Test Flashcards
Material deprivation - diet and health
Howard: poor families have worse diets
Material deprivation - access to recourses
Douglas: middle class students have better to access to things at home
Material deprivation - financial stress
Ridge: students take on part time jobs
Cultural deprivation - parent’s attitude
Feinstein: parents own achievement effect child’s results.
Ignores parent diversity.
Mortimore argues that it’s not the parents fault
Cultural deprevation - working class cultural
Sugarman: different values and attitudes of the class. Middle class = future orientation and deferred gratification. Working class = present time orientation and immediate gratification.
Unfairly blames working class students.
Cultural deprivation- speech codes
Cultural capital - reproducing class inequality
Bourdieu: Marxist approach. Vagueness towards cultural capital. Putnam social capital
Labelling theory - ideal pupil
Becker: 60 teachers judge students based on how close they are to ideal middle class students were closer to being ideal so lower class students were no hoppers.
Super disciplined and small sample
Self fulfilling prophecy - pygmalion in the classroom
Rosenthal and Jacobson: the teacher were told kids were sputters, so teachers taught students better and they got much better at school because they believed they were better. Ethical concerns
Setting and streaming - streaming
Douglas: children placed in lower streams in school suffer academically. Streaming widens the gap
Setting and streaming - unequal access to knowledge
keddie: streaming creates unequal distribution, teachers are more likely too teacher higher sets better.
Subcultures - delinquent subcultures
Hargreaves: conformist subcultures, boys who worked hard.
Delinquent subcultures, boys who rejected school values.
Labelling and streaming creates subcultures
Subculture - polarisation and differentiation
Lacey: differentiation, teachers categorising pupils based on their behaviour and ability.
Polarisation, pupils respond to streaming by moving towards one of the two poles.
Anti school subcultures - working class kids get working class jobs
Willis: studied the ‘Lads’, interviewed and observed the boys anti school subcultures.
Rejection of school values, resisted school authorities, traditional working class masculinity, see through the smokescreen of meritocracy
Social identity - symbolic capital and symbolic violence
Archer: Nike identities, constructing self worth, peer group influence, hyper heterosexual feminine style, conflict with school.
Working class identities - grammar vs secondary
Ingram: working class boys who attended grammar school. Working class were deeply tied to local communities, boys experienced conflict between habitus