TEST Flashcards
True or false: The term expert blind spot has been used to describe the gap between what an expert knows and what students know.
According to reading expert Steve Stahl, one of the main goals of reading instruction to help children involves:
automatically recognizing words.
Identify a true statement about children’s reading skills in the second and third grades.
They lack the ability to process the content.
In the phonics approach, early reading instruction is taught using:
simplified materials.
In the whole-language approach, early reading instruction involves the use of:
whole and meaningful reading materials.
(blank) (blank) sometimes referred to as subject matter knowledge, means excellent knowledge about the content of a particular discipline.
expert knowledge
The the main goals of reading instruction that reading expert Steve Stahl proposed?
to help children become motivated to read
to help children comprehend text
Identify a prerequisite of reading that children master from birth to first grade.
identifying the alphabet
The Blank______ approach to reading instruction emphasizes the basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds.
In the context of the approaches to reading, the - _________ -_________–__________ stresses that reading instruction should parallel children’s natural language learning.
Identify an area of emphasis in the cognitive approach to reading.
Identify a metacognitive strategy that teachers can help students use to improve their reading.
overview text before reading
The reading fluency of students improves when they:
speak with appropriate expression and rhythm in oral reading.
Which of the following factors helps children to learn to read according to social constructivist approaches?
cultural emphasis on reading
What did Michael Pressley and his colleagues observe about students who scored high on writing assessments?
The students were in classrooms that overflowed with examples of effective writing.
______ is involved in reading in the sense that good readers develop control of their own reading skills and understand how reading works.
Which of the following are true about the developmental changes in children’s writing?
By age 5, children can reproduce letters and copy several short words.
Letter reversals by children in early elementary grades are not always a predictor of literacy problems.
Teachers can help students develop good metacognitive strategies for reading by getting them to:
monitor their own reading.
Students’ reading fluency often improves when they use assisted practice, which requires them to:
hear others read a passage before and after they read it.
Social constructivist approaches emphasize:
the importance of giving students opportunities for engaging in meaningful dialogue about their reading.
Identify an area of emphasis in the cognitive approach to writing instruction.
planning and revising
According to the studies by Michael Pressley and his colleagues, which of the following factors contributed the most toward students becoming good writers?
teachers spending considerable time on writing instruction
teachers being passionate about teaching students to write
Identify a true statement regarding developmental changes in early childhood that relate to writing skills.
Five-year-olds can copy several short words.
According to social constructivist approaches, writing is best understood as being:
culturally embedded.
Children from kindergarten through second grade need to learn the Blank______ system.
base-10 numeration
As problem solvers, writers need to:
establish goals and work to attain them.
Which of the following is a key theme in mathematics in grades 3 through 5?
computational fluency
Which of the following is an area that students should focus on according to the social constructivist approach to writing?
understanding differences in perspectives
In middle school, students benefit from a balanced mathematics program that helps students understand how Blank______ and _______ are connected.
algebra and geometry
Understanding basic aspects of numbers and Blank______ are critical in kindergarten through the second grade
According to the National Research council, one of the important cognitive processes in learning math is:
procedural fluency.
Which of the following concepts helps children in grades 3 through 5 learn different mathematical representations and provides an avenue for exploring algebraic ideas?
Identify a principle of the constructivist approach to teaching math.
building on students’ prior knowledge
Students in grades 6 through 8 develop far more powerful mathematical reasoning when they learn:
What is the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Curriculum and Evaluation Standards’ recommendation on calculator use in math education?
It should be used at all levels.
In the Blank______ approach to teaching mathematics, effective instruction focuses on involving children in solving a problem or developing a concept and in exploring the efficiency of alternative solutions.
Constructivist teaching in science emphasizes that children have to:b
build scientific knho
Identify a cognitive process that is important in learning math given by the National Research Council.
effective organization of knowledge
Identify a strategy of the constructivist perspective on teaching math?
making the curriculum socially interactive
The goal of social studies is to help students:
make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good.
True or false: In contrast to U.S. teachers, Japanese and Chinese teachers allow the everyday use of calculators or computers in mathematics classes.
According to the constructivist approach to science, teachers should:
serve as guides as children create scientifically valid interpretations of the world.
Which of the following courses in social studies helps students develop spatial perspectives on the world and help them make informed and competent decisions about the relationship of humans to their environment?
Themes relating to individual development and identity usually appear in courses focused on:
psychology and anthropology.
Identify a principle of the constructivist approach to teaching math.
building on students’ prior knowledge
The field of study that seeks to promote civic competence is called
Constructivist approaches to social studies stress the importance of:
thinking critically about values.
Identify the broad themes of social studies that are taught in elementary school.
time, continuity, and change
Students need to learn about the ways in which schools, churches, families, government agencies, and the courts play integral roles in people’s lives. These themes are covered in:
individuals, groups, and institutions.
Which of the following statements are true about the constructivist approaches to teaching social studies?
They emphasize the meaningfulness of the subject.
They focus on sustained examination of a few important topics rather than superficial coverage of many.
They require teachers to guide students to consider ethical dimensions of topics.
Identify a symbol manipulation program that allows students to explore algebra and calculus in multiple representations.
Which of the following programs for practice in reading has sources developed by teachers that allow older students to explore places referenced in the literature for all ages?
Google Lit Trips
_______-________ involves developing a systematic, organized strategy for lessons.
instructional planning
Identify the spans of teacher planning identified by Robert Yinger.
daily planning
term planning
yearly planning
weekly planning
unit planning
__________-________ used as a tool in teacher-centered lesson planning refers to statements about changes that teachers wish to see in students’ performance.
behavioural objectives
_______-________ is a tool of teacher-centered planning that focuses on breaking down a complex task that students need to learn into its component parts.
task analysis
_________-________ developed by Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues, has been used by many teachers in their lesson planning to create goals and objectives.
Bloom’s taxonomy
Identify a true statement about instructional planning in schools.
Supervisors check to see if teachers are following the plan.
Teachers may have to submit lesson plans several weeks in advance.
Which of the following areas should teachers attend to while planning according to Robert Yinger?
form of the plan
sources of information
criteria for the effectiveness of the plan
Which of the following areas should teachers attend to while planning according to Robert Yinger?
form of the plan
sources of information
criteria for the effectiveness of the plan
True or false: Bloom’s taxonomy classifies educational objectives into three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
Which of the following objectives of Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy does the task of listing the main advantages of using a computer for word processing exemplify?
the knowledge objective
Which of the following reflects the responding objective of the affective taxonomy?
motivation to learn and display a new behavior as a result of an experience
A student who considers reading as an important skill reflects the Blank______ objective of the affective taxonomy.
Responding involuntarily, without conscious thought, to a stimulus reflects Blank______ of Bloom’s psychomotor taxonomy.
reflex movements
A student’s ability to make use of what has been learned about using a computer for word processing to how the same could be used in various careers is indicative of the Blank______ objective of Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy.
Which of the following abilities of Bloom’s psychomotor taxonomy does a student watching how to hold an instrument in a science laboratory indicate?
perceptual abilities
Organizing all that has been learned about the use of computers for writing reflects the Blank______ objective of the cognitive taxonomy.
A structured, teacher-centered approach that focuses on academic activity and is characterized by teacher direction and control and keeping negative affect to the minimum is known as _____ _____
direct instruction
Students listening carefully to a guest lecturer is indicative of the Blank______ objective of the affective taxonomy
Which of the following objectives of the affective taxonomy is exemplified when students are committed to participate in a book club to improve their reading skills?
A student blinking when an object unexpectedly hurtles his or her way is indicative of Blank______ of Bloom’s psychomotor domain.
reflex movements