Test 1: Drugs Acting on the Heart Flashcards
________ is the strongest ß1- agonist
used as a cardiac stimulant
Why is epinephrine, a ß1-agonist, the cardiac stimulant of choice
as compared to isoproterenol and NE?
Better than isoproterenol because: Iso can cause hypotension
Better than NE because: NE can cause hypertension
Epinephrine causes less of an increase in blood pressure because it also acts on ß2 as an antagonist
which avoids reflex bradycardia
What is the drug of choice for a complete AV block?
How about for an incomplete AV block?
DOC for complete AV block= Epinephrine
DOC for incomplete AV block= Atropine
Which route of administration of epinephrine
increases absorption by vasodilation?
Which route decreases absorption?
- Increases absorption* = IM
- Decreases absorption* = SC
What ß1-agonist cardiac stimulant is used in
cardiogenic shock when there is a lack of
renal perfusion?
This is a cardiac stimulant that can also be used as a
bronchodilator and in CHF emergency via
phosphodiesterase inhibition
Glucagon and Calcium Salts are
cardiac ________
In heart failure, you have a ________ in
cardiac contractility, output and blood pressure
and _________
sympathetic tone, RAAS, ADH, and myocardial
In heart failure, you have a decrease in
cardiac contractility, output and blood pressure
and increased
sympathetic tone, RAAS, ADH, and myocardial
Restriction of salt and exercise are examples of
non-drug therapies used to treat
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
In the treatment of CHF,
positive ionotropic drugs
_______ contractility
What is the most commonly used positive
ionotropic drug used to treat CHF?
How does Digoxin work as a positive ionotrope to treat CHF?
Inhibition of ________ increases sodium available for exchange with calcium.
The result is an increase in intracellular ______
which results in a positive ionotropic effect
Inhibition of Na/K ATPase increases
sodium ⇔ calcium
The result is an increase in intracellular Na+
What are some adverse effects associated with
digitalis treatment of CHF?
GI irritation and vomiting
Diuretic effects