Test 2 Flashcards
Belief that children become less egocentric at an earlier age than Piaget believed- children as young as 4 could understand situations situations from multiple points of view by using dolls
Why Piaget’s theory is disagreed upon
Cognitive development between 2 an 6 by Piaget. Time of language development, role playing
Preoperational intelligence
The idea that children attempt to explain everything they see and hear by constructing theories is
Early childhood is a sensitive period for language learning
By 6 avg child weighs and is how tall
40 and 50 pounds and at least 42 inches tall
Child’s insistence on routine peaks by age
Brains weighs what percent if what it will weigh in adulthood by age 6
Most people use both hemispheres of the brain for all cognitive functions
Perseveration is opposite of
Environmental hazards like pollution interfere with development of
Motor skills
Laws limiting the number of baby aspirins per container is example of
Primary prevention
Decreasing financial instability
Would be a primary prevention measure to reduce child abuse
Feelings of dislike or even hatred for another person
Feelings and actions that are deliberately hurtful or destructive to another person
Antisocial behavior
Chid rearing- high behavioral standards, strict punishment of misconduct and little communication
Authoritarian parenting
Difficulty w emotional regulation , turn emotional distress inward, feeling excessively guilty, ashamed, or worthless
Internalizing problems
Behavior that hurts someone else bc the aggressor wants to get or keep a possession or privilege
Instrumental aggression
Eriksons 3rd psychosocial crisis, in which children undertake new skills and feel guilty when they don’t succeed at them
Initiative vs. guilt