TEST 2 Flashcards
The term abandoned vehicle can apply to what?
A. Motor Vehicle
B. Semi Trailer
C. Trailer
D. All of the above
Unless restricted by a policy the ___ of a vehicle should be given the option to remove the vehicle if it is not creating a driving hazard.
A vehicle is considered abandoned if it is left unattended on public property for how many hours?
48 hours
When determining if a vehicle should be impounded a police officer should what?
Follow their agency policy
A vehicle is considered abandoned if it remains in a private parking garage for how many days and the vehicle owner has been notified by mail.
10 days
A ______ is not required to seize a vehicle on private property.
Search warrant
If a current owner is unknown, who will be considered the current owner for reporting purposes?
The last known registered owner.
A vehicle is considered abandoned if remained on private property without the consent of the owner for how many hours?
48 hours
To be charged with arson, a person must have set a fire with what intent?
Willful and malicious
What is the thresh-hold for malicious burning 1st and 2nd Degree?
The following items must be considered before an officer enters a burning building.
A. Structure collapse
B. Disorientation
C. Unconsciousness
D. All of the above
When a LEO arrives at the scene of a fire, they should do the following:
A. Attempt to locate the owner
B. Observe fire behavior and take notes and pictures
C. Treat it like any other crime scene
D. All the above
The long range goal of a traffic enforcement program is to?
Increase the voluntary public compliance of the traffic regulation
The allocation of law enforcement resources proportional to the incident of traffic crashes with respect to time, locations, and type of contributing violations is known as?
Selective enforcement
True or False: Issuing a SERO is never an acceptable alternative to issuing a citations.
Which of the following would not be considered an element of selective enforcement.
A. Time and place of crash
B. Frequency of crashes
C. Roadway compensition
D. Make of vehicle
If a person decides to pay the fine indicated, where may they do so?
District Court
True or False: According to MD Vehicle law, If a person fails to appear in court for a violation not punishable by incarceration the court may NOT issue a warrant for the persons arrest.
While issuing a violation for a minor charge, you explain that.
The options available are outlined on the back of the citation.
You issued and explained a MD uniformed complaint to the violator, the violator advises you that since he is not a resident of MD he is not required to sign his name and refuses to do so, you should.
A. Write the word refusal on the signature line
B. Issue the Defendant a second charge for failure to sign the citation and advise the Defendant that the District Court will notify them and provide them a date
C. Advise the Defendant that they are under arrest for failure to sign the citation.
D. Advise the Defendant that failure to sign may lead to their arrest.
If a traffic violator refuses to sign a citation, the issuing officer should warn that person that failure to do so may lead to _______.
Their arrest.
Of the following which is not a traffic violation an officer would effect a physical arrest for?
A. Fleeing or Attempting to allude a Police officer.
B. Refusal to submit to vehicle weighing.
C. Failure to grant right of way.
D, hazardous material violation
True or False: If you are charged for anything under 16-303, you can just pay the fine.
MD Vehicle law permits the arrest of a driver for which of the following violations?
A. Reckless driving
B. Driving without a license
C. Aggressive driving
D. Driving an unregistered vehicle
Which of the following options does an officer have when a motorist fails to sign a traffic citations?
A. Issue them another citation for failure to sign the first one
B. Place them under arrest.
C. Decide to not write a citation for failure to sign the first citation.
D. All of the above
True or False: According to MD motor vehicle law an officer may elect to write refused on the signature block noted by the court instead of making arrest of the person.
True or False: MD vehicle law requires an officer to write a citation for failure to sign a citations and request the person to sign both the first and second citation before arresting them.
According to 16-112, A person may not give the name of another person or give a false or fictitious name to any _____ who is attempting to determine the identity of the driver.
Uniformed police officer
A driver approaches your patrol car from the rear at night, they are within 200 ft before they dim their lights. Is this a violation?
Yes - must dim within 300ft.
You see a child, age 16, as a passenger in the front seat of a four door sedan with no seatbelt. Is this a violation?
You see a class E truck with a manufactures rating of less than 10,000lbs being operated ona highway with a bumper height of 30inches. Which of the following is the correct?
A. There is no violation
B. Charge the driver with 22-105B operating a vehicle on highway with a bumper height over 28inches
Upon arrival the primary responding officer should do which of the following:
A. Make the scene safe
B. Treat the injured
C. Secure the scene
D. All of the above
A trained patrol officer can:
A. Render aid to an injured victim
B. Interview witness and complainants
C. Protect the crime scene
D. All of the above
True or False: A patrol officer has all the proper training to conduct a basic search of a crime scene for evidence.
True or False: Protecting a crime scene means eliminating the access of unauthorized members of the police and officers to the scene.
