Test 2 Flashcards
The text mentions 3 Nazarite vow conditions:
- Forbidden to cut hair or shave the beard
- No wine or strong drink should touch his lips
- Not allowed to touch or go near a dead person
_____ was a lifetime Nazarite because his parents had made this promise to God
Samson carried the city gates of Gaza _____
over 30 miles
Ruth and Boaz married and had a son named Obed. Their grandson’s name was ____ who was the father of ____
Jesse/King David
Samuel’s parents were ____ and ____
Elkanah and Hannah
Samuel’s parents traveled to the Tabernacle in Shiloah each year to worship. This time of celebration was called the Feast of ____
Unleavened Bread/Passover
Samuel was dedicated to a lifetime of service at the tabernacle at Shiloh under the mentorship of _____
Eli-high priest
The golden candlestick was also known as the ____
The ____ branch of the golden candlestick could only be relit from the altar where the burnt offerings took place
The most common plague in the Bible times was the _____ plague, which was carried by swarms of rats
God killed many of the people of Beth Shemesh for _____
looking inside the ark
The ark stayed in the house of _____ until the days of David
The _____ were also called the Sea Peoples because they came from across the Mediterranean Sea
The ingredients for the holy oil receipe were kept secret and known only to ____
a few priests
According to the textbook Goliath’s armor may have weighted _____
200 lbs
One of the reasons the Philistines were such a formidable enemy to the Israelites is that they alone knew the secret of
forging the strong metal (iron)
shewbread which was baked every ___ symbolized that God was the ____ for the nation of Israel
Friday/Bread of Life
Although Saul fell on his own sword it was actually the ____ who killed him on the slopes of Mt Gilboa
A slave’s life was usually miserable but in _____ a slave could own property and run his own business
During the period of the judges and until David’s time, the city of Jerusalem was called ____
The ____ were a mixed Canaanites people
Bathsheba became David’s ____ wife
When David learned of his son’s (Absalom) plot to take over the kingdom, he left Jerusalem by way of _____ which is significant because he looked over his shoulder and cried as he gazed down on his city. 1,000 years later Jesus probably stood near or on the same spot and wept for the sins of Jerusalem
Mount of Olives
To test Abraham’s faith, God asked him to sacrifice his only son on ____
Mount Moriah
Years later, from the same site, David bought ARaunah’s threshing floor, and Solomon built ____ on it
God’s holy temple
Today a Muslim mosque named _____ rests on the same spot
The Dome of the Rock
David wanted to build the temple but the Lord refused to let him because David was ____
a warrior
King Solomon had ____ and ___ concubines
700 wives/300 concubines
The kingdom of Israel split dividing the tribes of Judah and Benjamin from the rest of the 10 northern tribes in ___ BC
When the kingdom divided after Solomon’s death, the 10 northern tribes chose ____ to rule their tribes
The defecting two tribes to the south were named _____
When the country was struck with hard times, usually the ____ were the first to suffer the effects
____ was probably one of the worst and most evil kings of Israel
The evil king married the wicked ____ who worshipped Baal and tried to force this god on the rest of Israel
During Ahab and Elijah’s day, the good king of the southern kingdom of Judah was ____
The Syrian general with the milder form of leprosy was named ____
It takes from _____ years for leprosy to heal
1-3 years
A scribe, who is a professional ____, might inscribe a message in papyrus or in _____ with a _____ used instead of a pen
writer/clay pottery/stylus
In Bible times, the basic unit of money was called a ____
A talent was worth about ____ shekels
One talent was usually the price of a good ___
The Assyrians populated the Israelite cities with captured foreigners from other lands and called them ____
East of the Tigris River is modern day Iraq lie the ruins of _____
It was the capital of the ____ empire, which explains why Jonah may have been afraid to go there
____ was a prophet of Judah during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah
The Northern Kingdom of Israel ended as a nation in _____ when the ____ carried the people into captivity
722 BC/Assyrians
But Judah survived another ___ years until the ____ captured them in ___ BC
136 yrs/Babylonians, 586 BC
_____ was the last of Judah’s godly kings
The ancient Babylon was a rectangularly shaped city with about ____ miles of double walls
50 miles
The inner core of walls was ___ feet thick
The outer core of wall which surrounded the city was ___ feet thick
Egyptians paid a ___ of their crop to the Pharaoh
tithe (1/5th)