Test 1 (sections 1-5) Flashcards
What is a family?
A grouping of individuals who are affecting each other intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and psychologically
What does “intellectually” mean?
Provident a stable environment where individuals can think and learn and where mental achievement is developed and welcomed (an milieu of life long learners)
What does “emotionally” mean?
The home needs to be a place where calm and peace exist; family relationships must be free of abuse in all its forms
What is the greatest gift parents can give their children?
A relationship where mom loves dad and dad loves mom
What does “spiritually” mean?
The home should be a place where spiritual growth is prioritized and practiced: God centered worldview vs. man centered world view
According to C. McDonald what is the first line of defense against the encroaching tide of secular humanism
The Christian home
What does “physically” mean?
The home should be a place where physical fitness / wellness is valued
What does “psychologically” mean?
The home should be a safe place where the soul of each individual person can flourish (cognitive, behavioral, and emotional)
What is the best book dealing with issues of the soul?
The Bible
What is the first pillar of marriage and family?
Humanity is a divine creation
What does it mean that Humanity is a Divine Creation?
- Men and women were created by God (Genesis 1:26-27)
- Man was created distinct from the animal kingdom
What does it mean that man was created by God in His image?
That we are the imago Dei — fundamental biblical doctrine
How do we know we are distinct from the animal kingdom?
- We are made in God’s image and animals are not
- We have rational thought and animals do not
What is the theological meaning of the imago Dei?
We are congenitally, emotionally, volitionally like God, and therefor morally responsible for our actions
How are we constitutionally like God?
We have a mind, emotions,m and will so we have to be held responsible for them
How are we functionally like God?
We have the same functions to act, tend, and care for what God gives us
Was the result of the fall in Gen 3 the defacement or easement of the imago Dei?
Just the defacement; it did not take away the ability the think, emote, or do what God would have us do it just tainted our desire to do it
What is the practical meaning of the imago Dei?
It is the value of the humanity
What is the second pillar of marriage and family?
Humanity has 3 primary responsibilities
What is humanities 3 primary responsibilities stated in the 2nd pillar of marriage?
- To have dominion (Gen 1:26)
- To replenish the earth (Gen 1:28)
- To subdue the earth (Gen 1:28)
What is the third Pillar of marriage and family?
Marriage is a divine institution
What is the divine origin of marriage?
1 Corinthians 7:10
What is the divine order for marriage? (Pecking order)
1 Corinthians 11:3
List of 12 things I wish I knew Before I got Married?
- That being in love is not enough
- Romantic love has 2 stages
- That the saying “like mother like daughter” and visa versa is real
- How to solve disagreements without arguing
- Apologizing is a sign of strength
- Forgiveness is not a feeling
- Toilets are not self cleaning
- That we need a plan for handling money
- That mutual sexual fulfillment is not automatic
- That I was marrying into a family
- That spirituality is to to be equated with “going to church”
- That personality profoundly influences behavior
What is real love?
What is the purpose of dating?
To examine the intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical foundations of marriage for the purpose of determining compatibility
What are the 2 stages of romantic love?
- Delightful stage
- Deliberate stage
What is the delightful stage of romantic love?
“Being in love”; doing things for each other; feeling of euphoria (honeymoon stage)
what is the deliberate stage of romantic love?
“Being intentional”; purposeful expressions of love; i.e., the 5 love languages
What are the 5 love languages?
- Words of affirmation
- Acts of service
- Receiving gifts
- Quality time
- Physical touch
What are the 5 languages if apology?
- Expressing regret
- Accepting responsibility
- Making restitution
- Genuinely expressing the desire to change your behavior
- Requesting forgiveness
What are the 4 things forgiveness foes not do?
- Destroy our memory
- Remove all the consequences
- Rebuild trust
- Always result in reconciliation
What are the factors that influence the roles within a marriage?
- Each person had different models
- Each person has a philosophy about maleness and femaleness
- Each person has different gifts and skills
- Each person has different likes and dislikes
What are the 7 purposes of the family?
- To teach obedience to God-given authority
- To provide for life’s necessities
- To teach socialization skills
- To parent the children
- To demonstrate hospitality
- To provide security
- To display loyalty
Why is it important to be aware of how I am teaching obedience to my kids?
Because I am the example of God to them, if they think I am bad, they may think He is bad.
What are some basic necessities in life that as a parent I am to provide for?
- Food
- Clothing
- Shelter
Where is the first place a child begins to learn, and what does it include?
The home; how to communicate and to behave in society
What are the 10 social manners children should know?
- Always say please
- Always say thank you
- Always say excuse me when bumping
- Put down your electronics when someone enters the room
- Look people in the eye when speaking
- Let others finish before you speak
- Shake hands firmly
- Say yes ma’am and yes sir
- Great people warmly
- Open doors for others
Why is it important for me to teach my kinds to say please when asking?
- It teaches them they are not entitled to things
- They should know to ask for things instead of demand for them
What principle should we not forget when raising our children?
The rear and release principle?
what is the rear and release principle?
To raise our kids in nurture and admonition of the Lord, then to release them to follow the Lord’s plan for their lives
What are the verses that go with demonstrating hospitality?
Romans 12:13
1 Peter 4:7-10
What should be included in my homes security?
- A place of refuge from the world
- Give safety to all who live inside its walls
- Foster an atmosphere where genuine relationships can flourish and grow holistically
What does it mean for a home to provide a space for someone to grown holistically?
They can grow mentally, physically, and spiritually
What types of loyalty should be seen in the family?
- The husband and wife should be faithful to one another
- Children are loving and respect their parents (and visa versa)
- The family unit is loyal to God, following His will and ways
What is the definition of marriage?
Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime
What is a biblical marriage?
- It is ordained by God
- It is exclusive (one man, one woman)
- It is a covenant commitment
- It is permanent
- It is the foundational institution of human society
- It is precious and pure
What is the Divine Pattern for Marriage?
To leave, to cleave, and to be one flesh
What is the principle of leaving?
“Leave” literally means to forsake, meaning we should have a new home distinct from our parents. This denotes the PRIORITY of the marriage relationship to be self dependent
What is the principle of cleaving?
“Cleave” literally means to cling to to stick to; implying the act of the will, choosing to be joined to another for a lifetime. This denotes the PERMANENCE of the married relationship
What is the principle of becoming one flesh?
It is the result of the couple leaving and cleaving. It picture s the sexual union as well as the monogamous nature of the marriage. This principle implies a oneness wherein two people willingly blend their lives thereby completing the other. This denotes the PURPOSE of the marriage relationship
What is the military definition for submission?
To come under the command of a military leader
What was the non military definition of submission?
A voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperation, assuming responsibility, and carrying a burden
Submission is both ______________ and ___________: so each Christian is to be subordinate to every other Christian
Mutual and reciprocal
Why is submission both mutual and reciprocal to believers?
Because the “fear of the Lord” denotes that when believers are in reverence of God and obey His word they do not need to fear being in mutual submission
What is the wife’s responsibility of submission?
- She is to submit to her husband within the marital convenient revealing her ultimate submission to God
- The wife only submits when her husband as she can submit to the Lord (if the husband goes against God she goes with God)
What is the husband’s responsibility of submission?
According to Ephesians 5:25 He is to love his wife as Christ loved the Church
What does submission denote? q
A genuine respect
What does submission imply?
Both attitude and action
Genesis 1:26-27
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 3:16
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, ad he shall rule over thee.