Depending on the type of crime, which of the following resources can be utilized during the investigation.
A. Crime scene/evidence recovery personel
B. Other LEO agencies in surrounding areas
C. States Attorney investigators.
D. All of the above
How can crime stoppers assist in a theft investgation?
They can publish info and offer rewards
The best resource an officer can rely on when conducting a preliminary investigation for delinquent acts is?
Youth Division unit
True or False: A good resource for an officer conducting a preliminary investigation for child exploitation is the Federal or state sex offender registry.
Using a minor child for profit, power, status, sexual gratification, or some other purpose is?
Child exploitation
The practice where a child sells his or her body for sexual activities for return renumeration or any other form of consideration is defined as?
child prostitution
The sexual abuse of children and use through the exchange of sex or sexual acts for drugs, food, shelter, protection, money, or other basics for life is defined as?
child sexual exploitation
Images of children engaged in sexual conduct stored on a computer disk is an example of?
Child pornography
The annotated code of MD Criminal law - Article 9.801 defines a criminal organization as a group or ongoing association of 3 or more person whose members individually or collectively engage in a pattern of criminal gang activity.
All of the above
The legal definition of a gang is any organization, association, or group of ____ or more people.
A gang is any ongoing organization, association of 3 or more persons wether formal or informal having one of its primary activities the commission of one or more of:
A. Acts of kindness
B. Initiation rights
C. Sports activities
D. Criminal activities
A group or association of 3 or more persons who members individually or collectively engage in a pattern of ______ having as one of their primary objectives or activities, the commission of one or more underlying crimes, including any act by a juvenile that would be….
criminal organization activity.
All the following are gang related terms except:
A. Jump in
B. Beat in
C. Sex in
D. Jump steady
All the following are DMI symbols except:
A. Grim reaper
B. Dog
C. All seeing eye pyramid
All the following are gang related terms except:
A. Jump in
B. Blood in/Blood out
C. Sexed in
D. Sexed out
All the following are blood symbols except:
A. Dog
B. 5 point star
C. Grim reaper
D. Red bandana
The BGF is what type of gang?
Prison gang
Any ongoing organization , association of _____ or more persons…
Blood and crips are what type of gang?
Street gang
Which of the following types of gangs are found in MD?
A. Prison gangs
B. Street gangs
C. White supremacy gangs
D. All of the above
When following the gang member validation worksheet logos, graffiti, and hand symbols fall under what?
Which of the following is not considered an indicator of gang affiliation?
A. Carrying a weapon
B. Interest in family and school
C. Extra cash from unknown sources
D. Secretive about activities
Which of the following is not considered an indicator of gang affiliation?
A. Change in friends
B. Regular family attendance at church services
C. Change in dress habits and wearing the same color of clothing
D. Tattoos
Which of the following is not a criteria when validating a suspected gang member?
A. Self admission
B. Tattoos
C. Eye color
D. Symbolism
Heightened fear, crime, economic cost, and quality of life issues are all effects that _______ have on society.
True or False: Gang membership crosses all social, economic, racial, and ethnic boundaries.
True or False: Gang membership is limited to minorities, adult male and females, people on public assistance, and members of broken homes.
Gangs affect society through heightened fear, crime, economic cost, and _________.
Quality of life issues
Officers should be vigilant in the continue effort to minimize the impact of gangs and gang members who attempt to threaten society in order to:
A. Provide a safe environment for citizens to live
B. Maintain law and order
C. Preserve the peace
D. All the above
True or False: During a criminal arrest debriefing, one reason why you gather intelligence on gang members and document the information is so the information may be used at a later time to prove gang activity in a case.
True or False: Whether or not an arrestee is associated with a gang should be considered important information to determine whether or not pursue additional charges for gang related activity.
True or False: An important reason to consider gang affiliations when dealing with a suspected gang member is to obtain as much intelligence data to combative these activties
All the following are interventions for subjects that are high risk for involvement in gangs except:
A. Acknowledge the problem
B. Pretend the problem doesn’t exist
C. Assess the problem
D. Act on the problem
Contemporary strategies for combatting gang activity and providing intervention for subjects currently active or at high risk for involvement with gangs are broken down into 3 major categories - the following statements should fall under which of these categories: “Denial is never beneficial, you cannot solve a problem once you admit it exsisits.”
A. Accessing the problem
B. Act on the problem
C. Acknowledge the problem
All the following are contemporary strategies for combatting gang activity except:
A. Creating and maintaining a safer environment that gives greater control in preventing gang activity.
B. More effective enforcement of gang bylaws
C. more effective enforcement of criminal laws
D. All agencies and individuals of public safety need to work together
In order to intervene in subjects currently active in high risk or gang involvement you should acknowledge, access, and ______ the problem.