Test 1 - General Overview Flashcards
What is a patrimonial state?
A system of governance in which the ruler treats the state as personal property
What was the group that Lenin led?
The Bolsheviks
What was the Bolshevik slogan?
Land, peace, and bread
What is democratic centralism?
A system of political organization developed by Lenin that includes a hierarchical party structure
What is a vanguard party?
A political party that claims to know the interests of the people that it is representing better than the people themselves
What are the principles of war communism?
1) State control of economic sectors
2) Forceful taking of grain from peasants
What was the security arm of the Bolshevik regime?
The Cheka
What was collectivization?
An process where the state takes land from private owners and re-organizes it into state farms
How was the economy under Stalin organized?
Through a system of centralized economic planning, where production targets were set for every different industry
What is a downside to a nationalist economy?
The isolation from foreign markets prevents technological advance
What did Khrushchev do?
He attempted to de-Stalinize the country
What did Brezhnev do?
He reversed some of Khrushchev’s de-Stalinization efforts
What were the four concepts of Gorbachev?
1) Perestroika (economic restructuring)
2) Glasnost (openness)
3) Demokratizatsiia (limited democratization)
4) New thinking in foreign policy
What is soft authoritarianism?
It is a form of authoritarianism where systems ensure the dominance of a ruling party
What are the houses of the Russian legislation called?
The State Duma (lower house) and the Federation Council (upper house)
What is a hegemonic power?
A state that can determine the state of international order
What is collectivism?
A consensus in politics by most of the population
What is a welfare state?
A state with a set of public policies designed to provide for citizens’ needs through provision of pensions, health care, etc.