Test 1 Flashcards
Cherubims are usually associated with
Two cherubims of gold were placed on the ___ ____ of the ark of the covenant
mercy seat
_____ was the third son of Adam
One respected authority dates the Flood before _____
5000 BC
The descendants of Noah’s son _____ were the Ethiopians, Egyptians, Libyans and the Canaanites
Abraham’s lineage from Noah came through ____
The descendants of Noah’s son _____ were the Greeks and dwellers of southeastern Europe
In Babylon’s native language,
“Babel” means ____
The gate of God
A similar word in Hebrew means _______
to mix or confuse
The tower of Babel was probably a _____ having each story slightly smaller than the one below it in a step-like appearance
Abraham told the pharaoh that Sarah was his sister. Was there any truth to this deception?
Yes, Sarah was Abraham’s 1/2 sister on his dad’s side
Before the time of the Judges, the land of Israel was called _____
In the OT, a ______ change was usually marked by a very special occasion
At the age of ____, Sarah gave birth to Isaac. At the time, Abraham was _____ years old
91, 100
Most believe that the ancient ruins of Sodom now lie under the southern part of _________
the Dead Sea
There is no dry land anywhere in the world lower than _______
the Dead Sea
The offspring of Lot and his daughters were Ben-ammi and ______, which became the ancestors of ______ and the Ammonites
________ was the farthest city to the south, which was where Isaac was living when Jacob deceived him to get the family blessing
Sarah’s name means ______ and Isaac’s name means ______
When Isaac was born, Abraham was already _____ years old
Isaac’s older half brother was named _______
Ishmael became the ancestor of the _____ nations
The journey for Abraham and Isaac from Beersheba to Mount Moriah was about a ____ days journey
Another important mountain, which is where Noah’s ark rested was ____
Mount Aarat
Moses received the ten commandments on _______
Mount Sinai
The world ‘altar’ means to ______
Most likely, horns were placed on the alter to symbolize _______
God’s strength and power
Wells were usually dug outside a small village in order to control the ________
dust and crowds
Jacob was about _____ years old when he first married
Isaac and Rebekah waited for _____ years to have children, then at last had _____ sons named Jacob and Esau
20 years, twin
The ______ was the father’s special blessing to his oldest son which gave the son ____ over his brothers
birthright, leadership
It was also the duty of the son with the birthright to take care of his ______ and his father’s _____
family, death
One reason the father waited to hand over the family birthright until soon before he was expected to die was because the birthright could not be ______
taken back
Esau became the ancestors of the
Jacob was the ancestor of the
When Jacob left Beersheba to go to Haran, he had to travel about ____ miles
Rachel’s nurse’s name was ___
Rachel’s nurse had two sons by Jacob whose names were ____ and ____
For a dowry, Jacob offered his Uncle Laban _____
7 years of word
A cloak like the one Jacob gave Joseph was a symbol of ____ and ______
distinction and importance
Joseph’s brothers wanted to kill him, but _____ convinced them to throw Joseph into a pit
Joseph’s brothers sold him to Ishmaelite traders for ____ of silver
20 shekels
Joseph became a _____ whose job was to supervise the activities of a wealthy household
The cupbearer was also called a _____ but it was his job to serve the king his drinks
Gold was quite common in Egypt but _____ was considered more precious metal
The tribe of ____ was the ancestor to Moses and Aaron
The tribe of _____ was also the ancestor of King David and Jesus
Pharoah gave Jacob his own area of land in which to live, which was called the land of ______
Moses was born approximately ____ years after the death of Joseph
Moses was born approximately ______ BC
After Abraham’s wife Sarah died, he married a woman named ____ who became the ancestor of the _____
Moses married Zipporah who was the daughter of Jethro who was a _____ in the land of ______
Zipporah and Moses’ sons were named ______ and ______
Gershom and Eliezer
Mt Sinai is sometimes called Mount ____
The ten plagues of Egypt were (listed in order)
- Nile turned to blood
- Frogs
- Gnats
- Flies
- Cattle struck by disease
- Egyptians infected with boils
- Hail ruined Egypt’s crops
- Locust
- Darkness
- Firstborn in Egypt died
The Nile river flows _____
The Nile River begins from the lake called ____
The ___ began on the same night that God’s angel of death moved across the land of Egypt killing all Egyptian firstborn sons
In Moses’ day, the Passover lasted for _____ hours
To celebrate the Exodus, the Israelites began their year with the ____ month, which is called Abib
During the Passover feast, the Israelites were forbidden to eat any bread that contained ___
When the Israelites left Egypt, the Egyptians lost the services of about _______ men
When God sent manna, the Israelites were allowed to collect only one omer each day, which was slightly more than two ____
Summarize the 10 commandments
- No other gods
- No idols
- Never take the Lord’s name in vain
- Keep the Sabbath holy
- Honor your father & mother
- Do not murder
- Do not commit adultery
- Do not steal
- Do not tell lies
- Do not covet
By what manner and from whom did Israel obtain the gold used for the golden calf and later the tabernacle furniture?
They made it from gold jewelry and utensils that the Egyptians gave to them on the way out of Egypt/plundered
____ raw materials were used to complete the tent of worship, including animal skins for the roof, insects for colored dies, etc.
inside the tents were ___ rooms called the ____ and the ______
two, holy place and the holy of holies
The ____ separated the Holy place from The Holy of Holies
The 10 commandments were kept in the _____
Ark of the Covenant
The table of shewbread contained ____ loaves of bread at all times
Only men who were descendants of ____ born into the tribe of ____ were eligible to become priests
Jesus was from the tribe of Judah which was on the ____ side of the tabernacle
The text mentions 3 events that took place in Kadesh Barnea:
- Israel camped there for a long time/Miriam and Aaron died there
- Moses sent 12 spies to Canaan
- Moses disobeyed God in how he provided water
Promised land was also called the land of _____ and later became the nation Israel
north to south, the country is a distance of about _____ miles
It is bordered on the west by the _____
Mediterranian Sea
It is bordered on the east by the ____
Jordan River
The nations width is about ____ miles
The ____ was the Egyptians’ national symbol
The Jordan River flows south into the _____ and empties into the _____
Sea of Galilee/Dead Sea
The most treasured and sacred article in Israel ______ was made of _____ and overlaid with pure gold
Ark of the Covenant, acacia wood
The ark was about ____ feet long, _____ feet wide and ______ feet high
3.75 feet long, 2.25 feet wide, 2.25 feet high
The lid of the ark was called the ____
mercy seat
_____ time each year the high priest entered the holy of holies to sprinkle blood on the mercy seat
The city of Jericho is about ____ miles northeast of Jerusalem
When a battle had ended, those who had killed someone or even touched a ready body had to follow purification rites which lasted _____
one week
Both the men and the booty were sprinkled twice with water of ____
The textbook estimates that in today’s value, the gold and silver Achan stole would be a value between _____ in Achan’s day
The Canaanites worshipped the god ____ which was often represented by a _____ the strongest animal known to them
Baal, bull
The trumpets blown by Gideon and his men were called _____
The two most popular deities were ____ who was the god of rain and harvest and the goddess _____ who was often made to resemble the figure of a woman