Test 2 Flashcards
____ cannot be synthesized
organic compounds required in small amounts to prevent clinical deficiency, and deterioration in health, growth, and reproduction
act as cofactors for enzymes
regulating glycolysis, citric acid cycle, oxidative
phosphorylation, B-oxidation and amino acid
B complex vitamins
are more soluble in water (less likely to be to toxic
at high doses)
Water-soluble vitamins (B complex and C)
more soluble in organic solvents (more likely to be
toxic at high doses)
fat-soluble vitamins
___ and ___ are needed to heme synthesis
Folic acid and B12
Vitamins don’t help you meet calorie numbers they are ____
____ are carbs. and fats = help get calories
____ help prevent tissue damage, buffer free radicals, reduce inflammation, buffer oxidative stress/reactions
♦Vitamin E ♦Vitamin C ♦Beta-carotene and Vitamin A ♦Selenium ♦Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10)
nutrients involved in antioxidant activities
♦A.k.a – ascorbic acid or ascorbate ♦Essential water-soluble vitamin – while plants and most mammals can synthesize their own vitamin C, humans lack the enzyme that catalyzes the final step in vitamin C synthesis -antioxidant function in extracellular fluid
vitamin C
Increased serum concentrations of vit C
augment the release of catalytic iron from
____; the released iron then accelerates
oxidative damage
best sources of Vitamin C are __ and ___. stored in airtight closed containers bc they are easily oxidized.
fruits and veggies
inorganic substances found naturally on earth and are classified as trace elements and macrominerals
___ is needed for heme synthesis
{Calcium {Phosphorous {Magnesium {Fluoride & {Vitamin D
nutrients that affect bone metabolism
erode the bone surface & form cavities in the bone
a.k.a. resorption
act at site of cavities to synthesize new bone matrix (a.k.a. formation)
principal protein constituent of
the RBC & give blood red color; responsible
for RBC ability to transport oxygen to the
muscles & carry CO
away from muscles to
heme protein found in skeletal
muscle, increases the rate of oxygen
diffusion from blood to cells
During iron deficiency, amount of myoglobin
in muscle is reduced, ___ the diffusion
of oxygen from the RBCs to the mitochondria