Test #1 Part 1 Flashcards
How to establish the proper learning climate?
- Atmosphere of support & encouragement
- Climate fostering trust & respect
- Encouragement
- Clear Expecations
What does VAK stand for?
Visual, Auditory, kinesthetic
What are the important assumptions regarding learners?
- The need to know
- The learner’s self-concept
- The role of experience
- Readiness to learn
- Orientation to learning
- Motivation
What are the five levels of listening?
1: Ignoring
2: Pretend Listening
3: Selective Listening
4: Attentive Listening
5: Empathetic Listening
Discuss essential elements of Personal Trainer Communication Skills?
- Use new information
- Use jargon
- Listen for verbal cues
- Listen to hear
- Pay attention to nonverbal messages
What are the stages of behavior change?
Precontemplation (I can't, I won't) Contemplation (I might) Preparation (I will) Action (I am) Maintenance (I still am)
What are the characteristics of someone in the Precontemplation phase?
I can’t, I won’t
I won’ts - disinterested in change. Have no interest in change.
I can’ts- dispirited and cannot imagine being able to change. Believe they are uncapable of changing.
What are the characteristics of someone in the Contemplation phase?
I might
Thinking about changing an unhealthy behavior and are considering taking action in next 6 months.
- aware a behavior change would benefit them.
What are the characteristics of someone in the Preparation phase?
I Will
Decide to take action (within the next month)
Characteristic behavior “experimenting” with the change.
What are the characteristics of someone in the Action phase?
I am
Committed to a new behavior. He/she doing it consistently .
Very concentrated
This stage lasts for 6 months
What are the characteristics of someone in the Maintenance phase?
I still am!
Reach this stage after doing a behavior for six months.
New behavior is established.
What is B of B 1-2?
It’s not what they think of you but rather what they think you feel about them.
What is B of B 1 - 4?
“Live life deliberately” because when you do you are right!
What is B of B 1-5?
“always have a why, because that is what drives the how of the what”
What is B of B 1-6?
Service is a choice not a convenience
Define valgus:
The distal end of the distal segment is away from the midline