness, refences) (present cost/details, Assemble team)
- Complete Walk through( acquire materials)
- Begin construction
Describe the process in Identifying construction materials:
The superintendent should do this early to determine project feasability, the need for an intermediate layer(choker), and to facilitate accurate bidding. on green runs about 60k
What is the biggest cost?
the builder or labor costs.
When conducting a walk through what should you do, and who should be involved?
Evaluate each green site from each team members perspective discuss design goals, agronomic factors and maintenance specifics of each green site.
all team members and the greens committee.
What are 4 considerations in golf course green construction?
Location- dont let the architect over rule you
Drainage- shape everything to prevent surface drainage onto green. incorporate drainage in wet areas, riverbeds, floodplains, or marshes.
Shade- reduces photosynthesis, air movement, drying potential. tree roots are competitive. main reason for bermudagrass failure and bentgrass stress(air movement)
Subsurface drainage- rainfall amounts, budget, member expectations, availability of local sand/gravel sources.
Major means of excess soil water removal.
Describe/ Draw A traditional and typical USGA Green soil profile.
12'' rootzone mix, (traditional) 2-4'' choker later 4'' pea gravel 4'' diameter round drain in 8'' gravel trench sub soil
12’’ rootzone mix
4’’ pea gravel layer
4’’ round drain in 8’’ gravel trench
Describe the gravel layer-
size depends on sand
pea gravel not only choice
ASTM tests( chemical and physical stability) (done by providers)
Finished grade needs to mirror rootzone surface.
Describe the perched water table in a USGA profile
top of gravel layer equal in pressure potential
Draining intensity independent of rootzone permeability
saturated zone is consistent over gravel layer
Describe a California Style Green Profile-
12’’ Sand rootzone
4’’ diameter round drain in 8’’ gravel trench
conserves water, only get 5’‘-10’’ of rainfall
Describe the perched water table in Cali Style green profile.
pressure potential varies between drains,
saturated zone in parabolic shape
Capillary fringe highest midway between drains and reduced near drains.
can cause dry spots over drains and wet spots between.
To equal USGA water removal, what does a cali style drain need to be able to remove?
how do cali style influence this?
20 in/hr greater rootzone permeability.
cali style greens typially have more greens slope.
What type of pipe is used to help fix the turtle back saturated zone?
Horizontal Panel Pipe 6’’ width
Site preparation is composed of what two parts?
Surveying and Staking
Describe the steps in constructing a golf green/ sports field: (7) before seeds.
- Site prep
- Subgrade 18in below planned surface should match surface contours within +1in, Finished sub-grade should be smooth, and firm enough to support construction equipment,No plants should be left to grow in subgrade
- Install Subsurface Drainage( 4’’ tile, on 2-3% grade, 15-20ft spacing)
- Placement of 4’’ ‘pea’ gravel layer, 1/4 to 3/8in.
- Install 2’’ coarse 1-4mm Sand Choker Layer if used
- Offsite mixing of rootzone mix, then install
- Surface Grading and packing.(settling)
List and describe the 3 different types of Drainage patterns-
- Herringbone, done the middle with v shapes along center tile. 10-20ft spacing,
- Gridiron- Central line offset with slanted pipes angled across green, 10-20
- Modified herringbone w/ smile perimeter line, circle around edges and slanted tiles across green. on line run off. 10-20
List the USGA green sand/gravel %s
Gravel (2mm) -Very Coarse( 1-2mm) 10%
Medium .25-.5mm -Coarse .5mm-1mm 60%
Fine (.1-.25mm) -V.fine (.05-.1) 10%
List the Cali style green %s
Gravel2mm and V.Coarse 1-2mm
What is the Ksat for USGA and Cali Style-
USGA= 6-24in/ hr
Cali- >20in/hr
How do you help regulate water and nutrient retention in green sand mix?
what 4 things should be checked before doing this.
Add 5- 20%by volume local topsoil or sphagnum peat.
send all amendments to lab to check for long term stability, weed seed content, top soil particle size analysis, and influence on drainage.
What are the two best soil organic amendments used to modify root zones?
1.Peat humus.
2.Reed-sedge peat.
others- sawdust, sphagnum peat moss, rice hulls
When Carbon is broken down N is used for energy so consider adding N fert along with amendments.
Name some soil inorganic Amendments and their features.
Calcined clay- burned clay(Profile)
Calcined diatomaceous earth, one celled organism skeletons, (AXIS)
Zeolite- Natural materials, high CEC, Water softners, Volcanic, HIGH CEC,WHC (zeo pro)
Native Soil
What dictates Compaction?
What percentage of settling can be expected?
what type of conditions accompany low areas vs. high areas?
How does increasing rootzone depth at lower ends of sloping greens affect soil moisture?
