Test 1: Gilded Age Flashcards
Reasons for Civil War
- State and Federal Power
- Wage v. Slave Labor
Andrew Johnson
during reconstruction. southern democrat. drunk
Amendments after Civil War
13th abolish slavery
14th civil rights
15th voting rights
Reconstruction myths
- That we had an incomplete revolution
- That North abandoned free slaves
- That reconstruction was worst for southern whites
Plessie V. Ferguson
- Separate but equal
De Facto
By Fact
De Jure
By Law
Brown v. Board of Education
- Repeals segregation
Why did the South Stay Behind the North?
tariffs, labor problems, racist society is expensive (2 of everything), they lost monopoly on cotton
End of reconstruction “New South” Who was president? What happened?
Rutherford B. Hayes, Troops Left South, Violence through the roof, Black abandoned
What made freedom worse than slavery?
Vagrancy codes, blacks no longer “investments,” lynching.
New South Policies– Retrenchment policies
schools cute, school year cut, directed at impoverished population, cut hospitals orphanages, less government is better government
Manifest Destiny
Came with onset of Mexican American War. Divine providence to spread to west, obligation. Extending the blessing of christianity and democracy
Taking of the West time period/ length of time
Only 20 years about 1870-1890
Who was the first president to forcibly remove Native Americans?
Andrew Jackson
What happened during the trail of tears?
Native Americans from several tribes moved to Oklahoma
Who was Colonel Chivington?
He went after sandcreek indians. (1864). The sandcreek Natives were promised safety truce flag and american flag flying. Body parts taken as trophies, traveling exhibits
What/ when was the Dawes Act?
- Assimilation. Native Americans would be granted land after 25 years if they assimilate (cut hair, speak english, etc.) Didn’t receive lands (went to railroads)
What was the deal with the 2000 Census?
Pine Ridge, South Dakota
- 68% poverty
- Sioux Indians occupy
- 15 miles unpaved
- No bus/theater/restaurant/no mail home delivery/drugstory
- No one has a car
- Only shops are fortressed
- Poverty kills here 29/1000 die at infancy.
- Homicide (3x), suicide (4x), alcoholism (10x), the national average
- Extended family with 16 people in room at one time
How come very little was done in response to native american concerns, the labor issues, and immigration issues?
There needs to be political will for things to be done about it.
What happened to Native Americans in Texas?
Texas Attorney General shuts down and padlocks a reservation to keep tribe from having a small casino to raise money for a school to be built.
Where was the land of milk and honey?
- Railroad promoters sent picture
- Came up with morality painting. Show people that wild west could have morality/ well behaved women. Try to keep people from being turned off by “wild.”
What do we know about homesteaders?
- Sod houses (cabins)
- Made mostly of out hard dirt
- Very cold or warm and dry
- No timber, had to burn buffalo chips and random things to keep warm.
What/when was the Homestead Act?
(1862 Middle of Civil War)
- You can be granted 160 acres of land if you cultivate for 5 years.
- Or you can buy it for 1.25 an acre
- Railroads buy most of the homestead land.
- -Use loopholes and government support.
What was the Timber Culture Act?
Get an additional 160 acres if you plant trees on 1/4 of it
What did we say about missouri?
Missouri was a swing state (civil war)
- Wanted to split it in half
- Saw themselves as the door to the west
Missouri- Controversial paintings
- women are in the upper corner (isolated), politics are for men.
- Foreground of paiting—African american woman pushing a cart towards despondant man working on the ground.
What did the U.S look like before civil war?
- 17 cities with 100,000 people
- 1 city with 1 million people (NYC)
- 20,000 government employees
- 8 people in state department
- $700/yr salary average
- even back then it was hardly anything
- 2% of 18 year olds finished high school
- U.S. was underdeveloped
- 4 millionaires.
What did the U.S look like during the gilded age (1875-1900ish)
- 4,000 millionaires
- 1900: #1 steel producer, refiner of oil
- sprawling citites
- rural America vanishing
- Native Americans on reservations
- telegraphs, telephones, and railroads revolutionary.
What allowed the U.S to industrialize so quickly?
- Transportation—railroads, rivers
- timber
- fossil fuels
- plenty of people—abundant labor
- make sure wages are low so people wont organize
Who were some of the major men of wealth we talked about in class?
Jay Gould, J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Cornelius Vanderbilt
Jay Gould:
“I have enough money to hire one half of the working class to kill the other”
- people knew he was terrible.
- line between political power/economic power blurred
J.P. Morgan:
- Banker
- Streamlined industry
- Brought efficiency
Cornelius Vanderbilt:
- Bought out of civil war service
- Taking people to west faster than wagons
- around U.S. by boat
- brutal work policies
- Standardized railroad tracks to last longer
Andrew Carnegie:
- tight-fistedness
- Bought into notion you could work hard enough to get out of poverty
- Rockefeller center/foundation
- opened/funded libraries
Did the wealthy give their money out? if so, where?
The wealthy gave money to universities and library. Would not raise wages of employees.
Where did many immigrants in the North come from?
South and Eastern Europe. Italy, poland, ireland, etc.
How does a company grow vertically?
Vertical: take product from ground up.
Ex: swift meat company
-cattle, slaughterhouse, canning, railroard, etc.
-may promote competition
How does a country grow horizontally?
Horizontal: could own all the slaughterhouses→control prices
Ex: EC Knight Sugar Company
-bought up all mom and pop stores.
-1880s, 95% of sugar ownership
Ex: Rockefeller (penny pincher john)
-Made money horizontally. Started company
-Buys out competitors, doesn’t change names.
