Test Flashcards
Origin: Galea aponeurotica
Insertion: skin eyebrows
Action: raises eyebrows
orbicularis oculi
Origin: frontal bone
Insertion: tissue of eyelid
Action: closes eye
Origin: occipital and temporal bone
Insertion: aponeurosis
Action: pulls scalp posteriorly
Orgin: temporal fossa
Insertion: Cornoid process of mandible
Action: closes jaw
Levator labi superioris
Orgin: Zygomatic bone
Insertion: skin of upper lip
Action: opens lips
Orgin: zygomatic bone
Insertion: skin at corner of mouth
Action: raises lateral corners of mouth upwards
Orgin: zygomatic bone
Insertion: skin at corner of mouth
Action: raises lateral corners of mouth upwards
Orgin: zygomatic bone
Insertion: angle of mandible
Action: prime mover of jaw closure
Orgin: fascia of Masseter muscle
Insertion: skin at angle of mouth
Action: draw corner of lips laterally
Orgin: mandible below incisors
Insertion: skin of chin
Action: wrinkles chin
DEPRESSOR labi inferioris
Orgin: mandible lateral to its midline
Insertion: skin of lower lip
Action: draw lower lips inferiorly
Orgin: body of mandible below incisors
Insertion: skin of mouth below insertion of zygomaticus
Action: draws corner of mouth downwards and laterally
Orgin: arises indirectly from maxilla
Insertion: encircles mouth
Action: closes lips
Orgin: molar region of maxilla
Insertion: Orbicularis oris
Action: whistling
Sternocleoidmastoid process
Origin: manubrium of sternum
Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bones
Action: flexion of neck
Levator scapulae
Origin: C1-C4 transverse process
Insertion: medial border of scapula superior to spine
Action: laterally flexes neck to the same side
Scalene middle and anterior
Origin: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
Insertion: anterolaterally ribs 1-2
Action: flex neck
Origin: spinous process c7-t6
Insertion: transverse process C2-C4
Action: as a group, extend head
Origin: occipital bone
Insertion: spinous process of scapula
Action: extend head
Origin: lower margin of mandible
Insertion: connective tissue loop to hyoid bone
Action: elevates hyoid bone
Origin: styloid process of temporal bone
Insertion: hyoid bone
Action: elevates hyoid bone
Origin: medial surface of mandible
Insertion: hyoid bone
Action: elevates hyoid bone
Origin: manubrium
Insertion: lower margin of hyoid bone
Action: depresses hyoid bone
Origin: thyroid cartilage
Insertion: hyoid bone
Action: depresses hyoid bone
Origin: superior surface of scapula
Insertion: hyoid bone
Action: depresses hyoid
Levator anguli oris
Origin: zygomatic bone
Insertion: skin of mouth
Origin: fascia of deltoid
Insertion: mandible
Action: tenses skin on neck
Origin: posterior surface of manubrium
Insertion: thyroid cartilage of larynx
Action: depresses hyoid bone
Corrugator Supercili
O: arch of frontal bone above nasal bone
I: skin of eyebrow
A: draws eyebrows medically and inferiorly
O: fascia of deltoid
I: mandible
A: tenses skin of neck
Medial pterygoid
O: sphenoid
I: near its angle
A: aids in grinding movements of teeth
Lateral pterygoid
O: greater wing of sphenoid bone
I: condylar process of mandible
A: aids in grinding movements of teeth
O: transverse process C7-T12
I: spinous process of cervical vertebrae
A: acting together
Quadratus lumborum
O: iliac crest
I: inferior border of rib 12
A: each flexes vertebral column laterally
Pectoralis major
O: clavicle
I: intertubercular sulcus of humerus
A: prime mover of arm flexion
Pectoralis minor
O: anterior surface of ribs 3-5
I: coracoid process of scapula
A: draws scapula forward
Serratus anterior
O: lateral aspect of ribs 1-8
I: vertebral border of anterior surface of scapula
A: rotates scapula
O: spine of scapula
I: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
A: prime mover of arm abduction
External intercostals
O: Inferior border of rib above
I: superior border of rib below
A: aid in inspiration
Internal intercostals
O: superior border of rib below
I: inferior border of rib above
A aid in forced expirartion