Test 1 Jeopardy Questions Flashcards
This strategy for increasing rigor involves two or more researchers who observe and record field notes independently
Multiple gatherers
What is the qualitative form of internal validity
What is the qualitative form of external validity
What is the qualitative form of reliability
Dependability or consistency
What is the qualitative form of objectivity
Confirmability or neutrality
Determining ___ is the reader’s job more than the researcher’s job, since the purpose of qualitative research is to describe a phenomenon is its unique context
_____ involves discussing the research process and findings with impartial colleagues who have experience with qualitative methods.
Peer debriefing
____ is facilitated when a researches represents multiple perspectives of participants to establish the truth of the findings
Similar findings when the inquiry is replicated with the same participants or in a similar context suggests that the research has this characteristic
Two or more researches who Itly develop codes and themes from the data, discuss disagreements, and work together to synthesize the data are called this
Multiple analyzers
Prolonged contact, lengthy periods of observation, freedom from bias in the procedures and results, and accurate descriptions of findings are all aspects of this:
Confirmability or neutrality
This occurs when qualitative data is collected by various means so that the data can be cross-checked for consistency
Triangulation of data methods
This occurs when a variety of participants are interviewed to maximize the range of data and obtain a complete understanding of the phenomenon
Triangulation of data sources
The meaning or relevance when findings are applied to other individuals, contexts, or situations; the theoretical or practical utility of the research; and the contribution the research makes to the literature are all aspects of this
Applicability or transferability
This occurs to ensure that different perspectives are considered when interpreting qualitative data
Theoretical triangulation
This occurs when participants are asked to react to what has been described by the researcher in order to decrease the chance of misrepresentation of the data
Member checking
This is the systematic process of self-examination to assess the researcher’s biases, feelings, and assumptions related to his or her own background, characteristics, perceptions, and interests
Providing dense descriptions of methods to allow assessments of repeatability or uniqueness
Audit trail
Leaving a path of thinking and action processes so that others could clearly follow the logic
Audit trail
Member checking, prolonged engagement, data triangulation, and collecting data until saturation are all methods to enhance _____
Audit trails and reflexivity are methods for enhancing ____
Audit trails and researcher triangulation are methods for enhancing ____
Thick descriptions of the setting and/or participants can enhance this:
What are the four aspects of trustworthiness in qualitative research?
Credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability