Test 2 Flashcards
List some characteristics of Class Gastropoda.
1) Body usually asymmetric
2) Head region is well developed
3) Radula present
4) Large flat foot
5) Gill or lung present
List the characteristics of Molluscs.
1) Mantle
2) Radula
3) Muscular foot
4) Eye
5) Lack segmentation
6) open circulatory system
7) Gill
8) Trochophore larvae - broadcast fertilization
9) largest invertebrate
List the 3 subclasses of gastropoda and a feature that defines them.
Subclass Prosobranchia - gill in front Subclass Opisthobranchia - gill in back Subclass Pulmonata - lung
List the characteristics of Class Bivaliva.
1) Marine and Freshwater
2) body enclosed in a two-lobed mantle
3) shell - two lateral valve with dorsal hinge
4) no head region
5) no tentacles
6) Mouth - palps
7) eyes
8) no radula
9) foot
10) gills
List the types of Bivalve locomotion and an example of each.
Sessile (cement gland) - Oyster - crassostrea
Byssal threads (attached) - mussle - Modious
Motile - Donax
abductor muscles - scallops
List characteristics of Class Polyplacophora.
1) very slow
2) elongate body
3) reduced head regions
4) bilateral symmetry
5) radula - scrapes green algae off rocks
List the characteristics of Aplacophora.
1) small
2) mud bottoms
3) vermiform - worm like
4) w/o foot or mantle
5) poorly developed head region
6) radula
List the characteristics of Class Scaphopoda.
1) one piece shell - open at both ends
2) foot modified for burrowing
3) head region absent
4) Radula
5) tentacles called captacula
6) eat foraminiferans
List the characteristics of Class Cephalopoda.
1) all marine
2) all predators
3) ultimate in Molluscan Evolution
4) body with a shell
5) well developed head and eyes
6) foot - 8 tentacles
7) Siphon
8) superior nervous system
9) closed Circulatory system
10) radula
list the stages of shell evolution in Cephalopoda.
1) Nautilus
2) Cuttlefish shell
3) Squid pen
4) Octopus w/o a shell
List the characteristics of Hirundo.
1) annul
2) segmented worms
3) Circular and longitudinal muscles for moving
4) 8 seta per segment
5) Hydrostatic skeleton
6) segments called metameres
List some characteristics of Polychaetes.
1) almost all hide
2) closed circulatory system
3) pair of nephridia per segment
4) cephalization
What are the 2 subclasses of Polychaeta and their characteristics?
Subclass Sedentaria - ex Chaetopterus
- Filter feeders
- tube dwellers
- regional differentiation
Subclass Errantia - ex. Nereis
- primarily swimmers, crawlers, burrowing, tube-dwelling, and pelagic
- parapodia are well developed
- serial homology - segments are similar
- teeth and jaws
- head region with sensory structures - detect light
What is a deposit feeder and some examples of each kind?
Direct deposit feeder - chews up the substrate
- Capitella
Indirect deposit feeder - gather food before it hits the ground
- Cirratulus
Active filter feeder - pull water through
- Chaetopterus
Passive filter feeder - just allow the water to come by
- fan worm
Whats the difference between Epitoky and Atoky?
Epitoke is the posterior reproductive portion of polychaetes.
Atoke is the anterior non-reproductive portion of polychaetes.