How does shallower depths of rootmix on elevated areas affect soil moisture in upper layer of rootzone mix?
low areas can have wetter conditions, high areas can be drier.
It reduces soil moisture.
Increases soil moisture
When do you irrigate in relation to planting?
What do you do after?
Irrigate before to provide some soil moisture,
Irrigate after to keep top 1’’ wet,(not saturated)
Roll greens after to increase soil to grass/seed contact, smooth the surface and help settle the soil.
Describe fertilizer recommendations offsite/onsite for green.
offsite- 1-2-2 ratio, blend 2.5- 3lbs per cubic yard + organic fertilizer at 1lb per cubic yard. processed sewage sludge 6-2-0
Onsite- rototill twice into top 6-8in with 100 lbs 10-20-20 + 35 lbs 6-2-0 (or equivalent)
may also add granular micronutrient package, root biostimulant, a humate or carbohydrate soil conditioner according to label directions (based on soil test)
When do you mow after green establishment?
Once active growth is seen
use very sharp blade.
use fungicides if needed, (fusarium, pythium, take-all patch) affect seedlings. coolseason grasses.
1 cu. yd. of sand/ choker sand, or pea gravel weighs?
1cu. yd. =
2600lbs, 1.3tons
27 ft cubed
tons = no. of yd cubed x 1.3
What is the most common design flaw of commercial turfgrass facilities?
How much is a minimum cost to build a golf course?
Per green?
Per bunker?
What are the high cost-
Inadequate or improper drainage.
10 million.. lack of money is the biggest pitfall
Value of land, irrigation system, Drainage cost
What is the quickest way to drain water?
slope of land via surface drainage.
1-3 steps in construction a golf course-
- verify a Need for a golf course ( 18 hole w/ practice facility)
- Assemble a team of professionals to do a thorough site analysis and address planning, design, and construction issues, (make dates)
- Architectural design (golf course, clubhouse, irriagation)
Area w/ a water table within 6in. of surface area in soil
Wetland, feeds the ground water
What should the decision when selecting an architect be on?
design skills, style, selling ability, REFERRALS.
- need to design to prevent scalping and shade
Describe the Team-
Leadership Architect Contractor Golf Professional Superintendent Agronomist Clerk of the works(business manager)
4-6 steps in constructing golf course-
- Permitting and Engineering (environmental issues, land use, construction regs. do environmental audit.
- Meet with regulatory agencies, environmental group, and concerned citizens ( open house). adjust based on imputs
- Hire qualified superintendent to help administer construction bidding and site inspection.
7-8 steps in constructing golf course
- Site preperation
- surveying/ staking,
- erosion control/ stormwater management and environmental protection. first 2 help last
- id and develop utility sources
- land clearing
- rough grading( initial slopes)
- soil cultivation - Drainage- most money
Describe the process of land clearing-
removing trees and shrubs, indicate the ones that will remain.
grubbing- removing roots and stumps,remove rocks and stones.
Elaborate on drainage-
costs the most,
build water retention facilities(dams/spillways/ ponds)
Surface storm drainage(catch basins/ ditches) -quickest drainage
Subsurface drainage, plastic or polyethylene tile.
9-11 steps in constructing a golf course
- Constructions / Shaping of features (greens, tees, fairways)
- Instillation of irrigation system, wells, and pump station
- Seedbed preperation
Describe Seedbed preperation-
Redistribute the topsoil and make rootzone soil modifications(add amendments), soil pH and fert adjustments based on soil tests.
Fumigate the root zone mix. cost $100-300 and acre.
Final grading.
What is the most important component of the overall storm drainage system?
how is this achieved?
Surface Drainage, because it is the most rapid and easiest means of removing excess water.
Achieved by surface contours to divert water away from the playing surface. (grading, shaping drainage swells and ditches) Stabilizing stream banks, Constructing overflow and drainage structures, that connect water-retention facilities.
3 Rules of thumb for surface drainage-
surface contours should be diverted away from greens/ bunkers
Slope 2-3%, no lower than 1% GRASSED surface
water shouldnt have to drain further than 150-ft before intersecting a drain. influenced by soil type.
describe 3 surface drainage Contours-
Wedge- drains on a slope one direction
Turtleback- Drains on a slope 2 directions( high in middle)
Vshape- Drains to center (Low in middle)
What can be used to intercept water that is draining on the surface-
Catch Basin- 2-3% slope.
What invloves managing storm water inflitration, percolation, and movement through the soil profile.
Where is it needed?
Where is it important?
Subsurface drainage
Low areas or where water is slow to surface drain
Important with clay soil or hardpan subsoil.
What is the most common form of subsurface drainage?
Catch basins connected to a network of underlying drainage lines routed to an outlet,
used in greens, bunkers, some tees, and low lying fairways. dictated by budget. necessity in greens and bunkers
What is Hooghoudts Equation- S= K= H= V=
S= Square root of (4KH^2) /V S= spacing K= Saturated hydrolic conductivity H= height of water table V= drainage rate or rainfall or irrigation rate
S = in or ft
Typical spacing of depth of tile lines different soils: Sandy- Light Loam- Heavy Loam- Clay- Greens-
depth Maximum spacing 3-6ft 100-150ft 2.75 -5 50-100 2.5-3 25-50 2.5 10-25 2 10-20 exception
Plastic tile pipe size range
2-4’’ typically 4’’
max 4% slope, water moves to fast causes a back up. ideal is 1-2%
Describe a French or Slit Drain line-
8’’ deep, 2-4’’ wide 1-3% grade
top 2-4’’ coarse sand -growing medium
rest pea gravel, .5-1’’
What are the factors affecting a seepage drain?
Place sand cap waffle drain parallel to slope
Solid pipe connector carries all water away from fairway to drainage ditch
spacing depends on steepness and soil texture
What catches surface water and subsurface
What else does it do?
Permeable Catch Basin
eliminates wet spots around basin
Eliminates soil cavitization
12-15 Steps in constructing a golf course
- Turfgrass establishment, including planting and mulching,
- Sand trap installation including design, grading and drainage.
- Accessibility, bridge, and cart path construction, (shelter construction and drinking fountains.
- Turfgrass ‘Grow-in’ and Maintenance. -irrigation, fert, mowing
Qualities of a perfect sand-
firm under foot, drains well, attractive appearance, no crusting.
What factors make up Sand Quality-(7)
Particle size distribution Particle shape Crusting potential pH and hardness Infiltration rate color Overall playing quality
What is the ideal range for bunker sand?
with >75% between .25-.5mm
.05 -.1 2
the formation of a layer of dried, stiff sand on the surface of the bunker.
directly related to the amount of silt and clay in the sand
reported as : N(none) L(light) M(moderate) S(severe)
higher the crusting the more frequent the raking.
Describe pH in relation to sand-
Sand with high pH are likely to be strongly Calcareous and subject to physical weathering overtime losing surface area. pH value is NOT very important and shouldnt be used to disqualify a sand from being considered for use.
This will have an influence on mechanical weathering of sand.
soft particles can be crushed into smaller particles during raking, soft sand may drain perfectly at first and slowly degrade in quality over time.
What is the usually Infiltration rate of a bunker?
50+ in/hr due to absence of organic matter and less compaction.
when testing if less than 20in/hr is a good indication of severe contamination of silt, clay and organic debris.
How do you create an optimum drainage in a bunker?
backfill with gravel and install smile drain(perimeter), interior slopes of 2-3%.
Bunkers downslope of hills should have a diversion trench or swale or drainline installed above them.
What can be used to speed up drainage across drainlines-
Slope on tees-
dont exceed 4:1
surrounds 3:1 (equipment) safety
What is the biggest problem in turfgrass establishment?
When renovating whats a good control of bermudagrass?
Whats a risk when using herbicides with younger grasses?
At least 3 application of Roundup Pro 4S at 4-5 qts/acre each. 14 days between applications.
they can be damaging to younger grasses
How do you get PLS-
seed purity x seed germination /100
these numbers will be on the label on the bag.
What is the ideal seedlings per sq. in.?
optimum seeding time for cool season?
8-18 with 10 being a good medium. or 1500 per sq.ft.
sept 15., 30 days before first expected frost. when soil temps are between 60-70F and 4’’ depth. Second choice late Feb but young seed must survive summer heat.
Between may 1st- 30th- soil temps between 70-80F. Earlier may delay germ and seeds will lost viability. Later may not mature before winter.
Bermudagrass seeding rate
1-2lbs/1000 sq.ft.
4-8lbs/ 1000 sq.ft.
1/4-1 lbs/1000sq.ft.
1/2-3 lbs/1000sq.ft.
St. Augustine-
What are the differences between hulled and unhulled?
Hulled germinates more rapidly- absorbs water, oxygen faster. fills in faster
Unhulled requires higher seeding rate.
Grain of a grass plant-
What is the hull?
How long does it take to establish seeded zoysia to 90%?
10+ weeks, 2 summer seasons, zenith(most popular zoysia)
4+ weeks
Seeding rates-
Annual Ryegrass-
Creeping bentgrass
KY Bluegrass-
5-9 (3-7 days to germ)
Seeding rates-
Perennial ryegrass-
Tall Fescue-
6-10 (3-7 days to germ)
How deep do you incorporate seed into soil?
top 1-4’’ depending on seed size.
can be done by cultipacker in one step
when using drop or rotary spreader split in two and make two applications in different directions.
follow by topdressing 1/4in and rolling
Describe hydroseeding-
what are the common components
spreading seed through a spray gun mixed with mulch and fertilizer. possibly also some kind of binder to reduce erosion.
mulch is usually hay, straw, wood or fiber.
seed, fertilizer, mulch, tackifier, water.
substance that helps seed stick to surface-
Vegetative Establishment-
Involves using rhizomes or stolons incorporated into the soil. Faster than seed but more costly . Sod is most expensive and may need to be washed.
bahiagrass- R
St. Augustinegrass- S
Ideal Sprigs-
Using rhizomes or stolons as planting material in narrowly spaced furrows. Little or no soil. moisture is critical. Most economical Means
6’’ with more than 2 nodes
plant within 48 hours of harvest, cool with mist, place in shade.
