Final Flashcards
List some characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata
1) Radial Symmetry
2) mesodermal Endoskeleton
3) Water vascular system
4) Deuterostomes
5) Oral and aboral axis
- no head region
- external fertilatization
- incredible regeneration
List Chordate affinities
1) indeterminate cleavage
2) deuterostomes
3) enterocoelous coelom
4) mesodermal endoskeleton
5) larvae indicate ancestors were bilateral symmetrical
List characteristics of Class Asteroidea
1) arms not divided
2) ambulacral groove
3) pedicellariae
- pentamorus
- rocky coasts
List characteristics of Ophiuroidea
1) Arms divided
2) Ambulacral grooves are covered
3) mouth with 5 teeth
- pentamorus
List characteristics of Class Echinoidea
1) without arms
2) spines
3) Aristotle’s lantern
- globular in shape
- compact skeleton
- tube feet
List characteristics of Class Holothuroidea
1) Veriform - worm like
2) without arms
3) without spines
4) anus present
5) Leathery
- tube feet
List characteristics of Class Crinoidea
1) body on aboral stalk
2) mouth and anus directed up
3) tentacle-like tube feet
- water vascular system
Define Evisceration
Expulsion of internal organs in sea cucumbers
What is Luidia alternata?
Banded sea star
List characteristics of Phylum Chaetognatha
1) Unsegmented - bilateral symmetry
2) paired fins
3) Planktonic predator
- head - trunk - tail
What is a lophophore?
a food collecting organ that encircles the mouth with numerous ciliated tentacles
What are the 2 Lophophorate Phyla?
Phylum Branchiopoda - lamp shells
Phylum Bryozoa - moss animals
What are protochordates and what are the 2 Phyla?
Chordates without a backbone
1) Phylum Urochordata
2) Phylum Cephalochordata
What are 2 Classes in Phylum Hemichordata?
Class Enteropneusta
- ability to take water into the mouth without swallowing
Class Pterobranchia
- food is collected by cilia on tentacles
List the characteristics of Phylum Chordata
1) Notochord
2) Dorsal hollow nerve cord
3) Gill slits
4) Post-anal tail
- ventral heart
List characteristics of Subphylum Urochordata
1) notochord only in larvae
2) dorsal nerve cord only in larvae
3) planktonic larval stage
4) sessile adult
5) marine filter feeders
List characteristics of Subphylum Cephalochordata
1) notochord and nerve cord
2) pharyngeal gill slits
3) small fish-like in appearance
List Characteristics of Class Agnatha.
1) mouth ventral - without jaw
2) without scales
3) without paired fins
4) cartilaginous skeleton
- body slender
- lampreys and hagfish
List characteristics of Class Placodermi
1) armored plates
2) mouth anterior with jaws
3) bony skeleton
4) paired fins
- extinct by close of Paleozoic
What is the importance of Class Placodermii?
without them no limbs
What 2 classes did Placodermii split into?
Class Chondrichthyes
Class Osteichthyes
List characteristics of Class Chondrichthyes.
1) skeleton of cartilage
2) paired pelvic and pectoral fins
3) placoid scales
- without a swim bladder
- gill slits
- mouth ventral
List characteristics of Class Osteichthyes.
1) Skeleton of bone
2) mouth anterior
3) operculum
4) swim bladder
- cycloid scales
- paired pelvic & pectoral fins
- dermal scales for protection and osmoregulation
- most common fish
Define Demersal
fishes that live on the bottom
Define Homocercal
upper and lower lobes of the caudal fin of equal size - ex bony fish
Define Chromatophores
colored pigments in bony fishes
Define Iridiophores
chromatophores that contain crystals giving bony fish structural colors
Define Myomeres
Muscles that produce rhythmic contractions
Define Anadromous fish
living at sea but migrate to FW to reproduce - salmon
Define Catadromous fish
breed at sea but live in FW - FW eels
Define Ovoviviparous
eggs develop inside the mom, then she gives birth to live young
Define Viviparous
live young, nourished from the reproductive tract
Define Gill rakers
water filters of basking sharks
List characteristics of Order Squamata.
1) skin of epidermal scales
2) jaws with teeth
3) with or without legs
4) terrestiral - freshwater - marine
snakes and lizards
List characteristics of Order Chelonia
1) body in a case of dermal plates (modified scales)
2) jaws without teeth - probably not predators - herbivorous
3) terrestrial - freshwater - marine
turtles and tortoises
Define Arribada
mass nesting of sea turtles on beaches
What are the 3 different life styles of reptiles pertaining to reproduction and where they live or eat.
1) sea lizards - live on land, eat in water, lay eggs on land
2) sea turtles - live on water, come on land to lay eggs
3) sea snakes - truly marine - ovoviviparous
Whats a Turtle Excluder Device?
net to capture fish that allows turtles to escape
What’s Ascension Island?
an island in the middle of the South Atlantic that sea turtles sometimes lay eggs at.
List the Order and characteristics of Sea Snakes.
Order Squamata
- no fouling organisms (probably because of shedding)
- often seen in massive numbers
- can stay underwater for 2 hours (maybe cutaneous respiration)
List characteristics of birds.
1) feather
2) air breathers
3) homeothermic - aka endothermic
4) oviparous
5) Volant (can fly)
Why do tropical areas have higher diversity?
they don’t freeze
Why is bird diversity low in the ocean?
1) the ocean is flat
2) wet
3) salty
4) usually very windy
5) only marine foods available
Name 3 groups of reptiles and how excess salt is released.
Sea Lizard - Nasal Gland (same as marine birds)
Sea Turtles - Lachrymal Gland ( in orbit of eye)
Sea Snakes - Sublingual Gland
What’s counter shading?
ventral light & dorsal dark
List the 4 types of flight in marine birds.
1) Flightless - penguins
2) Dynamic Soaring - albatross
3) Static Soaring (thermals) - pelicans
4) Wing Loading - Auks
What are the 3 marine mammal orders?
Order Sirenia - sea cows
Order Pinnipedia - seals
Order Cetacea - whales
Define Breaching.
whales leaping into the air
Define beaching.
whales and dolphins stranding themselves on beaches
Define fluke
horizontal, fin-like muscular tail of cetaceans
Define ambergris.
an ingredient in perfumes from un-digested sperm whale food
Define baleen
filtering plates that hang from the upper jaws of baleen whales
Define rorquals
blue whale and fin whales
Define great whales.
sperm and baleen whales
Define melon.
fatty structure on toothed whales that focus and direct sound waves
Define spermaceti
waxy oil in sperm whales used for candles and lube
Define delayed implantation
prolonging embryo development until the mother reaches the shore
Define nitrogen narcosis (bends)
decompression sickness - nitrogen bubbles in joints or blocking blood flow
How do dolphins echolocate?
by sending sound waves from the melon to the target and hearing the echo bounce off with the inner ear
What is a fouling organism and what are examples w/ and w/o damage?
= organisms that live attached to submerged surfaces
- with damage - ex. Shipworms
- without damage - ex. algae
List examples of each trophic level.
TL 1 - diatoms TL 2 - copepods TL 3 - krill TL 4 - fish, seals, penguins TL 5 - sharks, killer whales