-Starts going vertically—ships, refineries, etc.
What were some of the Abuses of the Railroads
long hual short haul, rates were unpublished, “stock watering”
Modernization/industrialization was often viewed as positive. What can we say negatively about it?
Dark underbelly has to do with unregulated, brutal conditions, poverty, etc. Life of a mill owner (40+) longer than mill worker (textile mills). 100+ American workers killed in reported industrial accidents.
How did Americans justify disparity between wealthy and lowly immigrants?
pluck (daring) and luck stories, social darwinism (survival of fittest), Rockefeller (god gave me my money)
What did we learn about the immigrant processing area?
Ellis Island New York. It looked like a cattle round up. Letters/numbers pinned on bacl. Quick medical exam to see if you could work. 10-20,000 daily.
Why would immigrants get deported?
-F on back: feeble minded
supposed to be a mental defect, but becomes catch-all phrase
-L on back: lame arm/foot.
They are unable to work.
-H on back: heart disease
Use stethoscope, heart beats too fast→heart disease
What did some americans claim regarding immigrants?
They’re changing our culture, bringing alcoholism/poverty, immigrant parents dont care/ abandon children
What were the living conditions for immigrants?
no fire code, 10-14 people per room, 1 restroom in building, often going from rural to urban work
Who was Jacob Riis?
He was an activist photographer. Believed photography “more powerful than words.” Wrote a book, How the other Half Lives
What is our potential exam bonus?
During the late 1880s to 1890s a lot of people immigrated who were jewish. Many took jobs as bank and clothiers. Christians thought lending money was dirty. Often “rag trading” was popular and it predecessed todays fashion scene.
Why weren’t unions popular?
they’re though of as alien/foreign, suggesting its socialist.
Who were the knights of labor?
A union with lovely long term goals. Found little progress. Only excluded chinese.
What is the AFL?
Labor unions organized by skill. Common interest, more effective. Short term goals. They were too exclusive.
Why were the farmers angry?
Tariffs, grain elevators (owned by railroad people), rates
What were some of the consequences of immigration? (think anglos)
heated and obvious feelings of nativism, xenophobia (fear/ hatred of foreigners)
What do we know about chinese?
They largely built the transcontinental railroad, often took smaller wages, women forced into prostitution (finding jobs was hard), feelings of resentment from Anglos, “yellow peril,” they do well for themselves on the west coast
What was the Quota Act (National Origins Act)
Immigration limited except from france and england
What is jingoism?
excessive nativism. Notion that my country is better than your country (extreme).
What is the interstate commerce act?
1887- Railroads must post “reasonable and just” rates, prohibits secret rebates and price fixing (SECRET), prohibits long haul/short haul on same line.
What was the impact of the interstate commerce act?
Very little because of the vague language used. A plethora of itty bitty rail lines opened up. Fine was only 5,000. 15/16 cases in favor of railroads
What was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
An act in response to public outcry over monopolies and trusts. Designed to curb abuses by monopolies. “conspiracy in restraint of trade” is illegal
What was the impact of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
This didn’t break up trusts. First 12 times used to break up unions. (Eugene Debs)
What was the Great Railway Strike?
In 1877. Largest strike of that time. Many walked off the job. Federal troops came in to squash the strike
What happened at haymarket square?
Protest rally in Chicago. Police called to break up the rally. Someone threw a bomb that killed a policeman and wounded many others. (Thoughts it was an anarchist).
What was the Homestead Strike?
Detectives were hired to be among workers and a confrontation ensues. Many walked off their job. A russian anarchist immigrant tries to shoot then stab Frick. The result? Gave unions a bad name
What was the Pulman Strike?
After the depression, wage cuts were justified. Pullman had a great little community and kept all income. Nationwide strike of the pulman passengar car
Who was Eugene Debs?
Organized a national strike of the pulman passenger car. Arrested because the strike halted U.S. mail. Mail cars attached to pulmann passenger cars to frame Debs and get federal intervention.
What was the federal question?
The president may, if he deems it necessary, intervene in cases of federal law or federal property
Who were the presidents of the gilded age?
-Order of presidents:
Andrew Johnson→ Ulysses S. Grant (2)→ Rutherford B Hayes→ James Garfield→ Chester Arthur→ Grover Cleveland→ Benjamin Harrison→ Grover Cleveland→ William McKinley
What was the spoils system? Which president did it affect?
: if people did something nice or paid money they’d get the job. (James Garfield- assassinated)
Why were politics pretty stagnant during this period?
Very close presidential campaigns. Often people won by electoral college and not popular vote
When did they farmers create a party? what was it called?
The populous party (peoples party)
What was the peoples party platform?
Direct election of senators, graduated income tax, end to private banks, federal regulation of communication, and silver backed money (1896)
What were the 5 political parties in 1896. Who ran for president?
Republican (Mckinley, gold.) 1/2 democrats (Cleveland, gold.) 1/2 democrats (William Jennings Bryan, silver.) Centralist (Debs, socialist, silver) Peoples party (silver, WJ Bryan)
What were the metaphors in the Wizard of Oz?
In the beginning (farmers), wicked witch of the east (big business), tin man who needs heart (worker), scarecrow who needs a brain (farmer), cowardly lion (WJ Bryan), Wicked witch of the West (dissolves in water).
Who was Jacob Coxy?
Coxy created “Coxys Army” 5/1/1894. March to the white house. Once arrived, arrested for stepping on lawn.
What are the reasons for imperialism?
resources, ports, making them more civilized
What sparked the start of the Spanish-American War?
“Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!” Sinking of USS Maine. Yellow journalism