6-10 weeks for complete ground coverage.
Traditional bushel:
GA Bushel:
TX Bushes:
traditional- 1yd^2, 2in deep
GA- sprigs in .4 cubic ft. container
TX sprigs in a 1.24 cu.ft. container
Sprigging Rates-
Putting greens-
Putting greens
Bermudagrass- 15-30 bu/1,000ft. sq.
Bent- 8-12
Zoysia- 14-18
Bermudagrass- 10-20
Bent- 6-10
Zoysia- 9-16
Sprigging rates-
fairways -
Bermudagrass- 400-800
Zoysia- 300-400
Most expensive, instant green, erosion control
can introduce soil pests, weeds, nematodes, or fire ants.
lay within 48 hours, or store in shade water seedbed before sodding, shrinking will occur so butt edges stagger seams into bricklike pattern Recommended to wash soil from sod if using on sand base. roll to smooth and push roots through topdress. 4 weeks to knit down, test by pulling.
Seeding watering-
water lightly 4-8x per day to keep top in of soil moist but nor saturated. use small nozzels to avoid washing
reduce watering as seedlings mature.
Sod/ sprig watering-
Irrigate immediately after, continue frequently to maintain a moist soil surface until coverage.
Heavily irrigate sod to ensure moisture movement to soil surface for 7 days, reduce amount and frequency after.
Mowing grow in- greens
mow when turf reaches 130 to 150% desired mowing height.
Bermuda greens- 3/4 to 1’’ slowly lower to .5’’
Bent greens- mow w/in 3 weeks of germination at 3/8 to 1/2’’ lower mowing height to 1/16 and 1/32’’ per week until final desired height is reached.
Mowing grow in- fairways
bermuda- 1.25- 1.5 ‘’
bluegrass/ rye - 1.5’’ to 2’’
Rules of thumb for Mowing-
always use sharp mower blades to prevent tearing or pulling up. sharpen every 2 weeks, check every week.
Use walking reel mowers on greens and tees until complete coverage.
do not mow when turf is wet
remove clippings if clumping or shading occurs.
Grow in fertilizer
Cool season greens and tees-
Cool season- fairways
use 1-2-2 or 5-10-10 as starter fert, incorporate into soil if possible.
after second mowing apply complete fertilizer.
- .5 lbs N weekly on cool season greens and tees
3/4 -1 lb every two weeks on cool season fairways and roughs. per 1000sq.ft.
-1lb N weekly on bermuda.
until complete coverage
alternate quick release N source, with a complete fertilizer (N-P-K) until establishment
may supplement with iron or liquid K every 2 weeks.(0-0-28 +Fe)
Be less aggressive if cool season grasses are seeded in the spring.
Grow in- pest control-
what chemicals can be used?
always use fungicide treated seed,
Regulate soil moisture to prevent pythium, fusarium, brown patch, algae.
use Siduron( Tupersan) at 6lbs ai/acre or Drive 75DF at 1lb/Acre before seeding cool-season grasses or sprigging zoysiagrass for control of crabgrass, foxtail.
Chemicals that can be used to prevent goosegrass and crabgrass-
post control-
post control broadleaf-
Ronstar at 1-2lbs ai/acre preemergent
6-8 weeks after germ with CMA on cool season or MSMA/DSMA on warm at 1lb ai/ acre
Buctril at .38 lb ai/acre
- Labor- biggest cost
- Fertilizer and soil amendments
- tree removal
- low spots and poor drainage
- additional irrigation heads
- erosion control/ sodding
Id one of the two authors of the article
Giordano, Vargas
The bacterium discussed in this research article is named
Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae
Temperature associated with bacterial disease first observed-
________ means the ability to cause disease
relative humidity associated with where this bacterial disease was first observed.
90 F
the pathogenic bacterium discussed in this research article can be easily confirmed through bacterial streaming from tissue T or F
two parameters that increase the aggressiveness of the disease-
restricted air movement
high soil moisture, environmental stress
the accelerated growth associated with a pathogenic infection.
bacterium discussed in this research article was initially isolated from ______ creeping bentgrass
Pen G 2
Two current recommendations for superintendents battling this pathogenic bacterium:
Increase air movement across greens
Reduce soil moisture.